Few questions appreciate your input


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
mr.nitrofish said:
kells just kidding with you, 250 ml is like a beer can worth of fluid, of course you ment the dose would be 250mg, which would probley be only 1ml
I could read slower,perhaps that would help before I insert my "token smart remark"


Registered User
Mar 3, 2005
Deep South
damn kell, you never got back to me on the anabolic enemas. i have been extremely interested in what kind of smartass documetary you were going to come up with on that one :D

and about cara and I...never mind, i'll let her tell ya!!! :D


mearl said:
Yeah for definate im sure on those (stones) that sounds better. sorry about that i apologise.
I cannot gain any more .. i eat 4-8 meals per day and i still dont gain so i need a good started course with little water retention as possible .

OK heres my idea

250ml sus + 200 deca every 4 days. (temoxifen every day ) take anapalon 50 every other day (12 week course) ill have 8 week break in between courses. and use Anvar to bridge them ? sound good or not as i said, im a steroid amateur. Any tablets injections that help with water retention. ?
you are on the right track here but some minor changes need to be made.
for starters you mean 250mg every 4th day not ml. mg is the dosing amount of the steroid and ml is the amount of fluid you will be injecting.
anapolon will cause lots of water retention, most oral do so expect it but it will start to go away once you stop using it. dont go more thasn 4 weeks at a time with the anapolons, maybe the first 4 weeks of the cycle and the last 4 weeks with a break inbetween. this will allow yourt liver to cleanse itself but i would also recomend a good liver aid such as liv-52. as for the tamox take about 20mg ed to start. that should keep bloat down but you might also want to think about using arimidex or aromasin instead. they are estrogen antagonists which mean they prevent the conversion of testosterone to estrogen where the tamoxifen will only prevent the estrogen from attaching to the receptors. estrogen is what causes the majority of the water retention.
i wouldnt bother with the anavar as a bridge. you will want to use the time between cycles to allow your bodies receptors ro refresh and if you are taking anavar it will not happen as well.
for your time between cycles you will want to take some tamoxifen at the following dosages: week one of post cycle therapy which will begin 3 weeks after last injection of test/deca take 40mg of tamox every day. week 2 of pct therapy take 30mg of tamox every day. week 3 of pct take tamox at 20mg every day. this should help to bring back your natural test levels close to normal before you start the next cycle.
one other note is that tamoxifen is commonly refered to as nolvadex in case someone else talks about that product and you get confused..
you have made great gains naturally and should also do well on juice. one thing i am curious about though is do you still try to increase your food consumption at all or have you been eating the same amount for awhile. yuo must remember that as you grow bigger your body requires more food just to maintain your new mass so if you want to keep adding more you need to eat even more than the amount that helped you to see all those gains so far.