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Chris assuming its a 10 gram vial
1ml = every 10 tic is 1 gram mt2 (1000 mcg)
2 ml= every 10 tic is .5 gram (500mcg)
I use 3 iu cause my eyes are bad and easier to dose 125 mcg to see how one reacts .and the little extra bw helps if any skin irritation so not so strong IMO.
IB means "mg" where he has "gram"
Hey guys, my wife has been using 100mcg/day of mt2 for a week now, and isn't happy with her skin tone. I told her she needs to wait a couple more weeks to give it a chance to work. Is 100mcg/day too little? She really has no side effects from it. I have heard of all kinds of injection protocol, but looking for a little guidance for her.
is MT2 known to cause elevaed liver values? My alt and ast were slightly high on my last blood work. They have never been elevated before. So I guess it is either mt2 or the working out.