first shipment of clen....


Oct 1, 2014
I got my first shipment of clen today. i have read on the forums to take 20 units 3xdaily orally. but with one of the ingredients being benzyl alcohol, taking it orally would delude it. and also passing through all the "filters" that it has to go through.......but in the instructions it says, " Doses are between 0.5 ml and 2ml per day, which is injected directly into the areas where you want to eliminate fat. The cycle starts with a low dose of 0.5 ml and then gradually increases. It is not advisable to exceed the dose of 2 ml, because the side effects can be dangerous and can inhibit mechanisms. it's the same method as clenbuterol where a cycle last two weeks, then take a break for two weeks. The drug is not administered !" and on the box, it says ,"for intramuscular use only." i've read the forums through here, where most of them our out dated. i read K1's page by Hooker. http://www.anasci.org/vB/anabolic-steroid-articles/30434-clenbuterol.html about the 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off is a no-go.
I am taking it by it's self, not stacking it with anything. to get my bf below 20%. i'm at 22% and have plateaued. I was also told here on the forum not to take anything test wise until i'm below 20% bf. so in todays day and age....what is a good starting dose cycle and.....orally or intramuscular or directly into body fat.......???????:confused:


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
Couple questions for you. Why did you get injectable clen over oral? How many mcg/ml? Did you plan on spot reducing fat? The only product and that I have ever seen work is helios, and even that was minimal and used with a very low bf. If you plateaued at 20%, your diet is way off


Oct 1, 2014
i got injectable over oral to bypass liver and all the other filters. i was planning on using .5 ml to get started. see how my body reacts. and your right, my diet has been off the past few months. since i'm the only one of 4 that eat healthy it's kinda hard to get their junk then get a bunch of healthy food financially. but i'm trying to put together another source of income, just have to get it going.


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
Clen is very mild on the liver. In fact, there was a clinical study showing it reduced liver damage from bacterially released toxins. Remember it it widely used in humans outside the US. As far as diet, for me it by far the hardest part of my lifestyle.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Clenbuterol is not a miracle weight loss drug, and neither are DNP, ephedrine, AAS or any other drugs. If your diet sux and you can't get under 20% without drugs, you probably won't be able to do it with them. The drugs work, but only in concert with a good diet and training program. The same way that anabolics only work with good diet and training. You can pump every drug in the world into yourself, but without diet and training you're wasting your fucking time and money.

Congrats. You're officially one of the ignorant masses that thinks there's a miracle pill they can take to lose 30 pounds. Instead of spending your money on Clen, you should have bought chicken and sweet potatoes.


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Well im gonna chime in here.I dont very often anymore but this caught my eye.
inj clen is something I have no exp with . It sounds like a bad idea to me
but so many things do . Clen being dosed in mcg and an injectable
version sounds like recipe for a unpleasant mistake.
If you have not experienced a clen overdose when and if you do you will never do so again. Painful as hell. My mistake was made with the old spiropent syrup many years ago. It would be so easy to make a mistake
with that route of administration.
You need to back up and do some research. I'm being very kmind saying this sounds like one of the dumbest things i've seen posted.
where you gonna go chappy after you dip way down to 18%bf and stall?
Who told you no test til at certain bodyfat? lol .
I'm gonna leave this up for a min as I have been very down from a rough first half of 15. . You sure its not liquid clen oral ?
If so I want film the first series of the I. M. Injs By unit you meant mcg?
I'm just trying not to get harsh but my funny bone is getting the best of me.
So if not eating garbage is difficult should I assume the cardio plan is a bit tough to stick with unless that is you dont have a cardio plan for recomp?
bus measured less than 28 ft bumper to bumper?By the way clen production way over east past oceans and such has ceased or will shortly...
This is a doozy .. Magnus was being extremely kind with you. I'm
just not digging stupid shit like this . if guys would spend some time
training and and eating right many more would not .ook for instant gratification in hopes of minimizing the effort .
Maybe guys are using inj clen but I don't know of one personally 0.
Could you inj clen users chime in please?.
.. T
Jan 26, 2015
I just came off a clen/t3 cycle and it worked great. I am dieting as well, but as the others stated. There is no miracle drug. I have found that during dieting or running an anabolic cycle that I actually work harder. The only injectable I have ever used was by my pal IP and it was pgcl. With that being said, it still could not be administered around the midsection or it would make you sick as hell. My own personal study showed I cut 8% bodyfat in 10 weeks by eating nothing but boneless skinless chicken, fish and greens.
That was drug free at the time. I did 20 minute cardio sessions twice a day. Give that some thought before screwing up your health and future.

Jan 26, 2015
Just for the record! I only ran the clen every other week with the t3. Both were oral with the highest dose of clen at 80mcg. The t3 never exceeded 125mcg. Keep in mind, I am 44 years old, research continues over 20 years and I'm 264lbs. I wasn't fat, it was a Kickstart to a cutting cycle in hopes of getting on stage one last time.



Mar 27, 2014
When I first bought my first clen I bought it at GNC
Stuff worked great on me- I was lean to begin with but gained a few pounds and got shredded
Talk about bad cramps


Mar 27, 2014
I just came off a clen/t3 cycle and it worked great. I am dieting as well, but as the others stated. There is no miracle drug. I have found that during dieting or running an anabolic cycle that I actually work harder. The only injectable I have ever used was by my pal IP and it was pgcl. With that being said, it still could not be administered around the midsection or it would make you sick as hell. My own personal study showed I cut 8% bodyfat in 10 weeks by eating nothing but boneless skinless chicken, fish and greens.
That was drug free at the time. I did 20 minute cardio sessions twice a day. Give that some thought before screwing up your health and future.

Is there any more of his stuff around?
O man - I miss his stuff and prices so bad
That PGCL was some great stuff


Oct 1, 2014
Well, hero's. i appreciate all the positive feedback. first of all, you know nothing about my work cycle. so let me tell you. after taking an ass whoopin in iraq i swoled up to 277 from 185 solid two years of surgery's and recovery. in under a year, i've dropped from 278 to 211 and put on 33 lbs of ffm. natural. i lifted for a little more than a year straight taking 3-4 days off at the end of each months..my body responds better this way vs that 5-6 days on and 2-1 days off. i do cardio twice a day 30 min before my routine and 30 min after. ya i do eat healthy as much as possible but sometimes i hit a bad financial spot and all i can do is get the wife and kids their garbage food. so i do the best with what i have. i do have 10 lbs of chicken breast in the deep freez. i save it for when shit gets really bad. as far as my health, my primary, ( for those of you that dont know what a primary is, it's a v.a. doctor that is assigned to combat vets. YA YOUR WELCOME.) says i'm in great health. i ran a cycle of cjc w/ dac on a low dose and i liked the results. very good stuff. i was just reading up on clen studied up on it via, apparently the great info on this forum according to all the negative people that have posted. I come here to learn and to ask for help when i can't find it. but by this post, it looks like i might be on the wrong forum. So far, i have respect for only a few on this forum. the admins, k1 and the others. mangnus is is another. If mangnus was being extremely kind, that's why i have respect for him. he is mature enough to understand discipline and respect. is there a miracle drug?? no, i know this but to pop off and say that's what i'm thinking is ignorant. like i said you know nothing about what i do. so kuddos to you guy. good work. there was something else i was wanting to hit at but i forgot. lol. so with that being said, and as well as i have maintained my self during this. i have this to say. if any of you guys wanna come by and check my books your more than welcome to. especially any of you disrespectful cum bubbles wanna come by and check my books. your more than welcome to.


Oct 1, 2014
That's what it was, " how do you know that you put on 33 lbs of ffm?!?!" and "who told you that using test under 20% bf......." i'll tell you the same thing i was told when i first joined the web site. It's here, just look harder.
Jan 26, 2015
I thought I was pretty kind as well. You are here to learn. These guys answer these questions alot and so many people won't listen. Some comments were a little harsh, but in my opinions it was only so you would hear what they were saying. Thanks brother for serving our country and my hats off to you. Anything I can answer just let me know.

Let me check on that. I did hear a little rumor not to long ago. I'll follow up on it and let you know.



Oct 1, 2014
I thought I was pretty kind as well. You are here to learn. These guys answer these questions alot and so many people won't listen. Some comments were a little harsh, but in my opinions it was only so you would hear what they were saying. Thanks brother for serving our country and my hats off to you. Anything I can answer just let me know.

Let me check on that. I did hear a little rumor not to long ago. I'll follow up on it and let you know.

your were not a problem. but before i start this clen i'll get some t3 as well. i havn't looked in to it. so i'll study up on it. and even though i got the injec clen i gotta use it, since after western union prices and all, it was $90. i guess i'll just shoot it in the arse?!?!


Registered User
May 10, 2013
Is this Helios inj clen and yohimbe or just inj clean. I used Helios but with other fat burners to some success.


Registered User
May 1, 2015
If this is your first clen use, be VERY careful. Clen and I have agreed to disagree and parted ways. You see, Clen wants to kill me and I happen to not want to be killed...it appears neither of us is going to compromise.

I simply cannot tolerate clen - it rips me apart with shakes, sweating, skyrocketing pulse, etc. Albut, though, I can take all day.


Mar 27, 2014
Will albuteral do the same thing?
I used to do well with clen
What was that other stuff you could take with clen so you could stay on it and take less?
Sorry been a while


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Well just noticed your post . I appreciate the military. I have to say there are
just as ,any idiots there as anywhere else in life . People are people and
guess what i could give a fuck why you whaled out. Discipline? Please.
fat fuck .. respect? for who you? check your books? Granma can pull a trigger with same effect as you or anyone else . solid 185? what are you
5 foot 3? . And yes i agree you may be in wrong forum . Here ya go some forum shopping free time. respect is earned . Oh thats right I should
praise you for keeping me safe in this plush cushy place I reside?
Respect.... lol . You are clueless. Money s that tight for the family and your spending on ergos and aas. Dunce....................................
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