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  1. squatster

    Joints kill

    Why is it every time I go on juice my joints kill? It starts right when it starts to kick in. I mean- it is how I know the juice is starting. Started sust 1 week ago and I have a hard time walking now - my ankles kill - wrists - elbows - knee's- my shoulders worst of all.- I have to stop...
  2. squatster

    another good tastings breakfast

    6 eggs any way you want 2 whole-4 whole - 6 whole 1 cup oatmeal 1 banana Some blueberries Cook up in microwave I do 1 minute Take out and stir Cook 1 minute and stir And so on till done Good protein good carbs and taste great I posted it years ago on a bunch of sites after my busy gave it to me
  3. squatster

    Article in MD

    What did you guys think about the article in Muscular Development mags Feb issue- The Real Dope on Bodybuilding Part 1? I didn't think it was worth reading - no real questions and no real answers- I want to here the dirty stuff- how much- how often- mistakes- any issues at any time - what they...
  4. squatster

    pic of me a few years ago

    Sorry - I am not good with computers or gadgets - I've been trying to figure out how to post it up - tried to search and still can't figure out how
  5. squatster

    Little problems or things to watch out for on Melenotan 2

    My little things I found to watch for - or what the hell- Had black eyes and new stitches when went on beginning of August - still have black eyes - scar is purple color If you have black eyes - wait till there gone first before you start and put a heavy sun screen on new scars If you get...
  6. squatster

    Paper juice

    Is paper juice still sold Paper Var Paper drol And so on- or am I showing my age? Used to love the shit till he went out,
  7. squatster

    How do people get ahead

    How do people do it? I am closer to 50 then 40 now and still can't afford shit. How the hell do people do it? What is the secret?
  8. squatster

    To get fixed or not????

    My wife wants me to get fixed - I love my kids and would love 50 more but- economy does suck bad. I am getting old. My buddies that have had it done- most of them say it doesn't work the same as it did any more . I am one also that hates to go near a doctor. I don't trust them at all. Any one...
  9. squatster

    Melanotan 2

    I just started my Melanotan 2 from Superior Peptides 3 days ago. Mixed 3 ml of Bacteriastactic water in with the 10,000 mcg 10 mg bottle First day I took 2 clicks Second day 3 clicks Third day 4 clicks- no problem yet with any bad sides like the stomach aches or any thing I make sure I eat...
  10. squatster

    Exemestane from Suprior

    I am going to start some Exemestane from Superior at 10mg My question - can you mix it with any thing to make it taste better? Sorry the stuff tasted like shit- maybie from the toothpaste I just used? No markings on the dropper at all I take it that the dropper in the bottle is 1ml
  11. squatster

    Clomids and fevers

    Crazy - when ever I do clomids I get a high fever and throw up about 20 mins later then I'm fine?? Always wondered what it was all about
  12. squatster

    where the f did my bicep go??

    I used to have good symmetry, was doing biceps today and noticed my outer right bicep head is gone when it peaks? Must be an inch narrower when peaked - not sure if it is from my shoulder injury - the day when I hurt it or if has been that way for a while - time for some synthal In the junk arm
  13. squatster

    insulin deca-EQ

    My buddy read some were that your not supposed to use insulin when on deca or EQ?? He said the article said they are dangerous together??
  14. squatster

    Cjc ghrp and growth

    100mcg CJC 1296 no 100mcg GHRP2 in same shot 20 mins later 2 IU HGH Creatine 10 mins before I walk in gym Then I hit the gym - holly pump for me I am supposed to add Insulin pre work out but don't have my diet down yet - I can't wait to see what happens then My juice- 1 cc EQ every other day 1...
  15. squatster

    How much $ per month to be National competitor

    Any one ever figure what it cost per month to become or stay a National competitor in the NPC?
  16. squatster

    CJC 1296 DAC and GHRP2-wow

    On my 3rd week so far - at first it was just - ok Went to the gym today - was wondering why every one was eye balling me - I was getting pissed. Looked across the gym and I could see a big dude looking at me, looked like he wanted to kill me. It was me in the mirror WTF went to the scale-up 4...
  17. squatster

    ripped some thing in shoulder??

    I pick up some sheet rock Saturday and heard 2 pops and a rip-off a lot of pain - little black and blue on the top back of my triceps and my whole elbow is also black and blue ???
  18. squatster

    estrogen blocker?

    I have never really done them- just grew some big tits then got them cut - but now - I Need something - don't want to block it all - just take the edge off some - I am a raging bitch- and holding water pretty bad
  19. squatster

    who know female BB faces from the 80's

    I am trying to figure out who the famous black female bodybuilder for the 80's and eirly 90 ' s is? I want to get her cook book - it was real good - had a great chicken with cayenne pepper and some other good ones
  20. squatster

    Need help fast on insulin syringe

    On a 1ml syringe - what is 6 ticks ? Not at 60 right? I think I really f'd up bad - real bad Thank god it is just grip 2 -