BCAA's toss them in the trash


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
leave it to meatheads to overthing fucking everything.. If you are consuming quality protein sources every few hours what the fuck are you worried about? BCAAs are just fine to use intra workout. FUCK ME!!!


Forgot to mention but personally, I see carbs being more beneficial intra for recovery. Of course if you're having enough protein during the day, the carbs have the aminos to shuttle to the muscle.

Definitely. But if I can get in 30g+ of quality aminos when training that only helps. I have also got used to having a nice tasting drink when training and it's nice to rotate flavours. I agree about the carbs though and that's why I have hbcd's even if I am dieting.

Incidentally I just received Nutrabio's Intra Blast because I saw passion fruit flavour and it's rare and one of my favs. Tasted them today and it's amazing. Good quality ingredients and eaa's with glutamine so can't really go wrong. I buy them more for their taste though. Although this summer protein is getting upped very high so they will become useful.


Registered User
Jul 2, 2017

Definitely. But if I can get in 30g+ of quality aminos when training that only helps. I have also got used to having a nice tasting drink when training and it's nice to rotate flavours. I agree about the carbs though and that's why I have hbcd's even if I am dieting.

Incidentally I just received Nutrabio's Intra Blast because I saw passion fruit flavour and it's rare and one of my favs. Tasted them today and it's amazing. Good quality ingredients and eaa's with glutamine so can't really go wrong. I buy them more for their taste though. Although this summer protein is getting upped very high so they will become useful.
That's what I'm using brother intra blast, I didn't like passion fruit. I'm using the green apple flavor which tastes great mixed with the lemon lime Gatorade powder. 1 scoop of intra blast has like 20gs of total aminos. Since I have whey and egg whites before and a large food meal after, I feel like that is all I need intra.


Registered User
May 4, 2016
That's what I'm using brother intra blast, I didn't like passion fruit. I'm using the green apple flavor which tastes great mixed with the lemon lime Gatorade powder. 1 scoop of intra blast has like 20gs of total aminos. Since I have whey and egg whites before and a large food meal after, I feel like that is all I need intra.

currently the same one i'm using and taste great.


New member
Apr 2, 2014
Piney woods

Definitely. But if I can get in 30g+ of quality aminos when training that only helps. I have also got used to having a nice tasting drink when training and it's nice to rotate flavours. I agree about the carbs though and that's why I have hbcd's even if I am dieting.

Incidentally I just received Nutrabio's Intra Blast because I saw passion fruit flavour and it's rare and one of my favs. Tasted them today and it's amazing. Good quality ingredients and eaa's with glutamine so can't really go wrong. I buy them more for their taste though. Although this summer protein is getting upped very high so they will become useful.

Just got the same thing and I like it. Tastes badass.

I use Dymatize iso100 protien. It's got all of them. Bcaas, eaas, non essentials...so it's got all of them. Problem solved :headbang:

Lon Chaney

Registered User
Jun 13, 2013
no wonder i've stayed so small all these years. i only took leucine and gatorade during workout. could of been a contender.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just got the same thing and I like it. Tastes badass.

I use Dymatize iso100 protien. It's got all of them. Bcaas, eaas, non essentials...so it's got all of them. Problem solved :headbang:

It's quite hot here so I have been putting a bottle of water in the freezer for about 90 mins then I add 1 scoop and have a passion fruit protein slush. I will have to try the other flavours out. I just received some dymatize iso100 as well. I have chocolate and peanut flavour and I will mix that in with cooked oats.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2008
It's quite hot here so I have been putting a bottle of water in the freezer for about 90 mins then I add 1 scoop and have a passion fruit protein slush. I will have to try the other flavours out. I just received some dymatize iso100 as well. I have chocolate and peanut flavour and I will mix that in with cooked oats.

Sounds nice. I have done protein ice lollies with whey and milk in the past.

Marvin Martian

New member
Jan 13, 2013
leave it to meatheads to overthing fucking everything.. If you are consuming quality protein sources every few hours what the fuck are you worried about? BCAAs are just fine to use intra workout. FUCK ME!!!

B-boy you are dead on. Now-a-days - since information is so readily available, with a very minute amount of time and actual knowledge and the ability to copy at will, everyone is a freaking guru.
I am all for genuine research - but as you said cats WAY over complicate things... This ain’t “rocket surgery” and there have been MASSIVE dudes long before the “alphabet soup of supplement initials”

Look in the mirror - adjust the variables accordingly

Marvin Martian

New member
Jan 13, 2013
I gotta go with JM and JP on this one.

CG - don’t get me wrong. John has definitely truly done his research and definitely done much more with his genetic structure than 99%
Hard to argue when he doesn’t just paste an article - but also posts his pics illustrating results.
I just think overall - there is a rash of wannabe experts that would get much better results if they’d simply eat / train / rest and relax - and use the time proven things

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Guess it's time i try some eaa's then. I rather ingest bcaas than protien shakes but i'm up to trying something new.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
CG - don’t get me wrong. John has definitely truly done his research and definitely done much more with his genetic structure than 99%
Hard to argue when he doesn’t just paste an article - but also posts his pics illustrating results.
I just think overall - there is a rash of wannabe experts that would get much better results if they’d simply eat / train / rest and relax - and use the time proven things

JM and JP are the poster children for this statement. I think you guys get stuck in the mud and just convince yourselves of things because that's what everyone has been doing. These two guys are the single most experienced forces in coaching. No one is coming here and paying the guys posting for info lol. Times change and so does science. The things JM said are based on science. There are a few in this thread that literally know nothing and just dig up studies and copy and past away...……….wasting everyone's time that reads it. When Sully posted up his study no one responded as if it was falling on def ears. I respect what you choose to believe. I choose to believe the experts in the industry. That's all.


Registered User
Aug 26, 2010
Last night I ordered some green apple and passion fruit eaa's by nutrabio :)


Registered User
May 24, 2018
I belong to Jordon Peters paid monthly forum. He has posted a video were he clearly states based on new science BCAA's offer ZERO to the anabolic state of a human body. He literally said to just take your loss and throw the jug in the trash can. He went on to say that EAA's are a different animal that should be consumed during and post training."With some positive effects". He then went on to add that PeptoPro was the Mac'daddy and should always be used during and post.

That whole thing was quit an eye opener for me. I have heard previously that EAA's were better than BCAA"s but I'm just so conditioned over the years with the BCAA's always being on the shelf at every Protein shop it's hard to imagine tossing it in the trash...….

I'm a member on his site as well and follow a lot of his philosophies. The guy is brilliant.


Feb 6, 2012
They both have there uses but EAA's are better. They are all essential amino acids which include the 3 bcaa's so it's a no brainer. The issue I find is many eaa products are very misleading. There are a few good ones but sometimes if I am on certain websites I can't find 1 product. The issue is many are mainly just bcaa's with a tiny amount of the other aminos added but labelled as eaa's. So I would recommend looking at the label closely and finding a product that contains all 9 including histidine.


Registered User
Nov 17, 2013
leave it to meatheads to overthing fucking everything.. If you are consuming quality protein sources every few hours what the fuck are you worried about? BCAAs are just fine to use intra workout. FUCK ME!!!

Omg.. I was just going to type the EXACT fucking thing! Too much thinking. And all these intra..post work out drinks. This macro .. that micro.. NO MAS!!!! Lift and fucking eat


Feb 2, 2007
I don't agree with throwing bcaa's in the trash. They are 3 of the most important amino acids. It's better to have all eaa's but nothing wrong with adding extra bcaa's on top of things. People post like they are different things. BCAA's are 3 of the 9 essential aminos acids. If I am buying one product I would go with eaa's but there are lot's of protein sources you can add bcaa's to. I would agree the market is flooded with useless products.


Registered User
Jul 25, 2018
The more complete the protein is, the better it works, period. Protein foods including whey are much more beneficial then aminos. BCAAs is only 3 aminos, yea pretty much useless. The marketing BS labeled these 3 aminos as being most important, well Yea if the other aminos are present. I would say if you take your BCAAs with a complete protein (whey) then they will be effective. So I always had a protein shake with whey and/or egg whites preworkout and sipped on the BCAAs intra. EAAs are more effective but complete proteins are still best.

Couldn't have said it better mate.