Today I started my new diet and training, will take some time to get used to for sure but it went pretty smoothly. Waking up and drinking 16 oz Alkaline water with a 1/2 squeezed lemon and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Faster cardio for 15 minutes, Diet is 6 oz chicken twice a day breakfast is peppers, onions 4 oz of 96% lean ground beef and 2 whole cage free eggs, bone broth 2xs a day, 6 oz lean ground beef with 5oz of sauerkraut, kimchi, will switch off. Egg whites with a slice of avocado last meal.
Did Back and biceps today, took a little longer than normal, but it probably be like this for a few weeks until I get used to the workout.
Started off with wide grip pull-ups 3 sets of, pulldowns 4x12 140, wide grip seated rows 4x10 120, rack chins 2 sets till failure
Biceps were a circuit standing cable curls, preacher curls, standing barbell curls, standing DB hammer curls 15,12,10,8, those really made me work, was gassed after, tomorrow going to do legs and Wednesday off
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