Expert Help needed for newbie first cycle


New member
Sep 22, 2005

i am about to start a cycle of sust. I really was interested in some facts from people who have used it or people who know a great deal about it. I am currently 170 lbs. 6'2 and can bench about 250. A few of my buddies take sust. and they say it works wonders. I am a little concerned about taking it though becuase of the whole "steroid" is bad for you deal. The dose i am told to take is 1 cc per week. possibly splitting .5 ccs 2 times a week for 10 weeks.Is this a proper amount for a novice which will not waste my time and money?
also some of the side effects i have been hearing about scare me as well. Flu like symptons, acne, etc.. For a dose that im taking will i get these side effects? any other things i should know? tips,tricks? Thank you VERY much ahead of time.

max lift

Registered User
Feb 24, 2005
you came to the right place to do your research you should take the time to read the stickies and the profiles , to answer a few of your questions I get bad acne which is caused by the hormone change in your body , some get "the test flue "generally this is because you are putting a chemical/hormone that is forrign into yourself and your body needs to adjust to it, will you get these sides maybe everyone is different you also need to reed up on PCT test shut down your natural test production and you need to know what the consequences of this could be and how to treat it,
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horrible cycle. not to mention i think you're too skinny to be cycling. you need to have a good base. you being skinny makes me believe that you don't know how to eat and train properly...rethink what you want to do and tell us more about yourself. your diet, training routine, age, etc


New member
Sep 22, 2005
well im 19 years old. I have a good base i believe. Eating really isnt that hard becuase im in college and i can eat whenver i want. I usually eat meat, vegitables, carbs, plus i drink Boosts ( protien shakes )during the day. I really dont believe im a weak kid. My body fat is no more then 7%. Basically i work out 5 times a week. I am athletic kid, played 4 years of high school basketball so i have a health body in my eyes. Just really interested in gaining mass and size and i heard sust is very very effective. In your oppininon what do u tihnk i should do ?

thanks ahead of time


New member
Sep 22, 2005

also what cycle should i do if i am a noivce starting out with sust? your helping me out a lot. thanks again


Registered User
Aug 19, 2005
I agree with wolfy. But if your heart is set on using sus .educate your self first.Make sure you pct after like using clomid .plus by reading your thread you are working out to much try training 3 times a week using basic exersizes ,mon,wed,friday heavy low reps . and for your diet at 7percent bf .i would be eating everything .Eat like bird
sus will only make temporary gains mostly water . good luck


Registered User
Aug 19, 2005
i didnt say sus is junk .I make good gains on it . like all steroids if you don"t feed the fire .the gains will only be temporary .steroids are not the wonder drug you also need to eat big to bet big . .

by reading your thread you are to lean ,to active .and as far as your cycle that you want to run you might gain 10 pds most will be water gain . sorry bro dont mean to offend you .


New member
Sep 22, 2005
not at all offendingme whatsoever i appriciate ur honesty

so what do u ithnk i shoudl do in order to get ready for sust if i wanan do it in the future?


westlywillis said:
well im 19 years old. I have a good base i believe. Eating really isnt that hard becuase im in college and i can eat whenver i want. I usually eat meat, vegitables, carbs, plus i drink Boosts ( protien shakes )during the day. I really dont believe im a weak kid. My body fat is no more then 7%. Basically i work out 5 times a week. I am athletic kid, played 4 years of high school basketball so i have a health body in my eyes. Just really interested in gaining mass and size and i heard sust is very very effective. In your oppininon what do u tihnk i should do ?

thanks ahead of time

working out 5 times a week, sounds like you could be over training. and im sure your diet isnt up to par. post your diet, in detail......diet is the key to gaining mass. you can take all the steroids in the world and not gain shit w/o proper nutrition


Registered User
Aug 19, 2005
I agree again wolfy . good point westly give us your work out .plus details on your diet what you do you want to accomplish by using sus . i know this seems like we are giving you the run around .you have to give more details in order for us to help you


New member
Sep 22, 2005
no problem, im working out monday i back and bis, tuesday chest and tris,wensday shoulders and legs, thursday back and bis friday chest and tris ( been doing chest and back more often becuase i wanna get them ibgger) i do 3 - 4 workouts on each muscle during my workouts. i serisly eat as much as possible. doesnt matter what it is i eat whatever (healthy not sh1t food)

i plan on gaining mass and looking bigger all aorund by taking sust. i want someone 2 say "wow he is big and strong" maybe after becomming cut.

also maybe if u could help me out by stating how severe the sid eeffects are for someone who only wnats 2 cycle for 10 weeks ( on however much cc's u suggest) thanks guys


Registered User
May 18, 2005
westlywillis said:
no problem, im working out monday i back and bis, tuesday chest and tris,wensday shoulders and legs, thursday back and bis friday chest and tris ( been doing chest and back more often becuase i wanna get them ibgger) i do 3 - 4 workouts on each muscle during my workouts. i serisly eat as much as possible. doesnt matter what it is i eat whatever (healthy not sh1t food)

i plan on gaining mass and looking bigger all aorund by taking sust. i want someone 2 say "wow he is big and strong" maybe after becomming cut.

also maybe if u could help me out by stating how severe the sid eeffects are for someone who only wnats 2 cycle for 10 weeks ( on however much cc's u suggest) thanks guys
The side effects of gear are different for everyone.........For example one bro may get bad acne and gyno from a simple 500mg test e cycle where as another bro may not........it just depends on the bro........

I think most bro's might suggest you just start off with a simple 10-12 week cycle of Test E at 500 mgs split up into two shots twice a week to see how your body reacts to test....


westlywillis said:
no problem, im working out monday i back and bis, tuesday chest and tris,wensday shoulders and legs, thursday back and bis friday chest and tris ( been doing chest and back more often becuase i wanna get them ibgger) i do 3 - 4 workouts on each muscle during my workouts. i serisly eat as much as possible. doesnt matter what it is i eat whatever (healthy not sh1t food)

i plan on gaining mass and looking bigger all aorund by taking sust. i want someone 2 say "wow he is big and strong" maybe after becomming cut.

also maybe if u could help me out by stating how severe the sid eeffects are for someone who only wnats 2 cycle for 10 weeks ( on however much cc's u suggest) thanks guys
your workout thinking is all wrong. doing chest & back 2x per week will result in overtraining and cause you to not grow. you need to allow for your muscles to properly recover after a workout before you hit them again which is typically a full week for recovery. the other thing is that since you are hitting bi's with back already and tri's when you work chest, you are severely overtraining your arms. for best results try doing chest & back on their own days and dedicate a seperate day for arms only.
concerning your diet, you must eat at least 6 meals per day preferably 7-8. each meal must be properly planned out to ensure an even supply of nutrients to your body throughout the day to maintain a growth phase. deviating even for only 1 day can set you back a full week in the gains department. you need to sit down and write out a diet plan with exact amounts of each food you need to eat with amounts and times and follow it making only minor modifications when needed.
for cycle info, although many will disagree with me as you can find out if you do a search on here for sustanon, doing 2ml per week of sust will provide very good gains if your diet is corrected and also if you take some arimidex to cut down on water retention and bloat from estrogen conversion. do the sust injections on sun/wed or mon/thurs and alternate glutes or quads. take .25mg of arimidex every other day to start out and if you notice excessive water retention then up it to .5mg eod.
remember TO BE BIG YOU MUST EAT BIG!!!!!!! for your size that means at least 4000cals per day minimum.


Registered User
Aug 19, 2005
way to much how does this sound to ya

monday chest and tri's
tuesday off
wednesday legs calfs ,hamstrings
thursday off
friday bi's and back

chest inclines 3 sets reps 6 to 8 dumbell press 3 sets 8 to10reps .flat flys 3sets 10 reps.weighted dips 2 sets

tri's skull crushers 3 sets french curls or close grip 3sets . cable push downs 2 sets for the pump10 reps

legs squats 4 to 5 sets 8 to 10 reps , leg press 3 sets repa 8 reps ,extension 3 sets 10 to 12 reps . hamstring stiff leg 5 sets .leg curls 3 sets

calfs 4 set standing calf raises 4 sets seated calf

back t bars or bent over rows 4 sets 8 to 10 reps pull downs front and back 2 or 3 sets each dead lifts 3 sets 8-10 reps maybe some one arm 2sets 10 reps

bi's barbell curls 3 sets 6 to 10 reps dumbell curls 2 sets 8 to10 reps 1 or 2 sets preaher curls 10 reps

thats this is my basic workout not a lot but it works for me


Registered User
Aug 19, 2005
black77 said:
way to much how does this sound to ya

monday chest and tri's
tuesday off
wednesday legs calfs ,hamstrings
thursday off
friday bi's and back

chest inclines 3 sets reps 6 to 8 dumbell press 3 sets 8 to10reps .flat flys 3sets 10 reps.weighted dips 2 sets

tri's skull crushers 3 sets french curls or close grip 3sets . cable push downs 2 sets for the pump10 reps

legs squats 4 to 5 sets 8 to 10 reps , leg press 3 sets repa 8 reps ,extension 3 sets 10 to 12 reps . hamstring stiff leg 5 sets .leg curls 3 sets

calfs 4 set standing calf raises 4 sets seated calf

back t bars or bent over rows 4 sets 8 to 10 reps pull downs front and back 2 or 3 sets each dead lifts 3 sets 8-10 reps maybe some one arm 2sets 10 reps

bi's barbell curls 3 sets 6 to 10 reps dumbell curls 2 sets 8 to10 reps 1 or 2 sets preaher curls 10 reps

thats this is my basic workout not a lot but it works for me
weekends off


black77 said:
way to much how does this sound to ya

monday chest and tri's
tuesday off
wednesday legs calfs ,hamstrings
thursday off
friday bi's and back

chest inclines 3 sets reps 6 to 8 dumbell press 3 sets 8 to10reps .flat flys 3sets 10 reps.weighted dips 2 sets

tri's skull crushers 3 sets french curls or close grip 3sets . cable push downs 2 sets for the pump10 reps

legs squats 4 to 5 sets 8 to 10 reps , leg press 3 sets repa 8 reps ,extension 3 sets 10 to 12 reps . hamstring stiff leg 5 sets .leg curls 3 sets

calfs 4 set standing calf raises 4 sets seated calf

back t bars or bent over rows 4 sets 8 to 10 reps pull downs front and back 2 or 3 sets each dead lifts 3 sets 8-10 reps maybe some one arm 2sets 10 reps

bi's barbell curls 3 sets 6 to 10 reps dumbell curls 2 sets 8 to10 reps 1 or 2 sets preaher curls 10 reps

thats this is my basic workout not a lot but it works for me
you forgot shoulders ;)


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
pincrusher said:
your workout thinking is all wrong. doing chest & back 2x per week will result in overtraining and cause you to not grow. you need to allow for your muscles to properly recover after a workout before you hit them again which is typically a full week for recovery. the other thing is that since you are hitting bi's with back already and tri's when you work chest, you are severely overtraining your arms. for best results try doing chest & back on their own days and dedicate a seperate day for arms only.
concerning your diet, you must eat at least 6 meals per day preferably 7-8. each meal must be properly planned out to ensure an even supply of nutrients to your body throughout the day to maintain a growth phase. deviating even for only 1 day can set you back a full week in the gains department. you need to sit down and write out a diet plan with exact amounts of each food you need to eat with amounts and times and follow it making only minor modifications when needed.
for cycle info, although many will disagree with me as you can find out if you do a search on here for sustanon, doing 2ml per week of sust will provide very good gains if your diet is corrected and also if you take some arimidex to cut down on water retention and bloat from estrogen conversion. do the sust injections on sun/wed or mon/thurs and alternate glutes or quads. take .25mg of arimidex every other day to start out and if you notice excessive water retention then up it to .5mg eod.
remember TO BE BIG YOU MUST EAT BIG!!!!!!! for your size that means at least 4000cals per day minimum.
Pin is right on here.
I wouldn't be concerned about you working out 5 times per week if you hit a different muscle each day.
The bottom line is you grow when you rest, not when you train.
Also you are 19, you have enough natural test to grow big time right now if your diet is on.
I'm 6' tall. I look like I have anorexia when I weigh 205, so I agree with Wolfy 170 for your height is skinny.
250 is not a bad bench though, so you are strong. You would be amazed at how much stronger you would be just by gaining 10 pounds. It is all about food intake and protein turnover rate.
Boost shakes contain very little protein in bodybuilder terms.
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New member
Sep 22, 2005
wow thanks for the help you guys are all awsome! you have serisly helped me out more then you can imagine.

For now I am goign to train hard and try to keep my diet perfect with HIGH amount of calories, and protiens. Hopfully within a month or two i will have enough bulk on me to possibly start sust. You have all made me very excited to get into the gym. Thanks for the answers and help all, ur all awsome people and this forum OWNS all others.