pincrusher said:politicians will always agree with the side that benefits their cause and in this case it would be the stupid professor.
unfortuantely they use this kind of info when having their meetings to determine the fate of all of us average joes out there. i have yet to figure out how steroids in sports is such a big deal as to be included in the presidents state of the union speach but im sure it will be in the next one also in a week. dont we have more important things for our newsreporters to do like question why the government is trying to prevent pictures of the coffins coming back from iraq from being shown in the papers or on tv. the more they are shown the more the reality will set in that we are in a war that has absolutely no benefit to us and is only getting more and more military members killed for nothing.
so far the guard and reserve recuiting is down over 30% i guess you could say that this shows the peoples approval of the war.
Don't hijack my thread bro on your political just kidding. Actually that hits home with me because my wife is active army and leaves on Feb 14 for Mosul. What's funny is that the Weapons search ended with nothing to prove after 2 years. But that's another thread...hmmmm