Dens228 First log here


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Day 4 of week 4. Muscle rounds. This week I had upped the level to Tier 3 but yesterdays didn't really count since I didn't do the MR's for legs with my knee issues. Next week I will.

Loving the increase to Tier 3. Weight today was 229.9.

Listing only the last set of six sets, to failure.

Med grip pulldowns x5
Smith Rows x5
Close grip pulldowns x5
T-bars x5
Decline bench x4
Band Crossovers x5
DB Bench 4x4, totally gassed.
Side laterals x5
Face pulls x5
Shrugs x5
Pressdowns x6

For DB Bench I should have lowered the weight for sets 5 and 6. But I have DB's up to 50 lbs, after that I have pro-style DB's that take awhile to adjust. Too long for MR's.

Also I was surprised how much changing the order of exercises affects the weight used. Killer workout.


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Today was week 5 day 1 of the blast. Still hitting higher reps with the leg work, my knee is feeling much better. I think I'll go at it normal for the MR's in a few days.

Today's workout was:
Leg press x20
Extensions x30
Leg Press x20
Fetal Leg curls x6
Leg Press x25
SeatedCalves 5 sets, same weight started at 14 reps, ended at 7 reps
Dips x26, x20, with
Cable rows x22, x16
Side laterals x27, x21
With crunches
Shrugs x22 with
DB Curls x18, x15, with
Lying tricep extensions x24, x17


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Actually the last post was yesterday. I normally take a day off between days 1 and 2 of FT but due to other commitments I had to go 2 days in a row. Not so bad as long as I don't do it too often.

Today I weighed an even 229. Yesterday was a long day, started at 5:30 with my workout, then off to work, then home long enough to change, then I coach my sons youth football team from 5:45 until 8:00. Then I had a football board meeting that lasted until 11:30 pm...glad that isn't every day! LOL

So today was:

Close grip pulldowns x12, x9, alternated with
Smith rows x9, x10
Dips x12, x13, alternated with
Band crossovers x12, x9
Lateral raises x11, x9, alternated with
Face pulls x10, x9

Leg Giant set, no rest
Leg Press x30, leg extension x19, seated calf x32
Couple minutes rest
Leg Press x30, seated leg curls x31, seated calf x27



Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Weighed 227 today. These 16 hour days are taking a toll. Feel good muscle wise but hard to keep the weight up.

I tried Lap squats with an Iron Mind belt, ala Scott's site, but can't get it right.

So, here is today's, doing muscle rounds.......only listing the sixth set which is to failure........

Leg Press x8
Free weight hacks x3
Machine hacks, feet low x4
Seated leg curls, x7
Leg press calf x4
Seated calf, x3
Smith machine standing calf x5
Ez bar curls x6

Also, the free weight hacks don't lend themselves well to MR's. My lower/upper back was getting more stressed than the legs. Gave it a shot though.


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Last workout of week 5. Finished second week of Tier 3 basic.

As always on MR's, 6 sets, only the last set to failure, shooting for 4 reps, 5 breaths between sets.

I'm only listing the last set..........

Med grip pulldowns x5
T-Bar rows x3
Close grip pulldowns x5
Smith rows x4
DB Bench x5
Band crossovers x6
Decline x3
Side laterals x5
Shrugs x4
Rear laterals x8
Lying tris x2

Sweat pouring off of me like I was standing in the shower.
One more week and I'll be hitting the cruise.
Last edited:


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Week 6, day 1 of FT

Leg Press x20
Leg Extension x28
Leg Press x20
Seated leg curls x17
Leg Press x25
Leg Press calf 5x7-13 reps
Dips x28, x22, supersetted with
Cable rows x22, x17
Lateral raises x28 supersetted with crunches
Shrugs x22 supersetted with crunches
Lateral raises x19 supersetted with crunches
DB curls x23, x16, supersetted with
Pressdowns x26, x17


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Rolling right along........day 2 of week 6.
For my next blast I'm going to use Tier 2 for weeks 1 and 4, Tier 3 for weeks 2, 3, 5, 6.

Also, my hydro whey came yesterday afternoon so I added it to my intra today. I used premium strawberry coconut with debitterized hydro. Mixed with Orange Glycofuse it wasn't bad at all.

Preworkout, 30 minutes prior was Fully Loaded with 25 grams Glycofuse, intra was 30 grams hydro whey, 25 grams Glycofuse, 10 grams BCAA'a.

Close grip pulldowns x9, x8, alternated with
Smith rows x9, x9
Decline bench x6, x8, alternated with
Cable crossovers x12, x10
Side laterals x11, x10, alternated with
Shrugs x9, x7

Giant set
Leg press x26, leg extension x18, seated calf x24

Another giant set
Leg press x21, seated leg curls x25, seated calf x21

Foam rolling then done.


Mar 8, 2014
Any current progress pics brother? Curious to see the difference from the contest ones...sounds like youve been doing a pretty serious program :sHa_thumb2:


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
I plan on posting some at the end of this cycle. I don't know there'd be much of a difference. Gains come a little slower when you start your second half century! :D


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Weight was 227.7 today. Nearing the end of my blast, feeling like my timing is good on this. Had to do Day 3 of week 6 today instead of tomorrow due to other commitments. Watch on son play football and coach the other in his football game.

So today was muscle rounds, as always it's six sets of 4 reps, only the last set is to failure, only that set is listed below. 5 breaths between sets, a few minutes between exercises.

Leg press x6
Iron Mind belt squats x5 (learning to hate these in a good way)
Leg extensions x9 Went kind of light to rehab knee
Seated leg curls x4
Leg Press calf x6
Seated calf x3
Single leg standing calf x5 Just alternated legs no rest
DB Curls x5


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Last workout of the blast and I'm ready for a two week intensive cruise.
It makes even more sense now that I realized I went right into Fortitude training from about the beginning of June so about 10 straight weeks of workouts at high intensity.

Today's weight was 228.

Workout time:
Muscle rounds, only listing the 6th set which is to failure.

Medium grip pulldowns x6
T-Bar rows x4
Close grip pulldowns x3
Cable rows x4
Decline bench x4
Band crossovers x8
Dips x2
Side laterals x4
Face pulls x7
Pressdowns x5

Good workout, now for intensive cruise. I'm going to do 2 workouts of MR's at Basic level 1, then 2 workouts MR's at Basic level 2.

Then a week off, then back at it.


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Start of intensive cruise....I'm doing Basic Level I days 3 and 4 or start.


Leg press x4
Leg extensions, 21's......went way too light, made it through 3 sets of 21's non-stop.
Seated leg curls, 21's, too light on these too, did 2 rounds non-stop
Leg press calf, MR's x6
Ez Bar curls, 21's. almost made it through 2 rounds on these.


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Workout #2 of my intensive cruise. Going to workout EOD using Tier ! days 3 and 4 for a total of 4 workouts, then 3 or 4 days off and back at it.

Today......six sets of each, last set to failure is only one listed.

Seated rows x5
Close grip pulldowns x4
Dips x4
Shrugs x29, not muscle rounds, pump set
Pressdowns x30, not muscle rounds, pump set.
Pulldown crunches x6

I did pump sets instead of MR's for shrugs and triceps. Just to give my delts and elbows a rest.


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Third workout of intensive cruise........

Muscle rounds, only last of 6 sets listed.

Leg Press x6
Leg Extensions x31, not a Muscle round
Seated leg curls, x100, not a muscle round. Got the great idea to shoot for 100 reps on these, complete spur of the moment thing.

Seated Calf, MR's, x6
EZ bar curls x31 plus burnouts at the top until I cried.

Also started NPP yesterday........
Right now I'm at 600 mg test C, 600 mg NPP.
NPP will stay the same, Test will go up at some point.


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Last workout of intensive cruise.........couple days off then I start my blast on Friday...

Today...........MR's unless noted, only listing the 6th and final set of each exercise.

Seated rows x6
Close grip pulldowns x5
Decline bench x6
Lateral raises, 21's, did full, then top half, then bottom half, almost made it through twice.
Rope pressdowns x5
Crunches x30

I tried to really avoid any stress on the lower back this cruise as it's been tight and tired for the last three weeks or so.


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Alright, started my second blast.......weight today was 229.

Currently using 600/week NPP, 900/week Test C
For leg work this blast I'm upping the reps a bit to save my knees. Except on MR's I'll keep it textbook.

Workout today.

Leg Press x12
Leg Extensions x19 to failure
Leg Press x19 to failure
Seated leg curls x13 to failure
Leg Press calf x15, 12, x9, x6 all to failure

Close grip pulldowns 21's to failure supersetted twice with
Band crossovers 1 1/2 reps to failure

Side laterals 21's to failure supersetted twice with
Cable crunches

EZ Bar curls 1 1/2 reps to failure superstted once with
Pressdowns 1 1/2 reps to failure


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Day two of my second Fortitude blast........
Weight was an even 227.

Close grip pulldowns x8
T-bars x9
Close grip pulldowns x9
Decline bench x9
Band crossovers x13
Side Lateral raises x12
Shrugs x9

Now the high rep stuff
Giant set of:
Leg press x26
Leg Extension x15
Seated calf x16

Superset of
Leg Press, did 21's, full rep, stretch portion, top portion without lockout, almost made it through twice!
Seated leg curls, 1 1/2 reps x16

Loving the intensity elements I added to the pump sets!


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Tough day today after a long night.
I coach my 13 year old in football, he is our quarterback and linebacker.
I know he's my son but he's one tough little dude. He broke his collarbone in the game. Turns out he played about 10 plays with it, including braking a few tackles on a touchdown run. I could tell he was hurting but he kept telling me he was fine. We were lucky it didn't get worse....clean break and it's lined up nicely. 6-8 weeks on the sidelines.

Now on to my workout:

Muscle rounds today, only listing the last set of six, they are all to failure

Belt squats x4
Hack squats x5
Leg extensions x6
Seated leg curls x3
LP calf x5
Seated calf x3
EZ bar curls x9, way underestimated the weight on this one!


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Week 1 Day 4 of FT basic Tier 2.

Weight was 228.

Muscle rounds so only lasting the 6th set of each exercise, which is to failure.

Cable rows x6
T-Bars x3
Close grip pulldowns x5
Decline Bench x3
Cable crossovers x2
Laterals x6
Facepulls x6
Lying tricep extensions x2

Right now I'm taking 25 grams of Glycofuse with my preworkout about 20 minutes prior to the workout. And 30 grams hydro whey, 25 grams Glycofuse, and 10 grams EAA's during.


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Jacked up my right knee again...it was feeling great, bam! Same as last time.
I think I'm going to have to really stick with higher reps and just the exercises that don't aggravate it. It seems to have as much to do with the order of exercises as the exercises themselves.

So here's the workout today:

Legs were in zig zag
Belt squats x8
Leg Extensions x21
Belt Squats x10
Seated leg curls x16
Belt squats x7

Leg press calf raises x16, x14, x13, 10, 7. It was during these that I felt the knee tighten up. I think it may have been from doing belt squats first. I usually do them as the second MR exercise.

Lateral Raises x27, x22, supersetted with crunches
Shrugs x19 supersetted with crunches

DB curls x27, x22, supersetted with
Pressdowns x22, x17