CoronaVirus Updates


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Boris Johnson the UK Prime Minister has been taken to intensive care. This is really bad so hopefully he pulls through. I believe his pregnant wife is also infected.


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
I just got tested today. Two weeks ago I was waking up at night because I was unable to breathe well. I couldn't take a regular breath. I was fighting to get air. I had to sit up which helped. Luckily our bed frame is electric and I raised the head of the bed up. I have a cough as well. My lungs feel irritated. It's not sleep apnea. I've had that and this is a different feeling. Things seemed to be getting better at the end of last week but the last couple of nights it seems to be getting worse and the cough is increasing. No fever though. Since this is now the third week I called my doctor. She sent me for the test this morning. I've had an upper respiratory infection before due to the Humira lowering my immune system. It could be that, we'll see. I actually stopped taking Humira 3 weeks ago. Being up moving makes it feel better. My doctor will get the results in 3 to 5 days.


Feb 6, 2012
I heard that Wuhan was unsealed today, but they still need to scan QR code to register their personal information when they take public transportation out of the community

It's impressive how they have managed to control the spread with such a massive population.


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
My test came back negative! I'm happy but I was sort of hoping I would have it, not severely, and then have the antibodies so I could donate plasma.

I have an upper respiratory infection. These are somewhat common with Humira. The flip side is that this one is worse than the last one. Three weeks ago I would wake up every night because I couldn't breathe. I've been coughing the whole time. This week I've been wheezing and coughing so bad it's hard to stay asleep. Luckily I stopped taking Humira. My shot would have been the same day this came on which would have made it much worse. So, it dawned on me that maybe I'm lucky I didn't have COVID-19. If that's how my body handles an upper respiratory infection, due to Humira lowering my immune system, then I probably would have had a lot of trouble with COVID-19.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My test came back negative! I'm happy but I was sort of hoping I would have it, not severely, and then have the antibodies so I could donate plasma.

I have an upper respiratory infection. These are somewhat common with Humira. The flip side is that this one is worse than the last one. Three weeks ago I would wake up every night because I couldn't breathe. I've been coughing the whole time. This week I've been wheezing and coughing so bad it's hard to stay asleep. Luckily I stopped taking Humira. My shot would have been the same day this came on which would have made it much worse. So, it dawned on me that maybe I'm lucky I didn't have COVID-19. If that's how my body handles an upper respiratory infection, due to Humira lowering my immune system, then I probably would have had a lot of trouble with COVID-19.

That's great news. Well as you allude to if we are going to get it we probably want to get it now whilst everything is shut down and we have very little to do. It would be really annoying going through self isolation and shut down for 6+ weeks then they open everything back up and you catch the virus and have to spend another few weeks stuck inside again :eek::D Although that is going on the hope we would be fine with the virus but as you know some people are going through hell and back so hopefully none of us catch this.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
US Intelligence has said they don't believe the numbers that China is reporting.

I think that is fairly obvious but who knows. They do seem to have it under control now but I am sure it will return. The only reason they were able to control it is the fact they are prepared to go to any length to stop it. Meaning their human rights are non existant and they don't care so whatever is necessary they will do whereas most other nations would never go to those extremes. Although one could argue many other nations are far too soft and it's hard to disagree with that. Half the people in the UK can't even stay in and watch tv and are out in force so it's no wonder there death rate figures are currently so high.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
The gym's here may open up soon which will be amazing. I have heard they are going to open up the schools in a few weeks as well. I know other countries in Europe are starting to ease restrictions as well. The UK has extended it's lockdown by another 3 weeks but they were behind most of Europe at the start.


Feb 2, 2007
I had to cancel my vacation. I know the cafe opposite me had to close down permanently. I just read how they are permanently closing 30 Gold's locations. Does anyone have any good news? Every state is different but I am hoping things start to reopen in May.


Donating Member
Feb 11, 2019
East Coast
SITREP. --- I've teleworked from home for almost a month. Word has come out that 2 Staff Members have tested positive. I'm famous for allergies, all this while Allergy Season.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
It's crazy the amount of conflicting data on all of this. I think it's a bit of both and some are gravely sick from the virus. However I bet loads have had it and didn't even know. It's not right what they have been doing with the death rate as well. I have heard from multiple sources in many places if you go into hospital with any respiratory illness and die their reason for death is labelled as covid 19. People have died from lung cancer and they are listed as covid 19. I believe the actual test is not even a test for the virus either and simply a byproduct of the virus which can come up with various other illnesses. Therefore the amount of false positives is supposed to be huge and when they die they are being labelled as covid 19 as well. I am lookign forward to when this has all settled down. Although I am sure life won't be the same for a long time.


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
It's crazy the amount of conflicting data on all of this. I think it's a bit of both and some are gravely sick from the virus. However I bet loads have had it and didn't even know. It's not right what they have been doing with the death rate as well. I have heard from multiple sources in many places if you go into hospital with any respiratory illness and die their reason for death is labelled as covid 19. People have died from lung cancer and they are listed as covid 19. I believe the actual test is not even a test for the virus either and simply a byproduct of the virus which can come up with various other illnesses. Therefore the amount of false positives is supposed to be huge and when they die they are being labelled as covid 19 as well. I am lookign forward to when this has all settled down. Although I am sure life won't be the same for a long time.

If you're hospitalized due to respiratory illness, they will test you for COVID-19. If someone had lung cancer, contracted COVID and died, it's still fair to say they died from COVID. If someone had lung cancer and died from a heart attack, the death certificate is going to say heart attack.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
If you're hospitalized due to respiratory illness, they will test you for COVID-19. If someone had lung cancer, contracted COVID and died, it's still fair to say they died from COVID. If someone had lung cancer and died from a heart attack, the death certificate is going to say heart attack.

I wrote that post on here then figured copy and paste it on promuscle too. I have just replied on there as well.

No that is different and I would completely agree covid 19 was the cause (well final cause) of their death. That has happened with many people as they already had existing illnesses. I saw an interview with a hospital worker in the UK stating they were told to put covid 19 on all respiratory illnesses that come in regardless of testing positive or not. It doesn't make any sense but that is what he said in the video. I am trying to find it but can't locate it as there is so much stuff when you google those terms. The actual testing itself isn't even that accurate either. I have read anything from 10% to 35% are incorrect but who really knows. As I have always posted I know this bad and some are really suffering.


Registered User
Oct 26, 2012
My test came back negative! I'm happy but I was sort of hoping I would have it, not severely, and then have the antibodies so I could donate plasma.

I have an upper respiratory infection. These are somewhat common with Humira. The flip side is that this one is worse than the last one. Three weeks ago I would wake up every night because I couldn't breathe. I've been coughing the whole time. This week I've been wheezing and coughing so bad it's hard to stay asleep. Luckily I stopped taking Humira. My shot would have been the same day this came on which would have made it much worse. So, it dawned on me that maybe I'm lucky I didn't have COVID-19. If that's how my body handles an upper respiratory infection, due to Humira lowering my immune system, then I probably would have had a lot of trouble with COVID-19.

Good to hear man! How are you doing now, I hope you are better? I saw something on the Dr. OZ today when I woke up about a lady first tested negative and then tested positive due to the test not being accurate. She was on the respirator for 10 days taken off started getting a little better then it got worse and went back on the vent but she is now completely recovered. My mom hasn't started a certain medication she was wrote for her RA because of it affecting her immune system which she doesn't have a good immune system already so I think that was a wise decision to not take the Humira.

I heard they are opening more things up as of today here and was told they are opening gyms, restaurants/bars on the 1st of the month. I was wondering if maybe it was too soon but I guess time will tell...


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
The gyms may be opening, but do you really want to go back there at this moment in time? Kinda scares the shit out of me just thinking about it.