How to cure Gyno (Bitch Tits)


Oct 25, 2004
Also I remember that super doses of Nolva + letro will help

I ran something like 60mg Nolva and 2.5mg letro a day and it did change things tremendously


New member
Mar 4, 2013
Letro is pirty good for your situation. If it's really bad and you have exhausted all your remedies then surgery may be your way to go. There are so many protocols out there for using letro, nolva, proviron, etc. you may have to experiment to find the one that works for you. Same as anything else. What works for one person isn't that great for another and I think it has a lot to do with your whole system ie hormonal etc. We aren't all made the same internally.


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Elvia mentioned what a shitty cycle you outlined . He is correct.
I did a dbol only cycle years ago. Awesome gains . Came to the end of tabs and no pct.Funniest shit ever. I could practically hear the whistle of my strength plummeting! Ha ha ha . Ok couple things to remember. 1. nolvadex has some
estrogenic activity itself. Letro is the hammer as far as stubborn gyno.
As far as arimidex or aromasin I tend to like aromasin.
Did you piss somebody off then ask them for cycle advice? :confused
I would think you are fairly prone to gyno. Many guys would have no problem with 30 mg. good news is your dbol was good. If it were me and your age I would get my endocrine system back as close to normal (for you)as possible.
Get those natty gains going again. Drop some bf and see really how bad the titties are. When you have slosh in the lower pec area it's hard to tell severity.
Elvia mentioned dropping fat that is why. Many times a guy will get lean and find much less gyno then initially thought. I would like to have seen the look on your face with that first "crashed " training session. Can be pretty dishearting after feeling all badass with the big temporary gains. As mentioned Letro is the big dog in these situations . I would personelly use very small amounts of
hcg /hmg with aromasin for estro controll . Also aromasin does raise t levels.
A slow taper to some nolv or my preference clomid and hopefully you will be gtg.Get back to natty and work training and food for gains. That cycle is what I call a beginners novelty cycle. LIke wow holy shit I'm big -I;m strong then holy shit I'm weak I'm soft and little. Know what the ride is before you get on in the future.... Good luck , T...


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Elvia mentioned what a shitty cycle you outlined . He is correct.
I did a dbol only cycle years ago. Awesome gains . Came to the end of tabs and no pct.Funniest shit ever. I could practically hear the whistle of my strength plummeting! Ha ha ha . Ok couple things to remember. 1. nolvadex has some
estrogenic activity itself. Letro is the hammer as far as stubborn gyno.
As far as arimidex or aromasin I tend to like aromasin.
Did you piss somebody off then ask them for cycle advice? :confused
I would think you are fairly prone to gyno. Many guys would have no problem with 30 mg. good news is your dbol was good. If it were me and your age I would get my endocrine system back as close to normal (for you)as possible.
Get those natty gains going again. Drop some bf and see really how bad the titties are. When you have slosh in the lower pec area it's hard to tell severity.
Elvia mentioned dropping fat that is why. Many times a guy will get lean and find much less gyno then initially thought. I would like to have seen the look on your face with that first "crashed " training session. Can be pretty dishearting after feeling all badass with the big temporary gains. As mentioned Letro is the big dog in these situations . I would personelly use very small amounts of
hcg /hmg with aromasin for estro controll . Also aromasin does raise t levels.
A slow taper to some nolv or my preference clomid and hopefully you will be gtg.Get back to natty and work training and food for gains. That cycle is what I call a beginners novelty cycle. LIke wow holy shit I'm big -I;m strong then holy shit I'm weak I'm soft and little. Know what the ride is before you get on in the future.... Good luck , T...

Turbo those posts are from 2008 :D Some idiot bumped this thread. I always cringe when I look back at what I posted when I was fairly new to everything... although not too bad this time :eek:


Feb 7, 2013
Turbo those posts are from 2008 :D Some idiot bumped this thread. I always cringe when I look back at what I posted when I was fairly new to everything... although not too bad this time :eek:

Haha... I look at my post from 2001 and I laugh at my newb post!!!


New member
Mar 8, 2014
How to cure gyno

I have a question, I was on alpha one max by black stone labs which i know is not a real type of steroid or so i think its not. I did a cycle of it and a pct with it. Then a month later I went to a test shot clinic and was on a 4 month treatment without a pct. I just up and quit everything. Ive always been to scared to do try real steroids cuz of the side effects. But I think i have one.And now I have a LUMP under my left nipple about 2 cenimeters big and im wanting to know will nolvadex will cure it and if so how much should I take.


Registered User
Apr 28, 2013
I have a question, I was on alpha one max by black stone labs which i know is not a real type of steroid or so i think its not. I did a cycle of it and a pct with it. Then a month later I went to a test shot clinic and was on a 4 month treatment without a pct. I just up and quit everything. Ive always been to scared to do try real steroids cuz of the side effects. But I think i have one.And now I have a LUMP under my left nipple about 2 cenimeters big and im wanting to know will nolvadex will cure it and if so how much should I take.

I have found pro-hormones to be the worst with all the sides, including gyno. They are shit. Stay away from them. If you want to start out with something good, go with 500 mg of test cyp or enan. I bet you'll find that you get better gains and no gyno.


New member
Mar 8, 2014
yeah i know!! fucking side effects! im just trying to find something to get rid of this damn lump and start fresh with something and do it right.


Feb 7, 2013
yeah i know!! fucking side effects! im just trying to find something to get rid of this damn lump and start fresh with something and do it right.

There are all the answers you want in this thread... Plus so many other threads answer your question directly. Do a quick search and you'll find your answers