CG Lantus run PICS


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
I think these pics show what was going on best. This was about two and a half months. I couldn't take it any longer. Hands and feel were killing me and it felt like my muscles were fighting what ever direction I was bending them. Example: as I bent my arm in the direction of a curl my tricep felt like it was being stretched kind of like a dogcrap stretch after being extremely pumped. I can't imagine what doing this on and off for a prolonged period would feel or look like. In retrospect I think if I had run my fluids way, WAY up it may have help alleviate some of the symptoms.
Make what you want of these. Again I only posted them because some guys seamed to think they "HAD" to see them. Guys, I'm not trying to sell you ANYTHING. What do I have to gain by pulling this shit out of my ass? lol


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Sep 17, 2003
Am I supposed to see more than one picture?

I'm having the same issue? When I go to Moderator tools and click edit, I can see he has two pics uploaded?

Having it looked at now to see what the attachment issue is.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2014
Can't you just host the pictures somewhere else or provide an URL so I can figure this out? Using the forum as a host is never the best option.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
Can't you just host the pictures somewhere else or provide an URL so I can figure this out? Using the forum as a host is never the best option.

Patience sunshine...The man is getting it figured out:p:cool:

I'm only seeing one in this thread...But I have had the same issue as psych where only a blank box is showing for some attachments?!


Sep 17, 2003
Tech is going to rebuild attachments and install the resizing add-on and see if that corrects the issue.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Can't you just host the pictures somewhere else or provide an URL so I can figure this out? Using the forum as a host is never the best option.

Hey Allex, I'm a challenged internet user. Sorry about the inconvenience.



Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Mark, I can go into that if the interest is there. Just seamed like the over all consciences is that " it's so unhealthy", I'm a total bullshitter"...fill in the blank X_______. If that's the case, I'm not looking to be a death peddler lol. I just wanted to back up my words with a couple pics to show I have been there and walked the walk. The difference in the pics are undisputable. I felt it was time to put out whats going on with the size game. That's all.



Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
Mark, I can go into that if the interest is there. Just seamed like the over all consciences is that " it's so unhealthy", I'm a total bullshitter"...fill in the blank X_______. If that's the case, I'm not looking to be a death peddler lol. I just wanted to back up my words with a couple pics to show I have been there and walked the walk. The difference in the pics are undisputable. I felt it was time to put out whats going on with the size game. That's all.


I would say break it down CG...Guys are interested in running the protocol so might as well give 'em the rundown...Even Big A said in part 2 of his interview that even though he has never run Lantus himself the protocol has merit:cool:


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Diet was carbs and protein. Never purposely added fats of any kind. Maybe some butter on rice at times just to get my shit moving smoother through me.
Hamburger/rice, chicken/rice, rarely but on occasion fish /rice. Eating so much I was distended and felt like I had to shit all the time. I made a point of eating every two hours and would almost panic if I went two and a half with no meal yet. I was crazy how at the end of the two hours I could see my viens flattening out and I was starting to feel better. Twenty minutes after eating the pumps would literally hurt and I would find way to rest my arms to they felt better. I would often feel over come with heat after eating also. I would eat a huge bowl of cheerios using eggwhites mixed with vanilla protein powder in place of milk. I only did this after training when I walked in the door. I would eat again about an hour later. Breakfast was always 4 egg Mcmufins. with 3 large OJs. If I ever had a snack at night it was a large bowl of Raisin Brand cereal with no fat milk. I was also drinking a large glass of OJ before four of my meals a day(breakfast was always one of them) with 20 grams of glutamine mixed into it. I was NEVER the diet guy. I remember when I was training with Shelby he would give me these incredible meal plans and I just hated all the prep. But I did it with him. Made some grate gain with him as well.
Gear: Long test 2000mgs a week
EQ 800mgs a week
Tren 400ngs a week
Three winny tabs a day spread out. I forget the strength. sorry
T3 and clen as needed
Metformin 1500mgs a day
100iu Lantus injected in the moring
10iu Humalog with each and every meal. No exceptions!
ZERO hgh or peps of any kind.
I'm sure there are a few thing I have no mentioned.


Back in the day I was one of these guys main lining HGH and just doing anything and everything to get huge. Why didn't I continue. I was afraid of how I was feeling. I just didn't feel good. Incredible head migraines. Shortness of breath that was debilitating. I can't tell ya how many times I wished I could go back and just see how it would have run it's course.

The one mistake I know I made was the morning cardio I was doing was on a stair stepper. That's why I was pounding size on everywhere but the quads.
I kept melting them down every morning. So to do it again I would be walking the treadmill.


Registered User
Jul 2, 2017
Diet was carbs and protein. Never purposely added fats of any kind. Maybe some butter on rice at times just to get my shit moving smoother through me.
Hamburger/rice, chicken/rice, rarely but on occasion fish /rice. Eating so much I was distended and felt like I had to shit all the time. I made a point of eating every two hours and would almost panic if I went two and a half with no meal yet. I was crazy how at the end of the two hours I could see my viens flattening out and I was starting to feel better. Twenty minutes after eating the pumps would literally hurt and I would find way to rest my arms to they felt better. I would often feel over come with heat after eating also. I would eat a huge bowl of cheerios using eggwhites mixed with vanilla protein powder in place of milk. I only did this after training when I walked in the door. I would eat again about an hour later. Breakfast was always 4 egg Mcmufins. with 3 large OJs. If I ever had a snack at night it was a large bowl of Raisin Brand cereal with no fat milk. I was also drinking a large glass of OJ before four of my meals a day(breakfast was always one of them) with 20 grams of glutamine mixed into it. I was NEVER the diet guy. I remember when I was training with Shelby he would give me these incredible meal plans and I just hated all the prep. But I did it with him. Made some grate gain with him as well.
Gear: Long test 2000mgs a week
EQ 800mgs a week
Tren 400ngs a week
Three winny tabs a day spread out. I forget the strength. sorry
T3 and clen as needed
Metformin 1500mgs a day
100iu Lantus injected in the moring
10iu Humalog with each and every meal. No exceptions!
ZERO hgh or peps of any kind.
I'm sure there are a few thing I have no mentioned.


Back in the day I was one of these guys main lining HGH and just doing anything and everything to get huge. Why didn't I continue. I was afraid of how I was feeling. I just didn't feel good. Incredible head migraines. Shortness of breath that was debilitating. I can't tell ya how many times I wished I could go back and just see how it would have run it's course.

The one mistake I know I made was the morning cardio I was doing was on a stair stepper. That's why I was pounding size on everywhere but the quads.
I kept melting them down every morning. So to do it again I would be walking the treadmill.
This puts things in perspective, thank you for sharing. Obviously this is not for the average gym rat or the guy trying to be healthy. This is for someone chasing size. Things were being taken out of context before.

I am wondering if you would have done better without the tren? Tren can limit the amount of size being put on in my opinion. If you used deca instead of tren it may have gotten you even more mass. Tren does have slin sensitivity effects believe it or not so it does make sense to run tren with slin like you did but I wonder if it limits size gains.


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2017
hm, what browser are you guys using? I'm not able to see any pics on my laptop.

either way, thanks for the update.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
One more thing I would like to point out that I feel is KEY to the answer about Lantus and Humalog, "does it work"

The before pic was me after a few years of training on gear all out. The after pic is only demonstrating the changes that took place adding in the Lantus/Humalog and feeding it. You cant deny what your looking at guys. I'm not going to say the pounds gained because I just don't want to start the flaming. But it's way more than most would believe.



Sep 17, 2003
hm, what browser are you guys using? I'm not able to see any pics on my laptop.

On firefox I am not seeing anything but an chrome I see a single image. I have the tech sorting things out now.

Seems some are seeing images fine, some are only seeing one image and others are seeing an empty attachment box.

Once he has things in place there will no more issues with viewing and resizing images.

I combined both images into one for the time being so as to not derail CG's thread:


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