Cutting belly fat

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
My personal opinion of waist training is that it is just a girdle. I do not know if it really causes organs to be moved around or if it somehow tells your body to burn the fat off in that area. I can see the theory about hiw it could possibly reshape your body, but that comes from feet and head bounding and neck stretching at a young age. I would love to see clinical trials with some scientific proof from an accredited institute.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
My personal opinion of waist training is that it is just a girdle. I do not know if it really causes organs to be moved around or if it somehow tells your body to burn the fat off in that area. I can see the theory about hiw it could possibly reshape your body, but that comes from feet and head bounding and neck stretching at a young age. I would love to see clinical trials with some scientific proof from an accredited institute.

There are different degrees of waist training. Some are far more extreme than others, but they're all variations on the same basic procedure.

You can actually see a very mild form of waist training being practiced every single day. Ever see a chick wearing jeans that are way too tight in the waist, and she's got a muffin top popping out? Guess what that is. It's waist training. If she does it consistently enough for long enough, it causes her body to grow that way. Her fat deposits will all occur above the waist line of her jeans because that's where her clothing allows it to happen the easiest.

Lycan, you're absolutely right. The basic premise of waist training for fitness types is using a variation of a girdle to change your body shape. What you're doing is putting some tension around the midsection in order to shorten the Transverse Abdominis muscle. The Transverse Abdominis is also called the "corset muscle". By applying constant pressure around the circumference of the waist, one relieves the tension on the TA muscles and allows them to become shorter circumferentially. This contributes to a smaller, tighter waist line. Here's a little Wikipedia reading on the function of the TA muscles: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transverse_abdominal_muscle

We're not going to extremes and trying to move our organs around, although when you see women with a 20" waist and 36" hips, that's exactly what's happening. The problem with going that small is that is actually causes atrophy of the abdominal muscles to the point that these women actually require the corset or waist training device to be on for almost the entire day in order to have any core support. Anything can be taken too far. No one is suggesting that you go that far, quite the opposite actually.

Coincidentally, abdominal vacuum exercises are another great way to achieve a smaller, tighter waist line. I'll go as far as to say that if bodybuilding competitions still included waist vacuums as a standard pose we wouldn't have the current state of bloated distended guts that you commonly see on stages at the highest level.

So if anyone wants a prescription for a tight waist, it's cardio, Tren, Anavar, low Test, core work including vacuum poses, and a Squeam. Good genetics also helps. Good luck.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Curious but do you have any experience with waist training? Always thought it was just bs and never bothered reading up on it.

Ok, lets be honest here. Does my answer to your question really matter? Whether I say yes or no, does either answer make me more or less credible? At the end of the day I'm just some random dude on an internet site that's hiding behind an anonymous screen name, right? Don't take anything I say as an absolute. Come to a conclusion for yourself based on a preponderance of evidence, not just on what I say. Go other places and do some reading, watch videos on YouTube, or even go out and buy a waist trainer and try it for yourself. They cost like $30. I've paid more than that for a vial of Test. Even if it doesn't work, are you really out enough money to be upset about it?

Oh, and here's a quick tip that I forgot to mention, that should go without saying. Waist training works best when you're LEAN. If you're 25% body fat, it's not going to make your love handles disappear. Ideally, you need to be 15% or lower before you're going to notice any real difference. Basically, you're not going to see much benefit to waist training unless you can see your abs.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
Vacuum poses really are best. It can reverse distention. I have a neoprene belt and that also helps with proper posture. I can't slouch when sitting. The only trouble is causes sweating and heat. I can not wear it for more than a few hours.

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Vacuum poses really are best. It can reverse distention. I have a neoprene belt and that also helps with proper posture. I can't slouch when sitting. The only trouble is causes sweating and heat. I can not wear it for more than a few hours

Guess what that extra heat and sweating is doing?


Registered User
Apr 5, 2017
Diet and cardio....again you can damn near bulk or cut on ANY steroid. Burn more than you need....that's the answer. Someone earlier posted you can't spot reduce....that person is about spot on. Diet Diet Diet
Jan 26, 2015
Never. Although, it's worth noting that I always run Tren and Var together with a very low amount of Test (<150mg/wk). It would seem like an odd thing, for Anavar to have a negative effect on someone's sex drive. That's not something I remember ever being talked about before.
I have never noticed it lowering my sex drive. With anavar and a thermo blend, cutting belly fat is pretty easy

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WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
I just read this whole fuckin thing on waist traing just to get to a post with some one agreeing with me......GOD DAMN IT! lol
But for real, just jump rope. People want conditioning jump rope between heavy sets. Just an easypace.....you will fuckin die at the end LOL. Its just muscles you never use in a sequence over and over again. And i really feel it helps with forearm develop ment. Cause you BBers got some lil shit forearms ;)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I just read this whole fuckin thing on waist traing just to get to a post with some one agreeing with me......GOD DAMN IT! lol
But for real, just jump rope. People want conditioning jump rope between heavy sets. Just an easypace.....you will fuckin die at the end LOL. Its just muscles you never use in a sequence over and over again. And i really feel it helps with forearm develop ment. Cause you BBers got some lil shit forearms ;)

I never thought about jumping rope for forearm development. Good thinking.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I just read this whole fuckin thing on waist traing just to get to a post with some one agreeing with me......GOD DAMN IT! lol
But for real, just jump rope. People want conditioning jump rope between heavy sets. Just an easypace.....you will fuckin die at the end LOL. Its just muscles you never use in a sequence over and over again. And i really feel it helps with forearm develop ment. Cause you BBers got some lil shit forearms ;)

And why would a fat powerlifter care about waist training, anyway? :D

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Lol i just jump uo and down kind of between sets pretending im jump ropping. Just something i started dkimg when I was 16 in highschool gym and continued to do. Figuered it kept the heart rate up and helped eith adrenaline lol. Never thought about it u til right now.


Registered User
Mar 3, 2017
Grace, running, skipping rope, swimming and a little bit of cardio is what you need. You'll cut your bellyfats in weeks, just do the proper diet. How'd you say your relationship is with wheat or rice? Or potatoes? :p


Registered User
Mar 3, 2017
It took me 15 days when I first started skipping. Initially I was thinking what a jack of exercise it is, but it helped me improve my stamina, agility and sharpen my responsiveness


Registered User
Feb 26, 2017
I see a lot more waist training going on now. Especially with the compression waist trainers with some topical fat burner like yohimbine.