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y4old2004 said:2nd question: What are the odds one of my buddies will act stupid and I'll rage on his ass and put him in the hospital??? Or we get all crazy again like in high school and decide to go out and play "mailbox baseball"??? I WANNA USE MY FIST AS THE BASEBALL BAT!!! YEAH! :twisted: I'm telling you, I've been eating those IP dbol tabs like friggin Skittles and I FEEL GREAT!!! :twisted: :twisted:
Freejay said:I think the danger bro (veterans back me up here) is that most oral steroids are chemically designed to survive the first pass through the liver. This chemical modification (methylated substances, etc.) is toxic to the liver. If you are taking high doses of orals, your liver is already hard at work trying to filter these "poisons" out of your body. If you add a ton of alchohol (don't get me wrong...I love my beer) your liver has to work even harder. I'm not sure what to tell you other than be careful. Methyl group chemicals are not to be triffeled with.
y4old2004 said:2nd question: What are the odds one of my buddies will act stupid and I'll rage on his ass and put him in the hospital??? Or we get all crazy again like in high school and decide to go out and play "mailbox baseball"??? I WANNA USE MY FIST AS THE BASEBALL BAT!!! YEAH! :twisted: I'm telling you, I've been eating those IP dbol tabs like friggin Skittles and I FEEL GREAT!!! :twisted: :twisted:
y4old2004 said:Thanks for all the replies! I will try to limit the alcohol as much as possible. And one last time, the "Skittles" and "mailbox" comments were just a joke. If I start posting more I do have somewhat of a bizare sense of humor sometimes. Besides, I am not a child.... I am 30 going on 13
y4old2004 said:Thanks for all the replies! I will try to limit the alcohol as much as possible. And one last time, the "Skittles" and "mailbox" comments were just a joke. If I start posting more I do have somewhat of a bizare sense of humor sometimes. Besides, I am not a child.... I am 30 going on 13
DragonRider said:That's why I said, none of us ever really grow up. We either get smarter or die.