CG Lantus run PICS


Registered User
Apr 6, 2014
Alright, here's the thing...

CG, you need to provide some history for us. Otherwise, there's no evidence that the gains were provided by the lantus. You say you were taking humalog with every meal, I guess that would do something by itself if you were not doing any insulin previously, right?

So, without more details we are a bit lost here. I've seen people gain good amounts of muscle in 3 months going from natural into first basic cycle or from a cruise into a heavy cycle, without peptides.

But we need to understand where you were coming from to figure out if the improvement we're seeing is from the lantus, as you suggest.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Allex, I'm not offended by this. When you say you need more detail, I have no more detail to give you. Maybe if you have a direct question I could answer it? Maybe you should re-read the opening posts in this thread diet/gear? Your saying you need to confirm it was the Lantus "as I suggested", No I don't. If you want to think the Humalog alone did this that's ok too. Take what you want from this and go on. I have pointed out the extreme gains relevant to the time period of use. You guys call me out for pics and I provide pics. Allex you said the pics hardly show more than just rounded out muscle improvement. So why the hell do you give a shit anyway. Just add in a secondary steroid to your protocol and achieve the same thing. You did say that's what it looked like or you wouldn't be surprised to hear that. I really just don't care. Life is too short to get beat up for trying to help. What ever you think or believe is ok with me. I don't feel the least bit compelled to convince you of anything. :)
I'm not mad, I'm not upset. I just bring this here FOR FREE to help you guys out. All I can do is lead you to water friend. Maybe this is some kind of wild scam to improve the underground market for Lantus? :)



Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
The weight gain is completely irrelevant. On a shorter guy it would be less on a taller guy it would be more. If your one of the guys that can't see the improvements in the pics, what does weight mean to you? If your one of the guys that can see the extreme improvements what does the weight mean? Get over the scale and learn to appreciate whats in the mirror.



Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
I'm getting bombed about the weight gain in pm's.

There is an 18lb difference between the two picks. This is the absolute end of me talking about any body weights in this thread. :) I just hate to put it out there when there's members that cant even see a difference between the two pics. I can just see it now. "Your lying, it only looks like _____ to me". It is what it is and I can't re-write history. I did it and it happened. I think there's a huge difference between them. I lived it. lol



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Apr 20, 2007
you can tell the change in thickness between the first and second pic.

that along with the notice that theres really no change in fat gained shows some solid results! so anything 10+ lbs gained in a matter of a couple of months is really good!

usually only see those types of results in that quick of time when someone is on their first cycle ever or when they are adding something new to their regimen like peps, new aas that their body absorbs really well or slin.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Apr 20, 2007
Get over the scale and learn to appreciate whats in the mirror.

this is something that took me a lot of years to realize. unless youre competing and need to be at a certain weight then the mirror should be the one to judge your results.


Donating Member
Jun 7, 2012
CG i can definatly see a difference. You all most had it [emoji16] next time add 10-20 iu's hgh, with your slin protocol add t-3 50 to 100 mcgs and for anabolics/androgens go with 500mgs sust and 200-400 mgs of npp every other day. And hammer the food...watch what happens....lol

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk


Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
I'm getting bombed about the weight gain in pm's.

There is an 18lb difference between the two picks. This is the absolute end of me talking about any body weights in this thread. :) I just hate to put it out there when there's members that cant even see a difference between the two pics. I can just see it now. "Your lying, it only looks like _____ to me". It is what it is and I can't re-write history. I did it and it happened. I think there's a huge difference between them. I lived it. lol


Those comments.
People don't see the front. Here they are expecting complete different body.
You can see the difference, you have have a bigger body and no fat gain.
You've gained overall and look thick. People expect seo difference.
What this shows is real tissue growth that's obvious.
slin did this, you were already on shit lol. The weight gain amount is very important here bud.
forget the bitterness, where is their pics


Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
CG i can definatly see a difference. You all most had it [emoji16] next time add 10-20 iu's hgh, with your slin protocol add t-3 50 to 100 mcgs and for anabolics/androgens go with 500mgs sust and 200-400 mgs of npp every other day. And hammer the food...watch what happens....lol

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

I was gonna add some avocado oil to a lantus run but was nervous.
Fat can lesson appetite


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
CG i can definatly see a difference. You all most had it [emoji16] next time add 10-20 iu's hgh, with your slin protocol add t-3 50 to 100 mcgs and for anabolics/androgens go with 500mgs sust and 200-400 mgs of npp every other day. And hammer the food...watch what happens....lol

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

Thank you for sharing! I love hearing other views and that's how we all learn. The day I tell ya "I got it all figured out", don't walk RUN! lol



Registered User
Apr 6, 2014
Allex, I'm not offended by this. When you say you need more detail, I have no more detail to give you. Maybe if you have a direct question I could answer it?

Ok, direct question: can you do this for the before pic?

Diet was carbs and protein. Never purposely added fats of any kind. Maybe some butter on rice at times just to get my shit moving smoother through me.
Hamburger/rice, chicken/rice, rarely but on occasion fish /rice. Eating so much I was distended and felt like I had to shit all the time. I made a point of eating every two hours and would almost panic if I went two and a half with no meal yet. I was crazy how at the end of the two hours I could see my viens flattening out and I was starting to feel better. Twenty minutes after eating the pumps would literally hurt and I would find way to rest my arms to they felt better. I would often feel over come with heat after eating also. I would eat a huge bowl of cheerios using eggwhites mixed with vanilla protein powder in place of milk. I only did this after training when I walked in the door. I would eat again about an hour later. Breakfast was always 4 egg Mcmufins. with 3 large OJs. If I ever had a snack at night it was a large bowl of Raisin Brand cereal with no fat milk. I was also drinking a large glass of OJ before four of my meals a day(breakfast was always one of them) with 20 grams of glutamine mixed into it. I was NEVER the diet guy. I remember when I was training with Shelby he would give me these incredible meal plans and I just hated all the prep. But I did it with him. Made some grate gain with him as well.
Gear: Long test 2000mgs a week
EQ 800mgs a week
Tren 400ngs a week
Three winny tabs a day spread out. I forget the strength. sorry
T3 and clen as needed
Metformin 1500mgs a day
100iu Lantus injected in the moring
10iu Humalog with each and every meal. No exceptions!
ZERO hgh or peps of any kind.
I'm sure there are a few thing I have no mentioned.


Back in the day I was one of these guys main lining HGH and just doing anything and everything to get huge. Why didn't I continue. I was afraid of how I was feeling. I just didn't feel good. Incredible head migraines. Shortness of breath that was debilitating. I can't tell ya how many times I wished I could go back and just see how it would have run it's course.

The one mistake I know I made was the morning cardio I was doing was on a stair stepper. That's why I was pounding size on everywhere but the quads.
I kept melting them down every morning. So to do it again I would be walking the treadmill.


Mar 27, 2014
People don't understand- as you get older - it is so hard and so frustrating just to retain your muscle - never mind gaining even 1 pound of quality muscle.
18 lbs. Incredable.

At 35 it was easy to get shredded for me but not put oon weight
At 40 it was harder to get shredded or gain
At 45 ofI skipped a meal I would lose weight - if I worked out to hard I would not recover for a while.
At 49 now - wow- it is a different game all together - lucky for me CG is generous enough to come on here and work with us. .
I can't wait to do my run off lantus - I will only beer doing lantus at a very low dose for insulin.
But - I will be adding GH - mk-677 - test - EQ- not sure about orals yet.
I cant wait - just waiting to get my upper and lowerGI work done and a few more blood tests.
Thank you CG for coming back in man


Registered User
Apr 6, 2014
I see you colored your hair.

CG, I apologize if this comment offended you in any way or form. I have grey hair myself (whatever is left) and didn't think this could be taken as an offense.

Sorry again.


VIP / Donating Member
Jun 20, 2008
People don't understand- as you get older - it is so hard and so frustrating just to retain your muscle - never mind gaining even 1 pound of quality muscle.
18 lbs. Incredable.

At 35 it was easy to get shredded for me but not put oon weight
At 40 it was harder to get shredded or gain
At 45 ofI skipped a meal I would lose weight - if I worked out to hard I would not recover for a while.
At 49 now - wow- it is a different game all together - lucky for me CG is generous enough to come on here and work with us. .
I can't wait to do my run off lantus - I will only beer doing lantus at a very low dose for insulin.
But - I will be adding GH - mk-677 - test - EQ- not sure about orals yet.
I cant wait - just waiting to get my upper and lowerGI work done and a few more blood tests.
Thank you CG for coming back in man

At 57, I stay lean all year. It is what you eat Brother. I don't think it is harder as much as you have to stay more consistent. ;)


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Ok, direct question: can you do this for the before pic?

Do you mean "what did I do for the before pic?" The before pic represents the same exact training and the same gear. The diet was much more relaxed and not eating to a point that was literally uncomfortable. It had on average four good meals a day with two to three shakes a day.
Allex, the second pic is me after changing to a Lantus./humalog protocol and adding a shit ton of food.
This didn't start out to be an acid test for insulin. I was running the same protocol with zero lantus/humalog at the start with very little changes taking place and was getting really discouraged after a couple months. I flipped the switch and went all out with the Lantus and Humalog as a last resort because I was fresh out of ideas to grow. It was an act of desperation. Even increasing the food for the diet wasn't planned. When you have that much slin in ya your going to eat trust me. You have read about Brad speaking of an "anabolic hunger", maybe the slin is forcing this on your system? I really don't have it all figured out as I have said previously many times. All I can tell you is what I experienced. Thank God I have the pics or all this would be just written off as pure bullshit.
Pointing out the obvious. I'm a long time vet with a record of being a no bullshit kind of guy. Not saying I'm above being called on the carpet over something, but it is new for me to be called out over stuff I'm speaking from the heart about. But it's all good Allex. You guys keep me sharp.;)



Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
CG, I apologize if this comment offended you in any way or form. I have grey hair myself (whatever is left) and didn't think this could be taken as an offense.

Sorry again.

LOL. When I die my hair I look like a used car dealer.LMAO

It wasn't the gray on my head that hurt. It was the chest hair. Talk about feeling a hundred fucking years old...........

I where my hair high and tight now. Should have never changed that.



Registered User
Apr 6, 2014
Do you mean "what did I do for the before pic?" The before pic represents the same exact training and the same gear. The diet was much more relaxed and not eating to a point that was literally uncomfortable. It had on average four good meals a day with two to three shakes a day.
Allex, the second pic is me after changing to a Lantus./humalog protocol and adding a shit ton of food.
This didn't start out to be an acid test for insulin. I was running the same protocol with zero lantus/humalog at the start with very little changes taking place and was getting really discouraged after a couple months. I flipped the switch and went all out with the Lantus and Humalog as a last resort because I was fresh out of ideas to grow. It was an act of desperation. Even increasing the food for the diet wasn't planned. When you have that much slin in ya your going to eat trust me. You have read about Brad speaking of an "anabolic hunger", maybe the slin is forcing this on your system? I really don't have it all figured out as I have said previously many times. All I can tell you is what I experienced. Thank God I have the pics or all this would be just written off as pure bullshit.
Pointing out the obvious. I'm a long time vet with a record of being a no bullshit kind of guy. Not saying I'm above being called on the carpet over something, but it is new for me to be called out over stuff I'm speaking from the heart about. But it's all good Allex. You guys keep me sharp.;)


Okay. I just needed to have a baseline. It seems that adding the slin you were able to gain a good amount of lean mass, which I understand is hard for a veteran. So, nice experiment and thanks for that.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2014
LOL. When I die my hair I look like a used car dealer.LMAO

It wasn't the gray on my head that hurt. It was the chest hair. Talk about feeling a hundred fucking years old...........

I where my hair high and tight now. Should have never changed that.


I don't know. I'm a foreigner to you and you're a foreigner to me. I was informed that my hair comment was offensive, so I just wanted to say sorry...

Perhaps it's a cultural thing. Go figure.


Dec 19, 2013
why no front before/after shots? that would tell even more of the story. man i wished i looked like that and im quite a few years younger than you!
then again, if i was on well over 3g of heavy gear a week, id be a hella more bigger than u.
i went from 185 to 235 on never more than 1.2g a week.