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Looks like 30 haha
How long does it take you to finish?
How many sets for the other body parts?
Just curious.
Well this was just a chest day. So there were no other body parts. My workouts usually take about 75-90 minutes. My other days with multiple body parts have more sets tho.
Total respect, first and foremost.
But IMO you might talk to your coach bc that's way too many sets
and way too much rest in between those sets.
Unless you're doing 30+ minutes of cardio PWO?
Or maybe you're just doing this for a short window of time for
some "shock" reasons?
Even if you're making gains and progress, I think you could be more productive and make even better gains with much less.
Just my 2 cents .
I certainly appreciate the input brother. There will always be things where people disagree on. Shit, I was used to doing this all by myself for a long one so completely giving in to following my coaches routine/nutrition has even been hard for me. I will say, I told myself I would follow him and see what it did for me and I have seen great results so far. He switches my plans every 6 weeks tho (I used to do 4 myself but he likes 6). So the styles are always changing. And I actually rest pretty minimal between sets. 60 seconds at most usually less. I make sure to keep my workouts intensity up.
He coaches a lot of competitors and they are always looking on point. From what I've seen they've brought home a lot of solid results too. I think he wants me to compete but I haven't 100% given him word yet if I will. We will see how this bulk treats me. Goal is 220-225 then cut to a solid 200.
I think one of the beautiful Hingis about this sport is how many different styles there are and how they can all produce results. What style of training is your favorite or that you like to use?
As I've gotten older, I've had to adapt.
I'm done slagging big weights.
I'm a big believer in BANDED movements and
Rest Pause work (MT style, not DC).
I train in the wee hours of the morning, fasted, after 20 minutes
of cardio.
Workouts generally take 30-40 mins, rests are 30ish seconds.
I have a leg workout that Tenny gave me to try.
And I've shared this with some clients.
They can't walk :action-smiley-064:!
Total time 25 minutes...............you'll die!