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I went up 8 points in a month. I'm goin to continue for another month then get bloods again.
Food for thought. After researching I found that deca raises hematocrit and rbc's substantially. That's why my hematocrit is high. I knew adrol, eq, tren etc did it but I did not know deca did. (See below). This is why you get bloodwork people.
In terms of other anabolics raising your RBC, as an example, nandrolone increases RBC so significantly that it has been prescribed to patients suffering from anemia that has resulted from various diseases, as shown in the cited studies below.
Ghorbanihaghjo, Amir. Argani, Hassan. Rohbaninoubar, Mohammad. Rashtchizadeh, Nadereh. Effect of Nandrolone Decanoate on Serum Lipoprotein (a) and its isoforms in hemodialysis patients. Lipids Health Dis. 2004 Jun 29;3:16
Johnson CA. Use of androgens in patients with renal failure. Semin Dial. 2000 Jan-Feb;13(1):36-9
Well said AM, deca will significantly elevate hemocrit tremendously! If I use deca*I prefer NPP at 300mgs a week for 6 to 8 weeks max. Also, researching the effects of deca on the heart (enlarged heart). Medical journals have shown how deca has a major role on enlargement of heart, scary shit. But who knows...if this is solid evidence, but it still remains a concern in my health. Might just stick to eq instead.
everything in moderation fellas...
If you're really concerned about health then stay away from deca, eq, tren, anadrol (which all increase rbc's and hematocrit like deca) and all orals.
Id stay with test for size strength, mast for vascularity and hardness and primo for joint lubrication.
Keep tellin yourself that.
Deca did that after I ran it during a mini cycle for only 2 weeks post surgery at 400mgs/week.
did what, enlarge your heart, raise hematocrit? be specific
raise hematocrit, raise rbc's and iron.....which will in turn enlarge your heart and raise your blood pressure.
these are temporary in most cases. as for your heart...you're not gonna permanently enlarge your heart in two weeks on deca. abuse it for 10-12 months?... sure, two weeks?.....very doubtful
non flush does nothing though and can be harsh on liver....