oracle said:I do both and i just started working legs but yet mine are coming along pretty good.
do why dont you do regular squats??? because you cant do too much or what?? leave your ego at home
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oracle said:I do both and i just started working legs but yet mine are coming along pretty good.
wolfyEVH said:do why dont you do regular squats??? because you cant do too much or what?? leave your ego at home
O said:oh yeah...and for those who don't think smith machines work .... here's my legs. And i just started working them .....
Oh hey there's my "ego" and i thought i brought it to the gym.
steve0085 said:I don't really think anyone said that smith machine squats are useless and ineffective, just not as effective as regular squats. I think the smith machine will hit the quads just as much, but it doesn't hit the back and abs and the smaller stabilizers as much. The more muscle fibers you can get going at one time, the more growth you're gonna have, it's that simple. I do smith machines sometimes, when I can't get a good spot, but the rest of the time I do free weight squats.
Anyways, legs are looking good oracle, whatever works for you keep doing it until it stops working.
wolfyEVH said:not difficult to get big legs when you're already stocky to begin with now is it?? plus the fact you just started training them recently is making them grow big.......
O said:you never seem to amaze me when you look for the negatives. lol. Actually there's alot of "stocky" guys who work legs but for some reason just can't get them to grow. hmmm.....and true they are responding well because they are now being worked....but hmmm....still remains the fact that smith machines "work".
BUT since you want to talk about smith machines are blah blah blah....and how you should leave your ego out of the gym....blah blah blah....how come i don't use the normal squat rack because "i might not be able to do as much" blah blah blah....how about some supporting pics of "YOURS" just to show the rest of the kiddies how
1. hard work and eating get's "you" big
2. to leave the ego at home and what it does for the amount of weight you can handle
3. and the results of working the squat rack and not the smith machine to get bigger legs.
wolfyEVH said:the only thing i can deduce is that you're a hardass with an ego....especially at the previous post towards me......i wasnt dissing you at all......just asking a question bro.....no need to be a dickhead about it
O said:LoL everyone has an "ego" and it's a good thing for me that i have broad shoulders to carry around such a "big ego". Now that was egotistical. As far as the posts well you did say "why don't i do regular squats...afraid that i can't do as much? and to leave my "ego" at the door. Hmmm.....I'm not a hardass but just like in the jayson thread you got on him about what gains he got. Obviously offending him too. He called you out with where's your "PICS" and i'm just doing the same.
steve0085 said:This is wolfy on cycle
Yeah, my ego gives me another 12 pounds. I'm curious, is that LEAN mass?O said:Obviously without the "ego"
wolfyEVH said:lol.....because i'm the only one who got on jayson because of his cycle (give me a break)......i'll post my pics (if i ever get any) when i feel like it.....i never said i was the best lookin guy on this board.......far from it......and mind you not everyone on here has put up their pictures.......how was i to know that you didnt have a squat rack at your gym?!?!? every YMCA i've been to has one so I kinda figured yours would as well.......
of course i'm gonna get on someone about an all oral cycle....did you not see the post DR put up about we possibly start banning people who openly admit to cycling poorly like that??!?! guess not.........and of course i'm gonna tell people that the regular squat is far more effective than smith machine......i never said smith machine does not work. I'm just looking out for the guys on here and tryin to give them the proper advice/critiques on their workouts and cycle. Thats what a MOD and the VETS on here do. Help one another out to make the most of their cycle. But i'm done with all this bullshit...if you need to get the last word in, be my guest. Maybe us MODS won't offer any type of advice to you guys because we obviously know nothing.
wolfyEVH said:
O said:Yeah but that's the point of forums too...it's a way of "researching" for answers. Yes there are some that don't want to "google" and find an answer so they turn to those who can give an exact answer.