Finnaly saw the video
That was cool man
How the hell you squat in those sneekers?
Do you have socks on?
You had that easy as hell- you could have done that for 6 or 8 easy
Looked like you were thinking about it a lot on the walk back
When we going to see that for reps man
Ha ha, a lot of guys who squat low bar use chucks. I love them as they don't wiggle and keep the weight back. And yeah, I have ankle socks on. And the thing about the Russian way is that you don't get under heavy weight a lot, so if you are going to do a max attmept you need to peak for a bit. To give you and idea. My last meat was in June of 2014...I hit 563 on my squat. From that point I never got heavier than 465 until a month before that attempt. I worked up to 535 one week, 565 the next, then, I was shakey with those heavy weights. If I peaked longer and did some walk outs I would be fine.
I suspect 650 is right there , but I am focusing on getting my shoulder mobility back first. If you watch the vid, you will notice my elbow shaking. My ROM is so poor it hurts to do squats and twist my arm back. So once I get that back I will attack my bench and squat harder at top weights. But, for now I am rehabing and working on weakness.