I have gained 10 lbs in the last two weeks! The 300mgs of test and the eating is all that can acount for this. The training is spot on and intens. I don't think the 10lbs landed as shit weight. I'm getting stronger also. Notice in the pic that I have some strange bumps to the left and right of my navel. They fucked me up in theses areas. That just isn't right. It feels strange to the touch also. But over all I think I'm still just filling in areas that were previously deflated. My traps, delts, tris, bis and quads are all bigger and stronger. I'm truly happy with everything at this moment.
I'm going to pin another 150 of prop and 150 of cyp because I think it had so much ass behind it. I dont know if you remember but my natty test levels were 1300..... I'm guessing these test amounts are moving my numbers up about 400 points. So a test level of 1700(bro guessing) could explain why things started happening. The test number being 300mgs is hard to figure WHY this seams to have such a kick but it does. Maybe the small amount of test is what it took to tip me over into a anabolic condition combined with my natty numbers? Maybe there is something too these small doses? I'm REALLY not a believer in them but this is hard to deny. If ANYONE had told me I would come back this far in six weeks I would have literally thought of them as being miss informed as to what the human body is capable of. Well, here I am eating some humble pie and LOVING IT!
Thank you Monte!
I have gained 10 lbs in the last two weeks! The 300mgs of test and the eating is all that can acount for this. The training is spot on and intens. I don't think the 10lbs landed as shit weight. I'm getting stronger also. Notice in the pic that I have some strange bumps to the left and right of my navel. They fucked me up in theses areas. That just isn't right. It feels strange to the touch also. But over all I think I'm still just filling in areas that were previously deflated. My traps, delts, tris, bis and quads are all bigger and stronger. I'm truly happy with everything at this moment.
I'm going to pin another 150 of prop and 150 of cyp because I think it had so much ass behind it. I dont know if you remember but my natty test levels were 1300..... I'm guessing these test amounts are moving my numbers up about 400 points. So a test level of 1700(bro guessing) could explain why things started happening. The test number being 300mgs is hard to figure WHY this seams to have such a kick but it does. Maybe the small amount of test is what it took to tip me over into a anabolic condition combined with my natty numbers? Maybe there is something too these small doses? I'm REALLY not a believer in them but this is hard to deny. If ANYONE had told me I would come back this far in six weeks I would have literally thought of them as being miss informed as to what the human body is capable of. Well, here I am eating some humble pie and LOVING IT!
Thank you Monte!
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