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Just finished baking 15 minutes @250 degrees. Looks nice. I am curious if it will crash again since I added no solvent.
I am actually shocked that cyp is hard to hold. Is it just the long esters ? This is probably the 5th batch of cyp that I have done although the first using a bottle top and doing 200ml. The past few batches have been syringe filters and about 50ml-60ml.
I have done batches of deca as well with no problem. The difference in injection frequency between enanthate and cyp is pretty small considering my goals so next order will probably be enanthate.
I just made some at 333mg/ml.
300 ml with 100g Tcyp
2% BA 18%BB
I split into various vials. Some are starting to crash others are not.
Reheating seems to fix it.