Aight Diesel, I'm going to try and add some stuff for ya. I'll try to make this as short as possible, but it'll be hard. And nice job wolfy, I just have a few adjustments. First of all I'm a Exercise Physiology major who is going to work on getting masters in nutrition as well as an NCAA div I athlete. I throw in track and field (which ends up being many of the same workouts as Football) so I know my stuff. First off, Training. I highly recommend getting rid of the high amounts of cardio. There are 3 types of muscle fibers. Slow Twitch (ST), Fast Twitch type A(FTa), and Fast Twitch B (FTb). Slow twitch for endurance. FTb are very hard for the body to recruit. they only come into play using like 1-3 reps of an exercise at maximal force as well as SHORT sprints all out. FTa can basically go either way. as a Football player you want to train them to be FTb to give you power. instead of cardio of constant running you need something different to make sure that you don't change your fiber type to ST. I, as well as my coach, reccomends something called "tempo". Basically pick a distance, such as a Football field. Run to one end at a moderate pace, drop down and do an ab excercise for about 45 secs to a min. Then immediately hop up and run to the other end and repeat it. work up to 4 sets of 5 reps. Take 3-4 mins rest in between sets. TAKE THE REST. it is very important so that the target muscle fibers have time to recover so that you continue to train them, and not the wrong kind. This exercise will give you the endurance benifits w/o the negative side effects. Secondly you need to focus on the exercises that Wolfy said, but more importantly add in Cleans and snatches. Those are the most important lifts for your type of athletes. Find a coach who can instruct you how to do them right. Then find another to make sure. Use Med balls alot to work on explosion. Med Ball Hop passes, and toss for height are great. Here is an example of our workouts that we are doing right now. We are doing this on Monday and Wed only b/c of Track meets on the weekends. You should lift on M,W,F. Monday do explosive lifts for legs, Wed. do lifts for upper body, Friday to lower body heavy lifts. ON tuesday and Thursday do the tempo. If you feel the need do it on saturday as well. I personally don't.
Monday - Toss for Ht. (medball) 4*4
-Cleans 4*3@90% 3RM
-Split jerks 4*3
-Incline press- 3*4
-Squat front raise 4*6
-Core - 300 reps
WED. - MB Hop Throw 4*4
Chain Bench (we do weight plus some 30 pound chains on each side) 4*4 @90%5RM
Bent over row 4*5
Pullovers 4*5
Squat Jumps 4*4 @ 50%
Mornings 3*8
Core- 300
This is just an example, I don't reccomend this exact program. For you I would start with a little higher reps for a few weeks until you get accustomed, then move to the lower reps. Also ignore my workout and keep your guidelines of what body parts on what days that I gave you earlier.
Ok, on to nutrition. I personally believe that you are doing good on taking in that much protein, but I do understand Wolfy's stance and respect it. Choose either way. But more importantly then how much you take in is WHEN you take it in. FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES STRICTLY. first off since you are taking protein as well as NO2... Wake up and take the NO2, after the 30 min. waiting period hurry and take some whey protein. Between 20-40 grams to get your body out of the catobolic state and into an anabolic one. Whey digests the fastest that is why I reccomend it then. Also with Breakfast take in lots of carbs. As a general rule you want alot of your carbs in the A.M, your fats at night. Protein all day every 3 hours. Now the important part. PRE-EXCERCISE and POST-EXCERCISE. both of these are incredibely important. For Pre I would make a shake containing 40-52 grams of high glycemic carbs, such as glucose. Along with 10-12 grams of whey protein. 1-2 grams of leucine, and some electrolytes and Vit C and E. Start drinking it about 10 min. b4 you work out and continue sipping it about every 15 min. during your workout.sounds difficult eh? A product that meets these exact ratios is called "Accelerade" by Endurox/pacific health. I prefer lemon lime. They sell it at GNC but is by far cheaper. The point of these nutrients is to spare muscle glycogen and proetin, limit immune suppression, minimize muscle damage, and set the stage for a faster recovery following your workout. Basically it stimulates insulin which is HIGHLY anabolic and kills cortisol which is highly destructive. For post workout take in 30 grams of whey pro, 80-100 grams of high glycemic carbs, 2-4 grams of leucine, 2-4 grams of glutamine. Take this within 30 min. of finishing your workout. This is available in supp form called "Endurox R4" by endurox/pacific health. About an hour after you take this supp take about 40 grams of protein and about 15 grams of carbs. This stack of supplements does wonders. I know that you may be wondering about the accuracy of these nutrients. Go to GNC and pick up a book called nutrient timing. it is the holy grail of nutrition. These numbers have been adjusted for your weight by the way. And lastly b4 you go to bed take in about 40 grams of casein protein. This is slow digesting so you will stay anabolic longer throughout the night. Sorry this damn thing is so long but I think it will help. If I left anything out of confused you just ask.