Anyone have experience with cutters?


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
So we actually got in early today. They didn't want my wife and I to attend her first visit since she's an adult which I totally get. We just accompanied her to make sure she went. Anyway she was in there for around an hour. Said her Doc was real easy to talk to which I know is real important. So first day was a good one. He didn't think she needed to be hospitalized but did have a quick private with me and Mr.s AR and he warned us of suicide and to really watch out for the signs. Didn't want to hear that. He prescribed her a antidepressant and a narcotic. I don't like the narcotic but he assured us it was just until the antidepressant kicks in or until he finds the right one. Also intensive therapy since she is cutting. He's making her start out at twice a week until he can get a better handle on what's going on. Sounds like we went to the right guy. Thanks again to all of you. My daughter was hurting and you guys stepped up and put like 18 replies. That means a ton to me!!!! ....AR....

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Just becareful which antidepresssnt she uses and if she gets prescribed pain meds if something else happens. There is a contradiction/interaction between Tamadrol which is already an SNRI and will cause overdose.

Be very very watchful of her and even though it is a private matter, maybe the people she spends time with the most. All of my friends families were told to have a family/friend support group so we could be educated on the signs of depression and suicide behavior. More eyes on here the better, because a person will pretend they are happy and everything is fine and then it happens.

Shit, ask her if she watched that fucking netflix special called 13 reasons. Sometimes we get brained washed / hypnotised by beng watching tv shows, and a lot of kids started killing themselves after watching it.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
Just stay close to her brother its great shes back at home right now keep her busy doing positive things with family... bbqs, family outings whatever it takes to keep her mind off negative things and focused on the positive. Y'all are in my prayers man.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Yea we pretty much have her schedule pretty full for awhile. I ask her to help me train a few peeps of mine after her work. We all have some important fights coming up in about three months so I told her I would pay her to help out since I'm training for this one too. She said OK so she'll be really busy. Lol As far as the pain medz go there's no way I would ever let her mix those with benzos. I think that combo should be outlawed unless your under major supervision. Seen too many good people die from those. I'll be happy if just an antidepressant is enough. Actually just therapy would be the best scenario in my book. She just turned in her dodge dart today on her lease and came home with a lime green Challenger. Hopefully that will keep her mind busy for awhile. Whatever it takes....AR....

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Im hoping it was an srt8 lol. Keep us updated. Shit, I wanna see a fight, where can i buy tickets. I feel a road trip in the nesr future coming haha.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Na she just got the six cylinder version LV. I think it still puts out around 300 horses. Could be wrong but I'm pretty sure. Regardless it runs plenty good for a 23 yr old daughter of mine. Lol Far as the fights sure I'll send you the info when we get closer to the event. We could always use a few more guys cheering us on. This will probably be close to my last one. I'm getting to old to hang with the young bucks. But I got a few really good peeps that are really coming into their own. I just teach them Judo and all their ground skills. I have a really good girl under my wing right now. That's why I'm hoping maybe my daughter will maybe feel more comfortable hanging around....AR....
Jun 19, 2017
And my bad for bringing this up on a steroid board but like it or not this is my only home on the net. I trust quite a few people here and appreciate the good advice given....AR....
Man it saddens me to see the kids doing this these days.I had a friend who has an 11yr old who cuts,I'm like WTF for real.Keep up with your daughter man you'll be her Rock like you were when she was lil.You always are they sometimes forget though until seeing you in that light again.

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