Hi and a big THANKS!!


Registered User
Dec 7, 2005
Hey all!

Before I introduce myself I want to say a big thanks to everyone here for all the information and helpful advice. This is a great site and I think it’s awesome that people are still willing to help others given the dog-eat-dog mentality that seems to possess 9/10ths of the world these days. No arse kissing intended here – just a genuine thanks for quelling my over-zealous scepticism.

Right – well obviously I’m a newbie. Am based in the UK and have been training for about 5 years. 25yrs old and have never tried any gear. Some prohormones awhile back but that’s it. I have a very good understanding of my body and how it reacts to different training programs and diets and am able to put on bulk as well as cut without any synthetic assistance. I’m 5’8 and weigh 176 pounds. Training has been a bit slow recently but I usually manage 3 sessions a week – about an hour and a half per session of high intensity training. I have no problem pushing myself to the max, and then pushing some more. There is no greater satisfaction then crawling out of the gym knowing that you have given 110% and then some.

I will soon be a fully paid up member and looking to start my first cycle. My goal is to add and keep some quality muscle and determine how my body reacts to gear. Naturally I have a few questions for those with knowledge and experience.

Firstly – regarding sources – (and no I’m not asking for specifics) as I mentioned before I am based in the UK. I realise that most of the members here are based in the US and probably have little experience outside the US. I was hoping someone here might know of anyone who has successfully received their order in the UK and any issues that may have encountered. I realise that once I’ve paid my membership I will be able to discuss this in more detail and I will do so within the next week or two – but a quick “Yes – no problems with the package” or “No – very tough” would be useful.

Secondly, and I know you get this a lot so I do apologise, but I’m looking for some quick advice on my first cycle. I know that the most common newbie cycle is Testosterone Enthanate, run at 500mg per week for 10 weeks, split up into two shots per week. Is this definitely the way to go? Would anyone recommend a Deca only cycle as a first? Also – assuming it’s agreed that test is the definitive newbie cycle – would it be a good idea to take an anti-e (nolva) from the start (am concerned that I may be susceptible to gyno) or is it best to keep the nolva on hold and only use it if gyno symptoms appear? Can I just use nolva for PCT or is it best to add clomid?

Thanks again for your help and for the interesting articles fellas. Rest assured that those of us who are less in the know appreciate the depth of knowledge available on Anasci.


Registered User
Aug 6, 2005
welcome!! test e at 500mg for 10 weeks is best first cycle. never run a deca only cycle. you will make good gains while on it but will loose almost all when you go off. all cycles should be run with a test base. you can run the volva through the entire cycle if you like although it is not needed. best just to have it on hand incase gyno appears. nolva and clomid for PCT.


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
Josh pretends to know what he's talking about...j/k,josh5.99
Pretty on the money for questions you ask bigGuns. :welcome:
-Crazy Horse

ps. Sorry, it would be against my legal interests to discuss such matters
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Registered User
Aug 6, 2005
kell11 said:
Josh pretends to know what he's talking about...j/k,josh5.99
Pretty on the money for questions you ask bigGuns. :welcome:
-Crazy Horse

ps. Sorry, it would be against my legal interests to discuss such matters
man Kell, you sure do like raggin on me. lol. whats the 5.99?


Registered User
Oct 4, 2005
welcome, yeah test e is the way to go NEVER RUN deca only. bad news. but run test e 500 ull be happy welcome great to have u


Registered User
Dec 7, 2005
Thanks for the welcome guys. Will go for test e and keep you posted on how my first cycle goes. No thoughts on the UK question? If not - no worries.


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
Great 1st cycle
Yes you can run only nolva after Cycle-2 weeks after last inj.-2 tabs a day.for 3 weeks.
Yes you can use just clomid after cyle-# weeks after last inj.-
1st day 300mg(6 tabs)once only
rest of week1- 150 mgED
week 2-100 mg ED
week 3-50 mg ED. Done
I use clomid personally.
If your in the UK you are in a VERY good place to recieve w/ a VERY fast turnaround time
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Registered User
Sep 9, 2005
Up North
bigguns said:
Thanks for the welcome guys. Will go for test e and keep you posted on how my first cycle goes. No thoughts on the UK question? If not - no worries.
As for the UK.....I thought the UK was much more lenient re: AAS than US. If so, the local scene would be a much better way to go than importing. Also, there is at least one good european source in the members section that would be a good bet for mailing to UK, as even orders to North America have been no problem. Also, when I've seen sources list areas that they will restrict orders to, it's usually to places like New Zealand, Australia, Canada, etc. for things like oils. Most will still send tabs. However, the UK isn't usually mentioned as a destination that is difficult to ship to.


Registered User
Dec 7, 2005
Thanks guys! That's very good news for me!!! :D

I'll keep you posted on progress and maybe get some before and after pics posted. Will probably need some motivational "stop being a pansy and just do it" talk from you once I've got everything I need.



concerning the uk question, there is a source that ships some of its orders from the uk so you would have no problems receiving if you live there. they are also one of the top sources around with fast delivery times and guaranteed delivery of goods. :)
regarding your cycle question, yes test enanthate at 500mg per week is a good cycle but you may be able to use a little less. 300-400 is usually enough unless you are very very large, it is the nutritional needs that usually do not get met and that is why people tend to use a higher beginning dosage.
learn as much as you can about diet needs for bulking and always remember that you can never ever ever eat to much food when bulking. this is a good example of where more really is better, food intake that is not gear usage :)


Registered User
Dec 7, 2005
Thanks again guys.

I've definitely got to increase my food intake. I'm currently eating about 4-5 meals per day but I've never had a huge appetite. I've got a good solid build at the moment, but damnit it's time to GROW!

Just to be sure I'm not missing anything, here's my shopping list:
10 weeks worth of Test E at approx 400mg p/w
Enough Nolva for 3-4 weeks PCT at approx 100mg per day plus some extra in case gyno symptoms pop up during the cycle
As I'm going to shoot 20 times, 25 syringes and 50 pins
Alcohol wipes
1 set of big brass balls to get me through the injections!

What pins should I use fellas, and where would you recommend I stick em? I was thinking 23g 1.5"? What would you consider easiest for a first timer? I hateneedles!!!!! I was reading your posts about the ventrogluteal site. Sounds pretty good. Or should I just go for the glute to start?

As always, much appreaciated!!


Registered User
Sep 9, 2005
Up North
bigguns said:
Thanks again guys.

I've definitely got to increase my food intake. I'm currently eating about 4-5 meals per day but I've never had a huge appetite. I've got a good solid build at the moment, but damnit it's time to GROW!

Just to be sure I'm not missing anything, here's my shopping list:
10 weeks worth of Test E at approx 400mg p/w
Enough Nolva for 3-4 weeks PCT at approx 100mg per day plus some extra in case gyno symptoms pop up during the cycle
As I'm going to shoot 20 times, 25 syringes and 50 pins
Alcohol wipes
1 set of big brass balls to get me through the injections!

What pins should I use fellas, and where would you recommend I stick em? I was thinking 23g 1.5"? What would you consider easiest for a first timer? I hateneedles!!!!! I was reading your posts about the ventrogluteal site. Sounds pretty good. Or should I just go for the glute to start?

As always, much appreaciated!!
Re: Nolva...don't confuse nolvadex with clomid. The doses for Nolva would be at most 40mg or so per day, but even 10-20 ed may control gyno if you get it. Clomid is the one that you may be up to 100mg per day or so initially during pct, then down to 50mg or so ed.

As for pins, Test enth stays in solution very well and is quite a thin oil, especially if you heat it a bit before injection. I find 25 ga 1 1/2's are just fine for test enth, tren ac, etc. Doesn't even slow down injection much IMO. Also get the thin-wall pins, thus a smaller punture hole for the same lumen diameter / guage.


Registered User
Dec 7, 2005
Thanks Stealth. I actually realised my error on the Nolva dose just a little while ago and was coming back to correct my post. Thanks for clarifying and for the pins advice. Not looking forward to the first jab - but you know what they say - no pain, no gain!!