AAS Testing Donations Thread


Super Moderator
Mar 5, 2013
A few Guys have been apologizing, Sayin sorry it aint much . the truth is it is everything, yr support, yr participation, we have not been askin lately even for donations you guys are coming forth willin to give what ya can. as the word spreads and results are posted I think most will b joinin us.
Its strength in numbers a sho of force the members comin together to support a cause they believe in....
This opens eyes...
We will see who and wat is accurate....

Thanks guys

AAS Testin Donations


Mod Mr. Bio; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Get It In Ya; 100.00 CIM

Mr. RetiredArmy0513; 25.00 PP
Mod Mr. rAJJIN; 25.00 BIT
Mr. Giants83; 50.00 PP
Mr. Racepicks; 50.00
Mr. Getnbiggger; 50.00 PP
Mr. FrancisK; 50.00 PP
Mr. TechnoViking; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dnab87; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sketchy2000; 25.00 PP

Mr. Silverback; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Laxfan24; 30.00 PP

Mr. *KT*; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dados; 40.00 PP
Mr. Southoftheboarder; 20.00 BIT

Mr. Mr.BMJ: 25.00 PP
SgTedRobinson; 25.00 PP
Mr. D-NUTZ; 10.00 PP
Mr. HotRod; 80.00 PP

Mod Mr. Pesty 4077; 35.00 PP
Mr. Freedom15Muscle; 64.00 PP
Mr. Elvia1023; 35.00 PP
Mr. Formula 1069; 250.00 CIM
Mr. Slide; 25.00 PP
Mr. JustWannaBeHuge; 20.00 PP
Mr. Swifto; 20.00 PP
Mr. Richiec; 20.00 PP
25.00 CIM
Mr. TD; 20.00 PP
Mr. Thinman; 50.00 PP
Mr. AON1; 40.00 CIM
Mr. Kaleb; 25.00 CIM

Mr. Mike036; 20.00 CIM
Mr. MooseKnuckles; 50.00 CIM
Mr. Bigcat910; 50.00 PP
Mr. Fatboybbw; 20.00 PP
Mr. Boxer Cam; 20.00 PP
Mr. Mytreefiddy; 50.00 PP
Mr. Patmowery; 100.00 PP
Mr. Hell; 10.00 PP
Mr. Jrock00123; 20.00 BIT
Saint Nero; 20.00 PP
Thethinker48; 20.00 PP

Mr. LK3; 300.00 PP; 3 Tests - Test E - Mast P 200 - Anavar

VikingLab; 50.00 BIT

Mr. Genotech; 100.00 BIT


Mr. rAJJIN; 68.00 BIT Clerical


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
The list is looking good...EXCEPT for the amount of Sponsors involved!


Donating Member
Oct 29, 2012
The list is looking good...EXCEPT for the amount of Sponsors involved!


I think the list will grow once they get some results back and the list is not available to everyone unless they donate
If they can't afford $25.00 to find out for sure some gear is real they have no one to blame but themselves for getting under dose or fake gear if it happens


Super Moderator
Mar 5, 2013
The list is looking good...EXCEPT for the amount of Sponsors involved!

Yes Sir,
Here ya go Brotha, IP is in and has been 4 awhile there was just a few scraps of info i needed and to tie some loose ends up but those funds are now listed......

Just sent a PM about making a donation. Glad to see this happening..

Yes Sir,
I will check that mail in a sec.

I added a Sponsor to the list.
I have not had the time to message any yet but i will get to them shortly xpect to see more added........

AAS Testin Donations


Mod Mr. Bio; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Get It In Ya; 100.00 CIM

Mr. RetiredArmy0513; 25.00 PP
Mod Mr. rAJJIN; 25.00 BIT
Mr. Giants83; 50.00 PP
Mr. Racepicks; 50.00
Mr. Getnbiggger; 50.00 PP
Mr. FrancisK; 50.00 PP
Mr. TechnoViking; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dnab87; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sketchy2000; 25.00 PP

Mr. Silverback; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Laxfan24; 30.00 PP

Mr. *KT*; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dados; 40.00 PP
Mr. Southoftheboarder; 20.00 BIT

Mr. Mr.BMJ: 25.00 PP
SgTedRobinson; 25.00 PP
Mr. D-NUTZ; 10.00 PP
Mr. HotRod; 80.00 PP

Mod Mr. Pesty 4077; 35.00 PP
Mr. Freedom15Muscle; 64.00 PP
Mr. Elvia1023; 35.00 PP
Mr. Formula 1069; 250.00 CIM
Mr. Slide; 25.00 PP
Mr. JustWannaBeHuge; 20.00 PP
Mr. Swifto; 20.00 PP
Mr. Richiec; 20.00 PP
25.00 CIM
Mr. TD; 20.00 PP
Mr. Thinman; 50.00 PP
Mr. AON1; 40.00 CIM
Mr. Kaleb; 25.00 CIM

Mr. Mike036; 20.00 CIM
Mr. MooseKnuckles; 50.00 CIM
Mr. Bigcat910; 50.00 PP
Mr. Fatboybbw; 20.00 PP
Mr. Boxer Cam; 20.00 PP
Mr. Mytreefiddy; 50.00 PP
Mr. Patmowery; 100.00 PP
Mr. Hell; 10.00 PP
Mr. Jrock00123; 20.00 BIT
Saint Nero; 20.00 PP
Thethinker48; 20.00 PP

Mr. LK3; 300.00 PP; 3 Tests - Test E - Mast P 200 - Anavar

VikingLab; 50.00 BIT

Mr. Genotech; 100.00 BIT

IP Gear; 400.00


Mr. rAJJIN; 68.00 BIT Clerical


Super Moderator
Mar 5, 2013
I paid the lab yesterday for there services. He will still recheck a few things when he is back in the Lab....

The list is still open and acceptin

AAS Testin Donations


Mod Mr. Bio; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Get It In Ya; 100.00 CIM

Mr. RetiredArmy0513; 25.00 PP
Mod Mr. rAJJIN; 25.00 BIT
Mr. Giants83; 50.00 PP
Mr. Racepicks; 50.00 34.00
Mr. Getnbiggger; 50.00 PP
Mr. FrancisK; 50.00 PP
Mr. TechnoViking; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dnab87; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sketchy2000; 25.00 PP

Mr. Silverback; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Laxfan24; 30.00 PP

Mr. *KT*; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dados; 40.00 PP
Mr. Southoftheboarder; 20.00 BIT

Mr. Mr.BMJ: 25.00 PP
SgTedRobinson; 25.00 PP
Mr. D-NUTZ; 10.00 PP
Mr. HotRod; 80.00 PP

Mod Mr. Pesty 4077; 35.00 PP
Mr. Freedom15Muscle; 64.00 PP
Mr. Elvia1023; 35.00 PP
Mr. Formula 1069; 250.00 CIM
Mr. Slide; 25.00 PP
Mr. JustWannaBeHuge; 20.00 PP
Mr. Swifto; 20.00 PP
Mr. Richiec; 20.00 PP
25.00 CIM
Mr. TD; 20.00 PP
Mr. Thinman; 50.00 PP
Mr. AON1; 40.00 CIM
Mr. Kaleb; 25.00 CIM

Mr. Mike036; 20.00 CIM
Mr. MooseKnuckles; 50.00 CIM
Mr. Bigcat910; 50.00 PP
Mr. Fatboybbw; 20.00 PP
Mr. Boxer Cam; 20.00 PP
Mr. Mytreefiddy; 50.00 PP
Mr. Patmowery; 100.00 PP
Mr. Hell; 10.00 PP
Mr. Jrock00123; 20.00 BIT
Saint Nero; 20.00 PP
Thethinker48; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sandpig; 20.00 PP

Mr. LK3; 300.00 PP; 5 Tests - Mast P 200 - Anavar - Test C - Tren E - TBOL Oral

VikingLab; 50.00 BIT

Mr. Genotech; 100.00 BIT

IP Gear; 400.00


Mr. rAJJIN; 68.00 BIT Clerical
Mr. RP; 34.00 Shippin
Lab; 1852.19 BIT


Registered User
Jan 2, 2017
Definitely a great way to give back to the board

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Super Moderator
Mar 5, 2013
I have Mr. LK3 all paid up. Mayb some of the other sponsors here can follow by this xample.....

AAS Testin Donations


Mod Mr. Bio; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Get It In Ya; 100.00 CIM

Mr. RetiredArmy0513; 25.00 PP
Mod Mr. rAJJIN; 25.00 BIT
Mr. Giants83; 50.00 PP
Mr. Racepicks; 50.00 34.00
Mr. Getnbiggger; 50.00 PP
Mr. FrancisK; 50.00 PP
Mr. TechnoViking; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dnab87; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sketchy2000; 25.00 PP

Mr. Silverback; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Laxfan24; 30.00 PP

Mr. *KT*; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dados; 40.00 PP
Mr. Southoftheboarder; 20.00 BIT

Mr. Mr.BMJ: 25.00 PP
SgTedRobinson; 25.00 PP
Mr. D-NUTZ; 10.00 PP
Mr. HotRod; 80.00 PP

Mod Mr. Pesty 4077; 35.00 PP
Mr. Freedom15Muscle; 64.00 PP
Mr. Elvia1023; 35.00 PP
Mr. Formula 1069; 250.00 CIM
Mr. Slide; 25.00 PP
Mr. JustWannaBeHuge; 20.00 PP
Mr. Swifto; 20.00 PP
Mr. Richiec; 20.00 PP
25.00 CIM
Mr. TD; 20.00 PP
Mr. Thinman; 50.00 PP
Mr. AON1; 40.00 CIM
Mr. Kaleb; 25.00 CIM

Mr. Mike036; 20.00 CIM
Mr. MooseKnuckles; 50.00 CIM
Mr. Bigcat910; 50.00 PP
Mr. Fatboybbw; 20.00 PP
Mr. Boxer Cam; 20.00 PP
Mr. Mytreefiddy; 50.00 PP
Mr. Patmowery; 100.00 PP
Mr. Hell; 10.00 PP
Mr. Jrock00123; 20.00 BIT
Saint Nero; 20.00 PP
Thethinker48; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sandpig; 20.00 PP
Mr. Ambitious; 10.00 BIT

Mr. LK3; 500.00 PP; 5 Tests - Mast P 200 - Anavar - Test C - Tren E - TBOL Oral

VikingLab; 50.00 BIT

Mr. Genotech; 100.00 BIT

IP Gear; 400.00


Mr. rAJJIN; 68.00 BIT Clerical
Mr. RP; 34.00 Shippin
Lab; 1852.19 BIT


Super Moderator
Mar 5, 2013
AAS Testin Donations


Mod Mr. Bio; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Get It In Ya; 100.00 CIM

Mr. RetiredArmy0513; 25.00 PP
Mod Mr. rAJJIN; 25.00 BIT
Mr. Giants83; 50.00 PP
Mr. Racepicks; 50.00 34.00
Mr. Getnbiggger; 50.00 PP
Mr. FrancisK; 50.00 PP
Mr. TechnoViking; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dnab87; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sketchy2000; 25.00 PP

Mr. Silverback; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Laxfan24; 30.00 PP

Mr. *KT*; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dados; 40.00 PP
Mr. Southoftheboarder; 20.00 BIT

Mr. Mr.BMJ: 25.00 PP
SgTedRobinson; 25.00 PP
Mr. D-NUTZ; 10.00 PP
Mr. HotRod; 80.00 PP

Mod Mr. Pesty 4077; 35.00 PP
Mr. Freedom15Muscle; 64.00 PP
Mr. Elvia1023; 35.00 PP
Mr. Formula 1069; 250.00 CIM
Mr. Slide; 25.00 PP
Mr. JustWannaBeHuge; 20.00 PP
Mr. Swifto; 20.00 PP
Mr. Richiec; 20.00 PP
25.00 CIM
Mr. TD; 20.00 PP
Mr. Thinman; 50.00 PP
Mr. AON1; 40.00 CIM
Mr. Kaleb; 25.00 CIM

Mr. Mike036; 20.00 CIM
Mr. MooseKnuckles; 50.00 CIM
Mr. Bigcat910; 50.00 PP
Mr. Fatboybbw; 20.00 PP
Mr. Boxer Cam; 20.00 PP
Mr. Mytreefiddy; 50.00 PP
Mr. Patmowery; 100.00 PP
Mr. Hell; 10.00 PP
Mr. Jrock00123; 20.00 BIT
Saint Nero; 20.00 PP
Thethinker48; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sandpig; 20.00 PP
Mr. Ambitious; 10.00 BIT
Mr. Icsulla; 50.00 PP

Mr. LK3; 500.00 PP; 5 Tests - Mast P 200 - Anavar - Test C - Tren E - TBOL Oral

VikingLab; 50.00 BIT

Mr. Genotech; 100.00 BIT

IP Gear; 400.00


Mr. rAJJIN; 68.00 BIT Clerical
Mr. RP; 34.00 Shippin
Lab; 1852.19 BIT


Super Moderator
Mar 5, 2013
Updated the List;
Good to see there is still intrest..

AAS Testin Donations


Mod Mr. Bio; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Get It In Ya; 100.00 CIM

Mr. RetiredArmy0513; 25.00 PP
Mod Mr. rAJJIN; 25.00 BIT
Mr. Giants83; 50.00 PP
Mr. Racepicks; 50.00 34.00
Mr. Getnbiggger; 50.00 PP
Mr. FrancisK; 50.00 PP
Mr. TechnoViking; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dnab87; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sketchy2000; 25.00 PP

Mr. Silverback; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Laxfan24; 30.00 PP

Mr. *KT*; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dados; 40.00 PP
Mr. Southoftheboarder; 20.00 BIT

Mr. Mr.BMJ: 25.00 PP
SgTedRobinson; 25.00 PP
Mr. D-NUTZ; 10.00 PP
Mr. HotRod; 80.00 PP

Mod Mr. Pesty 4077; 35.00 PP
Mr. Freedom15Muscle; 64.00 PP
Mr. Elvia1023; 35.00 PP
Mr. Formula 1069; 250.00 CIM
Mr. Slide; 25.00 PP
Mr. JustWannaBeHuge; 20.00 PP
Mr. Swifto; 20.00 PP
Mr. Richiec; 20.00 PP
25.00 CIM
Mr. TD; 20.00 PP
Mr. Thinman; 50.00 PP
Mr. AON1; 40.00 CIM
Mr. Kaleb; 25.00 CIM

Mr. Mike036; 20.00 CIM
Mr. MooseKnuckles; 50.00 CIM
Mr. Bigcat910; 50.00 PP
Mr. Fatboybbw; 20.00 PP
Mr. Boxer Cam; 20.00 PP
Mr. Mytreefiddy; 50.00 PP
Mr. Patmowery; 100.00 PP
Mr. Hell; 10.00 PP
Mr. Jrock00123; 20.00 BIT
Saint Nero; 20.00 PP
Thethinker48; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sandpig; 20.00 PP
Mr. Ambitious; 10.00 BIT
Mr. Icsulla; 50.00 PP
Mr. Bg091593; 15.00 PP
Mr. Prostock; 50.00 PP


Mr. LK3; 500.00 PP; 5 Tests - Mast P 200 - Anavar - Test C - Tren E - TBOL Oral

VikingLab; 50.00 BIT

Mr. Genotech; 100.00 BIT

IP Gear; 400.00


Mr. rAJJIN; 68.00 BIT Clerical
Mr. RP; 34.00 Shippin
Lab; 1852.19 BIT


Super Moderator
Mar 5, 2013
AAS Testin Donations


Mod Mr. Bio; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Get It In Ya; 100.00 CIM

Mr. RetiredArmy0513; 25.00 PP
Mod Mr. rAJJIN; 25.00 BIT
Mr. Giants83; 50.00 PP
Mr. Racepicks; 50.00 34.00
Mr. Getnbiggger; 50.00 PP
Mr. FrancisK; 50.00 PP
Mr. TechnoViking; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dnab87; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sketchy2000; 25.00 PP

Mr. Silverback; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Laxfan24; 30.00 PP

Mr. *KT*; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dados; 40.00 PP
Mr. Southoftheboarder; 20.00 BIT

Mr. Mr.BMJ: 25.00 PP
SgTedRobinson; 25.00 PP
Mr. D-NUTZ; 10.00 PP
Mr. HotRod; 80.00 PP

Mod Mr. Pesty 4077; 35.00 PP
Mr. Freedom15Muscle; 64.00 PP
Mr. Elvia1023; 35.00 PP
Mr. Formula 1069; 250.00 CIM
Mr. Slide; 25.00 PP
Mr. JustWannaBeHuge; 20.00 PP
Mr. Swifto; 20.00 PP
Mr. Richiec; 20.00 PP
25.00 CIM
Mr. TD; 20.00 PP
Mr. Thinman; 50.00 PP
Mr. AON1; 40.00 CIM
Mr. Kaleb; 25.00 CIM

Mr. Mike036; 20.00 CIM
Mr. MooseKnuckles; 50.00 CIM
Mr. Bigcat910; 50.00 PP
Mr. Fatboybbw; 20.00 PP
Mr. Boxer Cam; 20.00 PP
Mr. Mytreefiddy; 50.00 PP
Mr. Patmowery; 100.00 PP
Mr. Hell; 10.00 PP
Mr. Jrock00123; 20.00 BIT
Saint Nero; 20.00 PP
Thethinker48; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sandpig; 20.00 PP
Mr. Ambitious; 10.00 BIT
Mr. Icsulla; 50.00 PP
Mr. Bg091593; 15.00 PP
Mr. Prostock; 50.00 PP

Mr. Wordomr; 30.00 PP

Mr. LK3; 500.00 PP; 5 Tests - Mast P 200 - Anavar - Test C - Tren E - TBOL Oral

VikingLab; 50.00 BIT

Mr. Genotech; 100.00 BIT

IP Gear; 400.00


Mr. rAJJIN; 68.00 BIT Clerical
Mr. RP; 34.00 Shippin
Lab; 1852.19 BIT


Super Moderator
Mar 5, 2013
I just added Member Mr. Oldie59
And a Sponsor from here Oxford Stealth Group

Thank you

AAS Testin Donations


Mod Mr. Bio; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Get It In Ya; 100.00 CIM

Mr. RetiredArmy0513; 25.00 PP
Mod Mr. rAJJIN; 25.00 BIT
Mr. Giants83; 50.00 PP
Mr. Racepicks; 50.00 34.00
Mr. Getnbiggger; 50.00 PP
Mr. FrancisK; 50.00 PP
Mr. TechnoViking; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dnab87; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sketchy2000; 25.00 PP

Mr. Silverback; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Laxfan24; 30.00 PP

Mr. *KT*; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dados; 40.00 PP
Mr. Southoftheboarder; 20.00 BIT

Mr. Mr.BMJ: 25.00 PP
SgTedRobinson; 25.00 PP
Mr. D-NUTZ; 10.00 PP
Mr. HotRod; 80.00 PP

Mod Mr. Pesty 4077; 35.00 PP
Mr. Freedom15Muscle; 64.00 PP
Mr. Elvia1023; 35.00 PP
Mr. Formula 1069; 250.00 CIM
Mr. Slide; 25.00 PP
Mr. JustWannaBeHuge; 20.00 PP
Mr. Swifto; 20.00 PP
Mr. Richiec; 20.00 PP
25.00 CIM
Mr. TD; 20.00 PP
Mr. Thinman; 50.00 PP
Mr. AON1; 40.00 CIM
Mr. Kaleb; 25.00 CIM

Mr. Mike036; 20.00 CIM
Mr. MooseKnuckles; 50.00 CIM
Mr. Bigcat910; 50.00 PP
Mr. Fatboybbw; 20.00 PP
Mr. Boxer Cam; 20.00 PP
Mr. Mytreefiddy; 50.00 PP
Mr. Patmowery; 100.00 PP
Mr. Hell; 10.00 PP
Mr. Jrock00123; 20.00 BIT
Saint Nero; 20.00 PP
Thethinker48; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sandpig; 20.00 PP
Mr. Ambitious; 10.00 BIT
Mr. Icsulla; 50.00 PP
Mr. Bg091593; 15.00 PP
Mr. Prostock; 50.00 PP

Mr. Wordomr; 30.00 PP
Mr. Oldie59; 10.00 PP

Mr. LK3; 500.00 PP; 5 Tests - Mast P 200 - Anavar - Test C - Tren E - TBOL Oral

VikingLab; 50.00 BIT

Mr. Genotech; 100.00 BIT

IP Gear; 400.00

Oxford Stealth Group; 300.00 BIT


Mr. rAJJIN; 68.00 BIT Clerical
Mr. RP; 34.00 Shippin
Lab; 1852.19 BIT


Donating Member
Oct 29, 2012
Nice to see the list still growing
Let's see if I can help it along and get some more interest

From now until next Sunday April23rd I will match any new donating members not already on the list up to a total of $250.00
That's a TOTAL of $250.00 from me to match any $5.00 , $10.00 or whatever

Buck send me a PM and let me know how much of the $250.00 is promised from new donating members
Post over at Pro M if you want

The results should only be available to donating members IMO too many cheapo's out there, this site and Pro M has how many 1,000's members ?
$5.00 each should be a no brainer, or a lot more post counts like 500 or more


Super Moderator
Mar 5, 2013
Nice to see the list still growing
Let's see if I can help it along and get some more interest

From now until next Sunday April23rd I will match any new donating members not already on the list up to a total of $250.00
That's a TOTAL of $250.00 from me to match any $5.00 , $10.00 or whatever

Buck send me a PM and let me know how much of the $250.00 is promised from new donating members
Post over at Pro M if you want

The results should only be available to donating members IMO too many cheapo's out there, this site and Pro M has how many 1,000's members ?
$5.00 each should be a no brainer, or a lot more post counts like 500 or more
You got it Sir,
The clock starts now.....
I will put you down for the 250.00 contingent on the Members contributions. I will invoice ya on the 24th.
I will be back in a few with a updated list including yr Proposition.
As far as Post counts, Mr. AnaSCI ruled on this so its a done deal.
I believe everyone will b appreciative of wat was given to them, if they are not and dont follow the guidelines, he and us Mods will b there to sort it out.

Thanks Brotha
Last edited:


Sep 17, 2003
Nice to see the list still growing
Let's see if I can help it along and get some more interest

From now until next Sunday April23rd I will match any new donating members not already on the list up to a total of $250.00
That's a TOTAL of $250.00 from me to match any $5.00 , $10.00 or whatever

Buck send me a PM and let me know how much of the $250.00 is promised from new donating members
Post over at Pro M if you want

The results should only be available to donating members IMO too many cheapo's out there, this site and Pro M has how many 1,000's members ?
$5.00 each should be a no brainer, or a lot more post counts like 500 or more

That is a great offer Formula!


Super Moderator
Mar 5, 2013
Fellow Members,
I put Mr. Formula 1069 up for another 250.00 donation for our testin.
How ever it comes with a contingency this time.
He will match all members contributions from now until Next Sunday the 23rd. Up to 250.00.
So I have him in the list a second time in red, alll contributions listed after him until sunday he shall match up to 250.00.
So he will put his money were his mouth is lets do the same ;:D.....

AAS Testin Donations


Mod Mr. Bio; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Get It In Ya; 100.00 CIM

Mr. RetiredArmy0513; 25.00 PP
Mod Mr. rAJJIN; 25.00 BIT
Mr. Giants83; 50.00 PP
Mr. Racepicks; 50.00 34.00
Mr. Getnbiggger; 50.00 PP
Mr. FrancisK; 50.00 PP
Mr. TechnoViking; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dnab87; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sketchy2000; 25.00 PP

Mr. Silverback; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Laxfan24; 30.00 PP

Mr. *KT*; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dados; 40.00 PP
Mr. Southoftheboarder; 20.00 BIT

Mr. Mr.BMJ: 25.00 PP
SgTedRobinson; 25.00 PP
Mr. D-NUTZ; 10.00 PP
Mr. HotRod; 80.00 PP

Mod Mr. Pesty 4077; 35.00 PP
Mr. Freedom15Muscle; 64.00 PP
Mr. Elvia1023; 35.00 PP
Mr. Formula 1069; 250.00 CIM
Mr. Slide; 25.00 PP
Mr. JustWannaBeHuge; 20.00 PP
Mr. Swifto; 20.00 PP
Mr. Richiec; 20.00 PP
25.00 CIM
Mr. TD; 20.00 PP
Mr. Thinman; 50.00 PP
Mr. AON1; 40.00 CIM
Mr. Kaleb; 25.00 CIM

Mr. Mike036; 20.00 CIM
Mr. MooseKnuckles; 50.00 CIM
Mr. Bigcat910; 50.00 PP
Mr. Fatboybbw; 20.00 PP
Mr. Boxer Cam; 20.00 PP
Mr. Mytreefiddy; 50.00 PP
Mr. Patmowery; 100.00 PP
Mr. Hell; 10.00 PP
Mr. Jrock00123; 20.00 BIT
Saint Nero; 20.00 PP
Thethinker48; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sandpig; 20.00 PP
Mr. Ambitious; 10.00 BIT
Mr. Icsulla; 50.00 PP
Mr. Bg091593; 15.00 PP
Mr. Prostock; 50.00 PP

Mr. Wordomr; 30.00 PP
Mr. Oldie59; 10.00 PP
Mr. Formula 1069; 250.00 Contingent


Mr. LK3; 500.00 PP; 5 Tests - Mast P 200 - Anavar - Test C - Tren E - TBOL Oral

VikingLab; 50.00 BIT

Mr. Genotech; 100.00 BIT

IP Gear; 400.00

Oxford Stealth Group; 300.00 BIT


Mr. rAJJIN; 68.00 BIT Clerical
Mr. RP; 34.00 Shippin
Lab; 1852.19 BIT



Super Moderator
Mar 5, 2013
Remember Our money is worth double now until Sunday Thanks to Mr. Formula.

AAS Testin Donations


Mod Mr. Bio; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Get It In Ya; 100.00 CIM

Mr. RetiredArmy0513; 25.00 PP
Mod Mr. rAJJIN; 25.00 BIT
Mr. Giants83; 50.00 PP
Mr. Racepicks; 50.00 34.00
Mr. Getnbiggger; 50.00 PP
Mr. FrancisK; 50.00 PP
Mr. TechnoViking; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dnab87; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sketchy2000; 25.00 PP

Mr. Silverback; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Laxfan24; 30.00 PP

Mr. *KT*; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dados; 40.00 PP
Mr. Southoftheboarder; 20.00 BIT

Mr. Mr.BMJ: 25.00 PP
SgTedRobinson; 25.00 PP
Mr. D-NUTZ; 10.00 PP
Mr. HotRod; 80.00 PP

Mod Mr. Pesty 4077; 35.00 PP
Mr. Freedom15Muscle; 64.00 PP
Mr. Elvia1023; 35.00 PP
Mr. Formula 1069; 250.00 CIM
Mr. Slide; 25.00 PP
Mr. JustWannaBeHuge; 20.00 PP
Mr. Swifto; 20.00 PP
Mr. Richiec; 20.00 PP
25.00 CIM
Mr. TD; 20.00 PP
Mr. Thinman; 50.00 PP
Mr. AON1; 40.00 CIM
Mr. Kaleb; 25.00 CIM

Mr. Mike036; 20.00 CIM
Mr. MooseKnuckles; 50.00 CIM
Mr. Bigcat910; 50.00 PP
Mr. Fatboybbw; 20.00 PP
Mr. Boxer Cam; 20.00 PP
Mr. Mytreefiddy; 50.00 PP
Mr. Patmowery; 100.00 PP
Mr. Hell; 10.00 PP
Mr. Jrock00123; 20.00 BIT
Saint Nero; 20.00 PP
Thethinker48; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sandpig; 20.00 PP
Mr. Ambitious; 10.00 BIT
Mr. Icsulla; 50.00 PP
Mr. Bg091593; 15.00 PP
Mr. Prostock; 50.00 PP

Mr. Wordomr; 30.00 PP
Mr. Oldie59; 10.00 PP
Mr. Formula 1069; 250.00 Contingent
Mr. Para; 20.00 PP


Mr. LK3; 500.00 PP; 5 Tests - Mast P 200 - Anavar - Test C - Tren E - TBOL Oral

VikingLab; 50.00 BIT

Mr. Genotech; 100.00 BIT

IP Gear; 400.00

Oxford Stealth Group; 300.00 BIT


Mr. rAJJIN; 68.00 BIT Clerical
Mr. RP; 34.00 Shippin
Lab; 1852.19 BIT



Super Moderator
Mar 5, 2013
Our Donations from now until Sunday are worth double now thanks to Mr.

AAS Testin Donations


Mod Mr. Bio; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Get It In Ya; 100.00 CIM

Mr. RetiredArmy0513; 25.00 PP
Mod Mr. rAJJIN; 25.00 BIT
Mr. Giants83; 50.00 PP
Mr. Racepicks; 50.00 34.00
Mr. Getnbiggger; 50.00 PP
Mr. FrancisK; 50.00 PP
Mr. TechnoViking; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dnab87; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sketchy2000; 25.00 PP

Mr. Silverback; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Laxfan24; 30.00 PP

Mr. *KT*; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dados; 40.00 PP
Mr. Southoftheboarder; 20.00 BIT

Mr. Mr.BMJ: 25.00 PP
SgTedRobinson; 25.00 PP
Mr. D-NUTZ; 10.00 PP
Mr. HotRod; 80.00 PP

Mod Mr. Pesty 4077; 35.00 PP
Mr. Freedom15Muscle; 64.00 PP
Mr. Elvia1023; 35.00 PP
Mr. Formula 1069; 250.00 CIM
Mr. Slide; 25.00 PP
Mr. JustWannaBeHuge; 20.00 PP
Mr. Swifto; 20.00 PP
Mr. Richiec; 20.00 PP
25.00 CIM
Mr. TD; 20.00 PP
Mr. Thinman; 50.00 PP
Mr. AON1; 40.00 CIM
Mr. Kaleb; 25.00 CIM

Mr. Mike036; 20.00 CIM
Mr. MooseKnuckles; 50.00 CIM
Mr. Bigcat910; 50.00 PP
Mr. Fatboybbw; 20.00 PP
Mr. Boxer Cam; 20.00 PP
Mr. Mytreefiddy; 50.00 PP
Mr. Patmowery; 100.00 PP
Mr. Hell; 10.00 PP
Mr. Jrock00123; 20.00 BIT
Saint Nero; 20.00 PP
Thethinker48; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sandpig; 20.00 PP
Mr. Ambitious; 10.00 BIT
Mr. Icsulla; 50.00 PP
Mr. Bg091593; 15.00 PP
Mr. Prostock; 50.00 PP

Mr. Wordomr; 30.00 PP
Mr. Oldie59; 10.00 PP
Mr. Formula 1069; 250.00 Contingent
Mr. Para; 20.00 PP
Mr. Giants83; 25.00 PP


Mr. LK3; 500.00 PP; 5 Tests - Mast P 200 - Anavar - Test C - Tren E - TBOL Oral

VikingLab; 50.00 BIT

Mr. Genotech; 100.00 BIT

IP Gear; 400.00

Oxford Stealth Group; 300.00 BIT


Mr. rAJJIN; 68.00 BIT Clerical
Mr. RP; 34.00 Shippin
Lab; 1852.19 BIT



Super Moderator
Mar 5, 2013
Our Donations from now until Sunday are worth double now thanks to Mr.
Formula who is a second time donor along with the last few members...

AAS Testin Donations


Mod Mr. Bio; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Get It In Ya; 100.00 CIM

Mr. RetiredArmy0513; 25.00 PP
Mod Mr. rAJJIN; 25.00 BIT
Mr. Giants83; 50.00 PP
Mr. Racepicks; 50.00 34.00
Mr. Getnbiggger; 50.00 PP
Mr. FrancisK; 50.00 PP
Mr. TechnoViking; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dnab87; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sketchy2000; 25.00 PP

Mr. Silverback; 100.00 CIM
Mr. Laxfan24; 30.00 PP

Mr. *KT*; 20.00 PP
Mr. Dados; 40.00 PP
Mr. Southoftheboarder; 20.00 BIT

Mr. Mr.BMJ: 25.00 PP
SgTedRobinson; 25.00 PP
Mr. D-NUTZ; 10.00 PP
Mr. HotRod; 80.00 PP

Mod Mr. Pesty 4077; 35.00 PP
Mr. Freedom15Muscle; 64.00 PP
Mr. Elvia1023; 35.00 PP
Mr. Formula 1069; 250.00 CIM
Mr. Slide; 25.00 PP
Mr. JustWannaBeHuge; 20.00 PP
Mr. Swifto; 20.00 PP
Mr. Richiec; 20.00 PP
25.00 CIM
Mr. TD; 20.00 PP
Mr. Thinman; 50.00 PP
Mr. AON1; 40.00 CIM
Mr. Kaleb; 25.00 CIM

Mr. Mike036; 20.00 CIM
Mr. MooseKnuckles; 50.00 CIM
Mr. Bigcat910; 50.00 PP
Mr. Fatboybbw; 20.00 PP
Mr. Boxer Cam; 20.00 PP
Mr. Mytreefiddy; 50.00 PP
Mr. Patmowery; 100.00 PP
Mr. Hell; 10.00 PP
Mr. Jrock00123; 20.00 BIT
Saint Nero; 20.00 PP
Thethinker48; 20.00 PP
Mr. Sandpig; 20.00 PP
Mr. Ambitious; 10.00 BIT
Mr. Icsulla; 50.00 PP
Mr. Bg091593; 15.00 PP
Mr. Prostock; 50.00 PP

Mr. Wordomr; 30.00 PP
Mr. Oldie59; 10.00 PP
Mr. Formula 1069; 250.00 Contingent
Mr. Para; 20.00 PP
Mr. Giants83; 25.00 PP
Mr. Dnab87; 15.00 PP
Mr. RetiredArmy0513; 25.00 PP


Mr. LK3; 500.00 PP; 5 Tests - Mast P 200 - Anavar - Test C - Tren E - TBOL Oral

VikingLab; 50.00 BIT

Mr. Genotech; 100.00 BIT

IP Gear; 400.00

Oxford Stealth Group; 300.00 BIT


Mr. rAJJIN; 68.00 BIT Clerical
Mr. RP; 34.00 Shippin
Lab; 1852.19 BIT
