Don't want to do test but still look gross


Registered User
Oct 10, 2005
The test was not the problem. The problem was you dropped the test and switched to tren. Tren shuts you down hard. And if you had already been on test, you were shut down pretty good before you ever started the tren. BAD IDEA. Live and learn though.

Try a test cycle again, but try it the right way this time. Run it for 10-15 weeks with EQ, and you could throw in an oral like var or winny for the 1st 4 and last 4 weeks.

Do a search on PCT, then run one following your cycle. You will be amazed how big of a difference it makes.


Registered User
May 20, 2005
3rd dimension
Learned lesson from test/ tren

I've learned that test wasn't the problem! Like you said mrxplosive it was taking the tren while dropping the test -- bad combo!

I now planning another cycle of test sost 500mg/ week x 12 weeks. Eq 200mg/ weeks 3-12 and winny 50mg/ day starting week 9. I will also do a PCT in week 14.

Thanks everyone for the great information! By the way give comments on the Eq amount mentioned above-- is it too low?


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
squish said:
I've learned that test wasn't the problem! Like you said mrxplosive it was taking the tren while dropping the test -- bad combo!

I now planning another cycle of test sost 500mg/ week x 12 weeks. Eq 200mg/ weeks 3-12 and winny 50mg/ day starting week 9. I will also do a PCT in week 14.

Thanks everyone for the great information! By the way give comments on the Eq amount mentioned above-- is it too low?

Way too low. Everything I read says 600mg a week minimum and run it weeks 1 - 11 not 3 - 12.

Other comments welcome.


Registered User
Oct 10, 2005
I've run it at 600-800mg and while the results were good, I had too many headache and bp problems. Ran it again at 300, and for me I still felt it worked okay. If you have no bp issues I would say start with 400-600 to see how you respond.


Bizarro said:
Of course transdermal will NEVER, EVER achieve the same effectiveness as intramuscular injection. I say, go BIG or go HOME.
i guess you have never tried the transdermals from the source i know of because if you had, you would not be saying this. everyone compares the stupid patchs you get from the doctor which have only about 5mg of test in them to the transdermals i am talking about but they are totally different. i know of a very good friend who did an entire cycle using only a test transdermal and a tren transsdermal from this source and his results were impressive to say the least. you would not have known he didnt inject at all during the entire cycle.
only down side to the transdermals is you have to use a good bit each day and rub it into your skin but they do work if you get the right ones.
im thinking about getting some from this source and using it.


pincrusher said:
i guess you have never tried the transdermals from the source i know of because if you had, you would not be saying this. everyone compares the stupid patchs you get from the doctor which have only about 5mg of test in them to the transdermals i am talking about but they are totally different. i know of a very good friend who did an entire cycle using only a test transdermal and a tren transsdermal from this source and his results were impressive to say the least. you would not have known he didnt inject at all during the entire cycle.
only down side to the transdermals is you have to use a good bit each day and rub it into your skin but they do work if you get the right ones.
im thinking about getting some from this source and using it.

id much rather see a newbie using these transderms than dbol only cycles........


Registered User
May 4, 2005
hey, good for you if you know a great source for transdermals that rival injections and can't share the info. we should all feel happy that we poke ourselves because of this.


Registered User
May 20, 2005
3rd dimension
okay-- I'll go up to 400mg EQ starting at week one. Do I divide the dose if I have 200mg/ml two times per week or is one time per week okay?

Another question on the winny: If I plan on drinking it (shot of this hurt too much) do I have to increase the dose to bypass any oral metabolism? Or do I do the same dose?


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
squish said:
okay-- I'll go up to 400mg EQ starting at week one. Do I divide the dose if I have 200mg/ml two times per week or is one time per week okay?

Another question on the winny: If I plan on drinking it (shot of this hurt too much) do I have to increase the dose to bypass any oral metabolism? Or do I do the same dose?

Divided doses give you more even blood levels.

Winny - I would keep the dose at 50mg per day.


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
Just as Pin said,Primobolan and Oxandrin(anavar).
There is a PrimobolanS oral,but...?(how do ya type the fart effect sound?)
Primo depot and Anavar.That's it.Well maybe winstrol---"No yolk".


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
I have a lot of experience with transdermal prohormones and streroids.

My first experience with AAS was when Biotest/Ergopharm both came out with 4ad transdermal sprays. The carrier was a simple base of ethyl-alcohol, and in Ergopharm's product the addition of isopropyl myristate in order to enhance absorbtion. I decided to homebrew my own using 4ad from Kilosports, 180 proof everclear (95% ethyl-alcohol) and a 10% concentration of IPM. I applied 250mg twice a day for 48 days and gained 15lbs. My bench went from 365 to 405. I felt GREAT.

My second cycle consisted of Avant Labs' Super One+, which was a combination of 9g 4ad and 6g1test in an 8oz bottle. I used two of these in succession over approximately 5 weeks and went from 190 to 210. A lot of it was water and I got shut down hard, but I got MUCH stronger. I believe I ended up keeping 11-15lbs after PCT as well as most, if not all my added strength.

Anyway, you can still buy the updated transdermal carriers if you have the raw powders on hand. Phlojel is a transdermal carrier that pharmacists use while compounding. It is a little expensive, but in my experience more effective than any other gel.

Before the ban I used a combination of 3-alpha (a boldenone precursor, IIRC) along with 4ad in Phlogel at 400mg/day each and had great results. I'm currently taking test and EQ and I can honestly say that the transdermal way is an effective alternative to injecting. OTOH, its been awhile since I went transdermal and since I weigh 240 now the effective dosage of AAS has probably increased a little:).

My 2 cents.


Registered User
Bro an all oral cycle is NOT going to produce the type of results you are looking for. If you are against test then i agree that maybe you should reconsider you lifestyle. Anyway...good luck and i think i speak for everyone here at anasci when i say...TEST IS ESSENTIAL...so go with it.