cycle help


Feb 7, 2013
But for only his second cycle? Kinda like trying beer once and then going straight to everclear IMHO. It sounds like he's already got his mind made up that's y I suggested acetate also.
people like to say wild shit like

"Only do Tren after you've got 10 cycles under your belt.. Or have to been in the game for a while"

All this shit is exactly that- shit...

I get everyone's concern I really do- but at the same time I've known A LOT guys who tried Tren as a second or third cycle and did just fine. Then there are guys who stayed away from Tren for years and did horrible on it-

I just hate this "paranoia game" people play with AAS's


Jun 10, 2013
It's not paranoia just trying to look out for him before he jumps into tren e and gets some horrible sides and can't shake em for 2+ weeks


Jun 10, 2013
people like to say wild shit like

"Only do Tren after you've got 10 cycles under your belt.. Or have to been in the game for a while"

All this shit is exactly that- shit...

I get everyone's concern I really do- but at the same time I've known A LOT guys who tried Tren as a second or third cycle and did just fine. Then there are guys who stayed away from Tren for years and did horrible on it-

I just hate this "paranoia game" people play with AAS's

I never said 10+ cycles I just didn't think it would be a good idea as a second cycle just like many others here said. We all know its how individuals are able to deal with the sides. The first time I did tren was an eye opener and I did tren e as well and coming off it was pretty hard on me hence the reason I stick with ace.


Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
To all the mods, vets and members who tried to tell him...you did your best.

To OP:

Just because you "have it on hand" doesn't mean you should run it.
It's quite obvious from your posts that you are at best a novice when it comes to AAS.
Your first cycle aside, you still don't have enough knowledge to just jump into a 19nor. Most of these guys have been pretty easy on you when what they're thinking is "moron."

I am new here as well but I am not going to be as nice as those other guys.
It is clear you have no idea of what it is you're doing.
You don't want to do any research. You want to ask questions and magically have the answers you want to hear appear in the forum.

You just don't seem to want to take advice or direction from guys who have a hell of a lot more experience than you do.
I am almost willing to bet you've already started pinning your gear.

What are you using for prolactin sides?
When those sides start manifesting why don't you come on over so I can spew some man-yogurt on your udders.

If this post sounds harsh...it's meant to.
If it pisses you off...it's only kinda meant to do that.
The main reason for this post is to tell you to wake the F up, pay attention to what these vets are telling you and do some research.

Don't start a cycle until you know what to expect and damn sure have everything on hand for OCT and PCT before you stick that first pin.

To the mods and vets...if I was too hard on OP or said something I shouldn't, please let me know and delete this post.
BTW ive had my gear on hand now for 4 weeks and no i havent started pinning as far as prolactin issues i will be using prami. As far as not knowing what to expect that was why i asked u guys???? And I got some good advice from other guys how posted.


Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
people like to say wild shit like

"Only do Tren after you've got 10 cycles under your belt.. Or have to been in the game for a while"

All this shit is exactly that- shit...

I get everyone's concern I really do- but at the same time I've known A LOT guys who tried Tren as a second or third cycle and did just fine. Then there are guys who stayed away from Tren for years and did horrible on it-

I just hate this "paranoia game" people play with AAS's
So im going to run the tren. Its going to happen. However i will step it back some so if i keep my test at 600mg a week and lower the tren e to 100mg to start off. What do u guys think? Of course i will also be running HCG at 500iu every 5 days along with arimidex, finasteride, and prami.


Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
But for only his second cycle? Kinda like trying beer once and then going straight to everclear IMHO. It sounds like he's already got his mind made up that's y I suggested acetate also.
Haha well the first few times i ever drank it was staight moonshine haha didnt try beer till later. Of course i dont drink know though.


Registered User
Jan 28, 2014
So im going to run the tren. Its going to happen. However i will step it back some so if i keep my test at 600mg a week and lower the tren e to 100mg to start off. What do u guys think? Of course i will also be running HCG at 500iu every 5 days along with arimidex, finasteride, and prami.

I would suggest keeping your test @ 300-500. And the tren you can go as high as you can handle.
I just maxed out @ 1.4 grams a week of tren and i was doing 700mg a week of test.
Just made me get tired and sick feeling. Real shitty. But not that bad.
Tren just gets me in shape by looking at weights.
The test you really only need for the pussy and at 300-500 your gonna be beating it up. Go higher and your body is gonna have more night sweats and homrone overload sides.
I started tren @ 75ml a day. and went up.
If you can handle it, 700mg a week is pretty legit.
But, now that i know how my body reacts with tren...the next time i run tren and if i get my mast in time for this cycle...i will be running mast p and tren ace together.

Just figure out how you roll with it. Good luck on the E. Minor as fuck for me but some guys get the willies on tren.
hopefully you dont' slap a bitch in public or pull a Chris Benoit and kill yourself. :sniper:

if you like tabs though u gotta try halo. one of my favorites.


Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
I would suggest keeping your test @ 300-500. And the tren you can go as high as you can handle.
I just maxed out @ 1.4 grams a week of tren and i was doing 700mg a week of test.
Just made me get tired and sick feeling. Real shitty. But not that bad.
Tren just gets me in shape by looking at weights.
The test you really only need for the pussy and at 300-500 your gonna be beating it up. Go higher and your body is gonna have more night sweats and homrone overload sides.
I started tren @ 75ml a day. and went up.
If you can handle it, 700mg a week is pretty legit.
But, now that i know how my body reacts with tren...the next time i run tren and if i get my mast in time for this cycle...i will be running mast p and tren ace together.

Just figure out how you roll with it. Good luck on the E. Minor as fuck for me but some guys get the willies on tren.
hopefully you dont' slap a bitch in public or pull a Chris Benoit and kill yourself. :sniper:

if you like tabs though u gotta try halo. one of my favorites.
Haha thanks bro appreciate the help.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Finasteride wont help only thing it will help is give erectile dysfunction..

808 and halo are like a married couple with a son named Tren ..
Reminds me of enigmatic and his exwife Ment..lol surprised he didnt dose that too..:)


Sep 17, 2003
ParanoidFitness time for you to calm down a bit! Enough of the pics and other such things of that nature, that is not how this board operates.

Give your opinion, give it in a respectful way and move on.

Thank you!