its the last thing to go and the first thing to come back......i have heard in some cases this is e fat or fat with estogen bound to it......the estogen keeps you from burning it...i don't know how true this is but it sounds plasible.....and i need to belive in some reason why its so hard to get rid of.......i have heard of cremes containing anti e's like yohimby and formastain that are acctully suposed to bind to the E and break it from the fat alowing it to be burnt......i was on a forum with a woman who put it on one leg and not the other...and there was a noticable difference.....women suffer from this terible curse much more than men.....but we all have estogen to one extent or another.......i have even heard that it lessons and somtimes almost gets rid of the dredded gynocomastia as well.....but none of these things i know for sure as i have never tried the stuff to see if it does help on my love handles or not....... :sniper: