blood work


Registered User
Apr 21, 2015

you do the blood work before your cycle so you have something to compare it too once you come back here complaining of Gyno or no sex drive
the sexdrive is not a issue ...but the gyno....i got a bit of when i got off
do you think the stack is a little too much? test c 250 and eq 200 every tuesdays and fridays is much ...i know eq is a little milled ...i was going to run it for 16 weeks ?


Registered User
May 1, 2015
I use privatemdlabs as well (if you sign up for their newsletter, they send you a monthly discount code) - sometimes I even get the results the same day, but normally next day results. Their test levels only go up to 1500 (or 1200, not sure).

I get blood work done before cycle. Two to three weeks in (just to see how my body is starting to change or if I am using short esters). Three weeks after that (to see where I end up at), and three weeks after the cycle is over (to see how it is dropping). I sometimes add more if my numbers look bad so I know what my adjustments do.

My wife is on board with this lifestyle PROVIDED I do blood work often, so I do. It helps me link how I feel with what is actually happening inside me. Allows me to keep myself safe.

After doing many cycles, the amount of blood work I do will drop a bit, but for now I consider it part of my hemocrit reduction protocol. :)

Also, I am on TRT, so I never to PCT. The only good thing about having low natty test levels. For those with good natty test levels, you need more blood work to make sure your PCT is working properly so you do not end up on TRT.

EDIT: Forgot to add, you choose the Hormone Panel for Females - or something like that.
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Lon Chaney

Registered User
Jun 13, 2013
Hahaha...too funny...but yeah I know 75% of people don't get blood work..every time I brought it up people looked at me like I was weird.. I just want to do it right and make sure I'm g2g...I know I don't know much ..but it's like most drugs. .people just do them...got a headache take asprin...if your sick take cold medicine. ..want to get big take roids...this is why I joined the forum ...

bbecker227 you don't know anyone named TrinityD do you?

My advice is that from here on out, proceed with extreme caution. What you purchased isn't going to come with instructions anymore than if you bought a bag of weed in some alley. Now weed (from what I've heard) is simple. You inhale, hold... relax and exhale. You're high for a couple of hours then it goes away. Repeat. (that's what I've heard)

Slap some cold water in your face and think about your "cycle." Understand it has a great deal more steps to it than if you did a cycle of weed. If someone told you it is simple and you did a "cycle" ... beat the sH#t out of them because they LIED to you.

Most members, (me included) expect a person who states they have "done a cycle" to have done plenty of homework. They should know what lab work to have ALREADY had administered BEFORE they ever begin a cycle. ANY idea why you should have done blood lab work BEFORE you started a cycle?

There is a "search" function here at anasci.org. Plentiful articles too. And if you know how to phrase the right question google can give just about a million answers. Most members answer questions when we feel a solid foundation of the basics have been memorized. There are very few who come to anasci.org to do someone else's homework.

Maybe I'm wrong. You may know 90% of what you need to know.
But Tell Your:

bodyfat % (estimate)
how long you've been lifting
typical diet (number of meals per day, include protein,carbs,fats supplements etc...)
how many days per week do you lift (example of workouts)
what did your cycle consist of (everything you cycled how much, how often)

You don't take blood yourself. If you have a nurse friend who will take blood maybe you should ask to see her certification, because if she doesn't know what lab work you should ask for....

Splash more cold water in your face and understand I'm trying to save you a lot of headaches ( you know like - bacteria related septic shock, painful debilitating sciatic nerve damage, abscess, gyno or Gynecomastia - man boobs, funny non-stop cough because you hit a blood vessel, low pregnenolone, loss of libido, moody & emotional from excess aromatase activity, shrinking of testicles, natural testosterone shut down and weeks or months before it returns to...

Oh. I forgot you won't know if it returns to your normal level because you never tested your NORMAL level BEFORE starting that "cycle."

(answer the questions posted and we'll see about this. also privateMDlabs.com is a lot more expensive than lef.org or discountedlabs.com)
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Lon Chaney

Registered User
Jun 13, 2013
the sexdrive is not a issue ...but the gyno....i got a bit of when i got off
do you think the stack is a little too much? test c 250 and eq 200 every tuesdays and fridays is much ...i know eq is a little milled ...i was going to run it for 16 weeks ?

Is this your first cycle? What are you doing about the gyno?


Registered User
May 1, 2015
My first cycle was just a lot of test. I am on TRT, so I do not ever worry about PCT, but controlling E2 is vital...and that requires an AI.