2nd Cycle

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
What do you guys think i should try on my 2nd cycle...I still need to bulk heavy..On my first cycle, i used deca and test cypionate, with EXCELLENT results ( i think ). I picked up +-12 lbs with hardly any water in 5 weeks and still have ALL my gains, believe it or not...At the bottom of this post, you'll see my stats..PS: I have a very reliable supplier....a medic that gyms with me, so whatever you guys suggests, i can get :)
My previouse cycle was only 6 weeks and I was thinking of starting early Feb....
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Registered User
Nov 7, 2004
Then do the exact same cycle...i would up the test 1 to 200 mgs per week from last time and have 1/2 of that amount deca. example 750 cyp, 400 deca


Feb 6, 2004
DragonRider said:
Test cyp or enanth at 500 mg per week and deca at 400mg per week for 12 weeks. Stop the deca in week 10.
Great cycle DR. Thats what Im on right now. :)


Aratesticle said:
oh shit. i didn't see your weight.....i wouldn't do the doses i put up there.

damn bro....you are tiny....there is guys here that weigh 100 lbs more than you! lol


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
wolfyEVH said:
damn bro....you are tiny....there is guys here that weigh 100 lbs more than you! lol

Thats why he's robin hood "men in tights". Just kidding with you bro but you are light.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
oracle said:
Thats why he's robin hood "men in tights". Just kidding with you bro but you are light.
That's why I'm trying to get him to cycle correctly this time. If he got that excited over gaining 12 pounds from his first cycle, imagine how excited he will be if he puts on 25 or 30 cycling correctly.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
wolfyEVH said:
damn bro....you are tiny....there is guys here that weigh 100 lbs more than you! lol
lolololol...thx for rubbing it in :) I can tell you one thing though...for my size i actually look good....( shape wise ). My whole idea was to reach 200lbs by the end of this year...I HOPE!!!....so how about keeping a bit of "thumbs" there??...:)

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
DragonRider said:
Test cyp or enanth at 500 mg per week and deca at 400mg per week for 12 weeks. Stop the deca in week 10.
DR, are you SURE those doses you recommend is not to much for my size??...Not arguing hey, just want to make sure :)
PS: And THIS time......i'm going to stick to your advise...You must also bare in mind with me, that as i'm a VERY coutious person, i have to do things right....first time round...sorry but that's just me..I am a Computer Specialist by trade, so i'm used to do things right, otherwise i'll fuck my customer's computers up, and i don't want that..lol
Also...should i pyramid those doses, or should i just keep it constant..??...and...would it be visable if i throw in D-bol as well??..tia
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Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
Robin Hood said:
I am a Computer Specialist by trade, so i'm used to do things right, otherwise i'll fuck my customer's computers up, and i don't want that..lol

A computer specialist...bro you "REALLY" need to PM Dragonrider since he definitly could use your help just as much in this department as he's helping you in the other. Everytime we post a link he just can't get it to open.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
Robin Hood said:
DR, are you SURE those doses you recommend is not to much for my size??...Not arguing hey, just want to make sure :)
PS: And THIS time......i'm going to stick to your advise...You must also bare in mind with me, that as i'm a VERY coutious person, i have to do things right....first time round...sorry but that's just me..I am a Computer Specialist by trade, so i'm used to do things right, otherwise i'll fuck my customer's computers up, and i don't want that..lol
Also...should i pyramid those doses, or should i just keep it constant..??...and...would it be visable if i throw in D-bol as well??..tia

Try it. You will be flying to the States to shake my hand. If you can get Dbol, I would throw in 25mg per day for the first 4 weeks. That is the only thing I would adjust based on your weight. Eat like you won't get another meal and keep some money aside to buy new clothes. You are going to need them.

Don't worry about the pyramiding. It is totally unnecessary.


DR has given you great advise for your next cycle. one thing i would recommend is an addition to your nutritional intake. try one of pincrushers special protein shakes per day aded to your already existing meal plan and you will gain greatly on your next cycle. my protein shake consists of the following:
3 cups of whole milk
3 scoops of whey protein
2 packets of flavored instant oatmeal(apples & cinnamon tastes best)
2 scoops of icecream
guaranteed to put some size on ya and is best taken either first thing in the am or immediately after your workout.


pincrusher said:
DR has given you great advise for your next cycle. one thing i would recommend is an addition to your nutritional intake. try one of pincrushers special protein shakes per day aded to your already existing meal plan and you will gain greatly on your next cycle. my protein shake consists of the following:
3 cups of whole milk
3 scoops of whey protein
2 packets of flavored instant oatmeal(apples & cinnamon tastes best)
2 scoops of icecream
guaranteed to put some size on ya and is best taken either first thing in the am or immediately after your workout.

that sounds awesome!! but isnt that a bit too much for one shake though??? just the whey protein and milk alone is about 90 grams of protein. lookin at a meal that has over 100grams of protein. Just one of these is well over half his daily need.


wolfyEVH said:
that sounds awesome!! but isnt that a bit too much for one shake though??? just the whey protein and milk alone is about 90 grams of protein. lookin at a meal that has over 100grams of protein. Just one of these is well over half his daily need.
yes it is alot of protein & carbs but that is why i recommended it to be taken first thing in the am or immediately after his workout. at these times his body will be starving for nutrition and will be able to make use of a higher amount of protein & carbs compared to the rest of the day. i also took into consideration that at his size he more than likely has a high metabolism and will be able to burn off alot of calories at one time.
if he starts to put on fat then he can reduce the amount based on how much fat he may be gaining.
i have always found that people who tend to be low in weight can handle a good bit more calories than the average guy can and almost need to intake 30x their bodyweight to make significant gains. this is coming from experience as i remember all to well the days when i weighed only 128lbs and tried my hardest to gain weight and it wasnt till i broke all the rules and upped my intake to that 30x mark that i really started to gain.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
lolol....thx guys....i will use all your advise...believe me..Just hope i don't change into an elephant...:)


Robin Hood said:
lolol....thx guys....i will use all your advise...believe me..Just hope i don't change into an elephant...:)
why not? they are one of the strongest animals out there LOL
heck, i would love to be able to push down tree's like they do :D

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
pincrusher said:
yes it is alot of protein & carbs but that is why i recommended it to be taken first thing in the am or immediately after his workout. at these times his body will be starving for nutrition and will be able to make use of a higher amount of protein & carbs compared to the rest of the day. i also took into consideration that at his size he more than likely has a high metabolism and will be able to burn off alot of calories at one time.
if he starts to put on fat then he can reduce the amount based on how much fat he may be gaining.
i have always found that people who tend to be low in weight can handle a good bit more calories than the average guy can and almost need to intake 30x their bodyweight to make significant gains. this is coming from experience as i remember all to well the days when i weighed only 128lbs and tried my hardest to gain weight and it wasnt till i broke all the rules and upped my intake to that 30x mark that i really started to gain.

You're talking the truth here......i DO have a fast metobolism....like i said..in 44 years, the MOST my boddy EVER changed, was with 3 kg's....no jokes..BTW...what is your weight now??...it might give me an indication how big i can still go..:)


Robin Hood said:
You're talking the truth here......i DO have a fast metobolism....like i said..in 44 years, the MOST my boddy EVER changed, was with 3 kg's....no jokes..BTW...what is your weight now??...it might give me an indication how big i can still go..:)
right now i weigh in at 215lbs at a height of 5'6" and 39yrs old but this is down from a high of 225 this last summer. had an injury that required surgery(herniated umbilical cord) and another injury to my shoulder in early novemeber, that kept me out of the gym for almost the entire fall bulking season. because of this my diet went to crap and u got very depressed for awhile and lost over 25 lbs down to a low of 198. been back at it hard for about 4 weeks now and getting all juiced up again :) thank god my strength didnt suffer to much.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
mmm...excellent weight...tell me...that 30x your bodyweight you were talking about, is that now 30g Carbs times my weight of 134 = 4020g per day??