Apology for my drunk rant the other night.

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Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
It was titled "Why black people don't tip". Just an observation Chew had while in his altered state and felt the need to share with all the crackers here. Just messing with ya chew, a few others joined in as well. :mad: Not a major deal, we just have a higher standard than other boards which is why you are all here in the first place. Again, it was a very stand up thing did with a public apology.
Like I said, drunken rant...lol


Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
wow didnt know it was like that, Bad wookie!
Just joking Chewie we all make mistakes its how we deal with them that matters.
It's not like that lol


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
I was hammered the other night and I was talking shit that may have offended some people, if so I apologize brothers. Just wanted to humbly apologize for spewing puke the other day. Won't happen again braddahs

Cool if real. You picked a bad spot for that shit drunk or not .
You see I'm a white male that married into an all black world.
I have raised kids and grand kids and foster kids and kids of guardianship of of both white and black backgrounds .
Let me share this with you.. My best experiences in life are
with Children as far as watch and enjoying the development of a
a child into adulthood. I know for a fact that we all start out the same when we slide out of mama. What happens next is called life,s circumstances. No this isn't the Race card as some punk mother fucker coined .This is a indisputable fact that I learned through this long strange trip we call life .When I look at my precious grandkids of black and white lineage I know that both are at the mercy of the cards they were dealt.There is not a one child or person that
I know of that was afforded a choice of whom they would have as bio parents . I want to believe what you say in your apology.
Remember you stated this is your second home ? I do not shit on my floor? So will you be shitting on someone elses floor that is non consequential? I have to wonder.....
By the way my aa kids grand kids , relatives , etc have far more quality higher education than my white side of the family .
No one gave them shit(AA kids grands and few of my whte kids grands . They either joined the army (my wife 6 yrs in germany)to pay for college after their discharge or the same way white kids /folks do loans , effort based assistance etc.
My mother in law managed to raise her only chlld my wife in the the roughest hoods in Chi town . Worked full time in a hospital for 30 +yrs
To give my wife and other generations to follow a chance at life just like the haves..she did that and never made more than 26 K annually
and bought a modest home put her daughter through catholic school.
Guided her and she was successful. My wife is multi degree'ed.
We are still paying her student loans off from a degree she earned shortly after we married.The day we loaded the car up and left for the graduation ceremony we were in traffic and my wife started
through the intersection and a probably drunk asshole screams fucking nigger!! he did not see me in he passenger seat.:
The look on the young family members face was of a bit of confusion and sorrow for their maw maws suppose to be "day".my mother in law never flinched.See DUUUUDE she has lived through no voting rights seperate bathrooms, drinking fountains etc.
My wifes instant response to fucking nigger was and damn proud of it too.If you are truly sorry and mean it put yourself in the position of
some things I told you that may enlighten you.You will either retort
with some indignation or maybe something from your heart.
My kin are blunted and resigned to hateful shit. I myself an not
use to it where I just say Ah ..what the F just another raised to hate
person let me pray for them . Good luck to you . Hope you are
being real. I know for fact I am ..Thanks , T.....


Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
Cool if real. You picked a bad spot for that shit drunk or not .
You see I'm a white male that married into an all black world.
I have raised kids and grand kids and foster kids and kids of guardianship of of both white and black backgrounds .
Let me share this with you.. My best experiences in life are
with Children as far as watch and enjoying the development of a
a child into adulthood. I know for a fact that we all start out the same when we slide out of mama. What happens next is called life,s circumstances. No this isn't the Race card as some punk mother fucker coined .This is a indisputable fact that I learned through this long strange trip we call life .When I look at my precious grandkids of black and white lineage I know that both are at the mercy of the cards they were dealt.There is not a one child or person that
I know of that was afforded a choice of whom they would have as bio parents . I want to believe what you say in your apology.
Remember you stated this is your second home ? I do not shit on my floor? So will you be shitting on someone elses floor that is non consequential? I have to wonder.....
By the way my aa kids grand kids , relatives , etc have far more quality higher education than my white side of the family .
No one gave them shit(AA kids grands and few of my whte kids grands . They either joined the army (my wife 6 yrs in germany)to pay for college after their discharge or the same way white kids /folks do loans , effort based assistance etc.
My mother in law managed to raise her only chlld my wife in the the roughest hoods in Chi town . Worked full time in a hospital for 30 +yrs
To give my wife and other generations to follow a chance at life just like the haves..she did that and never made more than 26 K annually
and bought a modest home put her daughter through catholic school.
Guided her and she was successful. My wife is multi degree'ed.
We are still paying her student loans off from a degree she earned shortly after we married.The day we loaded the car up and left for the graduation ceremony we were in traffic and my wife started
through the intersection and a probably drunk asshole screams fucking nigger!! he did not see me in he passenger seat.:
The look on the young family members face was of a bit of confusion and sorrow for their maw maws suppose to be "day".my mother in law never flinched.See DUUUUDE she has lived through no voting rights seperate bathrooms, drinking fountains etc.
My wifes instant response to fucking nigger was and damn proud of it too.If you are truly sorry and mean it put yourself in the position of
some things I told you that may enlighten you.You will either retort
with some indignation or maybe something from your heart.
My kin are blunted and resigned to hateful shit. I myself an not
use to it where I just say Ah ..what the F just another raised to hate
person let me pray for them . Good luck to you . Hope you are
being real. I know for fact I am ..Thanks , T.....
That is why I apologized, I said some ignorant stuff when drunk that was bound to offends my friends and all who read it. The apology was sincere. I'm man enough to recognize my own ignorant statements....


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Ok did not mean to come off harsh. Your last post makes a difference .
Thanks , I appreciate your taking the time to confirm sincerity. You have a right
to your beliefs moral standards etc . I have the same rights as well.
lets rest this now . I'm very tired and I will take this up and out of here soon . Not much else to say . Now have a great day and weekend coming chewy
use caution to not be impaired behind the wheel ..Thx , T..............
Last edited:


Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
Ok did not mean to come off harsh. Your last post makes a difference .
Thanks , I appreciate your taking the time to confirm sincerity. You have a right
to your beliefs moral standards etc . I have the same rights as well.
lets rest this now . I'm very tired and I will take this up and out of here soon . Not much else to say . Now have a great day and weekend coming chewy
use caution to not be impaired behind the wheel ..Thx , T..............
Yes sir my pleasure, I don't always embarrass myself on public forums, but when I do I drink Dos Equis


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Best reply ever..... lol

two buddies are talking .. one says man I'll ever drink Modelo again!
Why says the other buddy? first buddy says I drank a case last night and blew chunks ! Buddy says that can happen when you drink too much of any alcohol. first buddy says no chunks is my dog!.

ok putting this one to rest lol have a great day bacca !
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