how much deca? (first cycle)


Mar 5, 2006
hGH has to be refridgerated after being reconstituted...before that room temp is fine.

As for the Deca post. Yeah man, take a some test with it. There are a ton of better things to take than Deca and Primo.


New member
Mar 8, 2006
eddy said:
Need some advice on how much to inject for my first cycle:

I'm gonna do a 12 week deca/primo cycle: I have enough primo for 100mg every 3rd day for 12 weeks, and enough deca for 500mg a week, also for 12 weeks. Now I'm wondering if I should do only 250mg of deca each week, this beeing my first cycle? What do you experienced guys recomend? Really don't want bitchtits or anything like that!

I'm 187lbs (85kg), and a little over 6 feet tall (185cm), and reasonably fit.

Would really appreciate some advice on this one!

Thanks for all the advice - appreciate it! I'll do 500mg of deca a week then. The reason I asked is that some people say you need a lot less for your first cycle. But that's just people being too carefull, I guess??

I realise I really could have needed some test in my cycle, but right now I just can't afford it, and I just wanna get started right away! But why is having so little test in your system such a problem (except getting a limp dick :frown: Can it give you any short- or long-term side effects? And, will it be harder to get a good workout at the gym? I'll take nolva, hopefully that will help?


Registered User
Mar 3, 2006
Eddy, Its up to you but a mojority of the prople here advise against deca cycle w/o test..deca is not test but will shut down your test..so you are shutting down your test, and not replacing it with anything..taking no test iis bad no matter how much deca u take..get it??? if you are anxious to get started use the damn primos for a couple weeks till you get test..using the sponsors on this board or Prof Muscle you can have it in a week. so use primo till you get some test..use test at 200 mgs pw..thats not enuff to give you any sides, and then slam the 400-500mgs deca if ya want on top of that..but listen to the advise you have here and dont rush it..or how bout this if yer that anxious..start the deca and primo..order the test today, by the time yer body shuts down test production you'll have it in yer hands and be able to use it..


Registered User
Mar 3, 2005
Deep South
Cryptasm said:
Eddy, Its up to you but a mojority of the prople here advise against deca cycle w/o test..deca is not test but will shut down your test..so you are shutting down your test, and not replacing it with anything..taking no test iis bad no matter how much deca u take..get it??? if you are anxious to get started use the damn primos for a couple weeks till you get test..using the sponsors on this board or Prof Muscle you can have it in a week. so use primo till you get some test..use test at 200 mgs pw..thats not enuff to give you any sides, and then slam the 400-500mgs deca if ya want on top of that..but listen to the advise you have here and dont rush it..or how bout this if yer that anxious..start the deca and primo..order the test today, by the time yer body shuts down test production you'll have it in yer hands and be able to use it..
eddy in my opinion, i think you would be a whole lot happier with your end results if you would wait and get a sust or test e or test cyp. run one of those at 600mgs per week your deca and primo at 400 per week and you will be satisfied at the end of your cycle if you put the gym time in. at those doses it is very unlikely that you will see any unwanted side effects ( other that hair on your palms, chronic cough, full blown aids J/k) at all. i think you will see most people agree with this. slow down bro, i know you are excited but get everything together and do it right if you are going to do it!!! good luck!!!


Registered User
Jul 15, 2004
at the Gym or pool
eddy said:
Thanks for all the advice - appreciate it! I'll do 500mg of deca a week then. The reason I asked is that some people say you need a lot less for your first cycle. But that's just people being too carefull, I guess??

I realise I really could have needed some test in my cycle, but right now I just can't afford it, and I just wanna get started right away! But why is having so little test in your system such a problem (except getting a limp dick :frown: Can it give you any short- or long-term side effects? And, will it be harder to get a good workout at the gym? I'll take nolva, hopefully that will help?

The effects of having no testosterone in your body are to long to list, read the sticky about beginners facts before you start your next cycle and you will understand the importance. Patience man, don't rush into something and then find you have stuffed your body.....BB is not an over night sport it takes time, dedication and knowledge.

Quote : Dream / Achieve / Suceed - i saw this on a personal fitness instructors car, and i will have to agree....


Registered User
Jul 15, 2004
at the Gym or pool
Big A said:
Yes, it says that on it, but it has to be kept below 28'C, easiest way to do that is to refrigerate it.
Andriol, as soon as it is in temperature over 28'C, it will denature. You don't know how it was handled before it got to you.

Hey Big A,

i have the information about Andriol Testocaps (Testosterone Undecanoate).
I was wrong in saying it can be stored at 28 deg C, in fact the label reads store below 30 degs C and do not refrigerate.

the manufacture is N.V Organon, from the Netherlands and distrubited by Organon Australia.

I hope this clears thing up:smoker:


New member
Mar 9, 2006
really i think healthfreakhas the best advice. What are you trying to do? You definately are not fat, so im guessing your wanting to bulk up. Your not going to see the results your wanting. plus your probably going to have decca dick the whole time. I would get some test, and take more than the decca. My first cycle looked exactly like the one below except only had 200mg decca. gained 27 lbs kept 20.

healthfreak said:
why dont you just do a bread and butter cycle. Its your first cycle bro just keep it simple.
test E weeks 1-12 500mg
deca weeks 1-10 400mg
weeks 1-4 d-bol 40mg
nolva throughout if your afraid of gyno

and for pct weeks 14-17 use clomid and nolva

Big A

IFBB Pro / NPC Judge / Admin
Sep 10, 2005
menzies2901 said:
Hey Big A,

i have the information about Andriol Testocaps (Testosterone Undecanoate).
I was wrong in saying it can be stored at 28 deg C, in fact the label reads store below 30 degs C and do not refrigerate.

the manufacture is N.V Organon, from the Netherlands and distrubited by Organon Australia.

I hope this clears thing up:smoker:

Yes, I know it says that. But keep it more than 2 weeks out of the fridge, it will do jack.

I own a pharmacy in Australia and I tell you that if any Andriol arrives warm, we send it back as it's useless.

max lift

Registered User
Feb 24, 2005
chiming in a little late on this one ,

I get the feeling that this is this guys first cycle being the traditionalist that I am I recommend a test only cycle save the stacking of compounds for another time IMO you will gain as much off of a test only cycle if you adhere to a proper training diet routine for the first one as you would stacking and save some cash or gear if you have it already for another day,

whatever you plan on doing good luck.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
why dont you just do a bread and butter cycle. Its your first cycle bro just keep it simple.
test E weeks 1-12 500mg
deca weeks 1-10 400mg
weeks 1-4 d-bol 40mg
nolva throughout if your afraid of gyno

and for pct weeks 14-17 use clomid and nolva

Couldn't said it better if wanting the "Bread and Butter".

If first cycle, I'd manage you could easily run the 10-12 weeks of base Test E/C at 500 mgs per week alone and still grow amazingly.

Then standard PCT and save the compounding of multiple gear for next go around.