You see, that is the problem. These studies almost never involve people like us. Even when they do, they don't include you and I. This is why you find the most important tool we have is boards like this. Over the last few years, I have made a conscious effort to be extremely receptive to my body when adding and testing things. I have never been a kitchen sink kind of guy. As far as bcaas, personally I cannot tell the difference between 2:1:1 and 4:1:1. I go with the later solely on Alphas reccomendation. I respect him and thats enough for me. Having taken them for a little over two years, I can tell you the things I have personally noticed. About a reduction in recovery time in between sets by about 20%. Not so much of an increase in maximal weights, but lesser weights and drop sets have drasticly increased in repetitions. Like I have more gas in the tank, more muscle endurance. I hold about 2% less body fat in then off season. My waist almost never goes above 35" where as before it would get to around 37". DOMS is nearly nonexistant. Now this is where I think they shine and gets to your point. Muscle preservation. I take them on non training days as well. This has allowed me to maintain higher body weights during the summer months although I have a very physical and strenuous job. Whether in the gym, work, or other catabolic activities, bcaas seem to buffer and minimize musical catabolism.