best oral gear



DragonRider said:
Why do you tempt us with these impossible to get substances?
Now I want some bolasterone. I want it bad and I want it now.
See what you've done? :D
well the possitive news is that i have leo about 3/4 talked into producing it again in the original strength which will be even stronger than the product red star produced last year that i had the priveledge of using a few times. ;)
i will see about british dragon possibly producing it also but not sure if it will happen from them.


JoshF56 said:
Found this and thought it was interesting:
Bolasterone (myagen)
This was originally a popular oral steroid being used in Europe. It had functions similar to dianabol, but it has long since been discontinued. Several years ago bolasterone became the first big name counterfeit steroid to be internationally marked.
Belonging to a group of steroids titled the DDR compounds, inferring they came from East Germany, this steroid was billed as the best drug ever made. It became very popular partially because several respected steroid experts were in on the production of it, and gave it rave reviews in their publications. Thousands of 30 cc vials of this injectable steroid were sold at a price of over 200 dollars a piece.
It was said to contain ten miligram of the drug per cc, but it actually contained a low dosage of several domestic steroids mixed together. In the spring of 1986 the makers of this drug were busted. There are still at least three other counterfeiters using the bolasterone name: UCLA bolasterone, available in a 10 cc vail; new bolasterone, available in a 10 cc vial, and bolasterone depot available in a 50 cc vial. All of these items are the worst kind of counterfeit steroids made. They are worthless and dangerous. Many athletes are still taking these drugs. It is obvious that any item carrying a bolasterone or GDR label should be avoided.
the bolasterone i have used recently was very legit. only difference was the company that produced it changed the formula to make it less harsh on the liver since the original was very very harsh, worse than drol or halo,
it produced the best strenght gains i have ever gotten and my maxes were at their highest all time when on bolasterone.
there have been many fakes made of bola due to the fact that the original was stopped production over 30 years ago but to this day it is known as one of the best all time steroids.
there may soon be real legit bola being made since the 1 ug that had some last year sparked such an interest that it would be most beneficial for someone else to start producing it again.


DragonRider said:
Pincrusher, you are the man.
not yet. least not till it is back on the market they you can openly proclaim that i am the man!!!! wait we already have someone here who is iamdaman LOL


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
pincrusher said:
not yet. least not till it is back on the market they you can openly proclaim that i am the man!!!! wait we already have someone here who is iamdaman LOL
Well, he should send it to a few MODS to test before he releases it for mass production anyway.

Just because I'm a nice guy, I will volunteer my body as a test case in the interest of advancing the science of hormone therapy.

big o

Mar 20, 2005
Hey Now....I usually don't say anything but I've been asking for bolasterone for almost a year now.....The Pin confirmed what I asked for.....Perhaps on the first few batches I'll step up to the plate and be a guinea pig for this.....


big o said:
I've been asking for bolasterone for almost a year now.....
yeah and i have been using it for almost a year now :D unfortunately my supply ran dry and now i have to use my powers of selling to talk someone into making it again. ;)