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  1. squatster

    steriod maker gets 9 months

    https://www.timesgazette.com/news/31544/steroid-maker-gets-9-months Hopefully this works
  2. squatster

    baking point founder charged with steroid - stimulant possession

    Braking Point founder charged with steroid, stimulant possession - WFMJ.com News weather sports for Youngstown-Warren Ohio Sorry I need to learn how to do this right some tim
  3. squatster

    vernon man arrested

    Sorry I will try to post it again https://www.njherald.com/20180725/vernon-man-admits-to-operating-steroid-production-facility#
  4. squatster

    Ronnie coleman so sad

    https://youtu.be/HqV1nhrtEOw So sad
  5. squatster

    if you- were never married

    I think I would be lost with out my wife and kids. Opportunities- i know I would have been a lot- bigger and stronger with all the time and have a lot- more money - and more hair - and not as many grays. But i wouldn't trade the marriage for any thing. Why am I posting this- DON'T HAVE A CLUE...
  6. squatster

    Pea Ridge Ark. steriod bust

    https://www.nwahomepage.com/news/local-police-bust-international-drug-trafficking-operation/1472625380 They all link together don't they https://www.nwahomepage.com/news/local-police-bust-international-drug-trafficking-operation/1472625380 PEA RIDGE, Ark. (KNWA) -- A man is arrested for...
  7. squatster

    low dose cycle

    I am doing incredible on a low dose cycle right now 250 test E pr week 100 mg. Masteron pr week 1cc EQ pr week 50 mg. Anadrol pr day. This is the 3rd week of test and eq Starting 2nd week of mast and Anadrol What a pump today - the vains were poping out of ever were Forgot - also have been on 12...
  8. squatster

    SYRINGE metal pin broke off ?

    WTF- I had to put 1 cc tren mix in a sample bottle the other day- it was going a little to slow- so I pushed a little harder- the syring made a pop- all the juice went every were and the pin/end was gone. I ripped the bathroom apart - couldn't find the sharp metal part any were- looked for 2...
  9. squatster

    Sugar's - high - low???

    First off -, I know I need to buy a monitor for blood sugar Eat my meal and I crash real bad 2 -1/2 hours later I mean to the point I am going hypo. I know the working signs so I trey to get some thing quick. In the grocery store the other day and boom. Boom - I was gone- thank God I had a...
  10. squatster

    Using your phone with out leaving a trace

    Cool article https://www.popsci.com/smartphone-leave-no-traces Every time you grab your phone to participate in a group chat, watch a YouTube video, or search the internet, you leave a digital trail of activity. This footprint can compromise your privacy the next time a friend borrows your...
  11. squatster

    Cialis or viagra?

    I just took a cialis 5 minus ago-- I said in 1 post that it blocks up my nose bad- so I took a sinus need first BUT i forgot- viagra or cialia- 1 blocks my nose bad- blows up thre vessels in my sinuses bad 1- gives me real bad heart burn- to the point it kills Both ways- suck Find out in 20 mins
  12. squatster

    good article - GET ARRESTED

    https://www.steroid.com/getarrested.php Its no secret, illegal distribution of anabolic androgenic steroids can lead to your arrest but arrest for simple personal possession is on the rise. From visiting many anabolic steroid message boards the feeling is generally personal users are...
  13. squatster

    another write up on scioxx

    https://www.steroidal.com/steroids-news/sciroxx-labs-busted-help-dea/ He has a donation auction on one of the sites- I don't know why any one would ever bid on the stuff. The rumor was that LE is running the lab??? I don't know- just what I here- Don't shoot there mesanger ==============...
  14. squatster

    welsh steriod bust- UK ugl

    https://www.steroidal.com/steroids-news/jail-time-running-welsh-steroid-ugl/ Sixteen people who were discovered to be working for a UK domestic UGL that produced anabolic steroids have been sentenced to prison. The underground laboratory, which was unnamed was located in Wales and the 16...
  15. squatster

    big bust - next day gear

    https://www.steroidal.com/steroids-news/domestic-us-source-next-day-gear-busted/ This shows how it worked when a big sloppy supplier its busted. These LE got all customers names ....... A popular UGL, which is short for underground laboratory that domestically produced, manufactured and...
  16. squatster

    Mt2 and hgh in same pin?

    would there be any problem with me putting them both in the same pin? I hate all the shots
  17. squatster

    Sciroxx bust

    Does any one have the info on the big Sciroxx bust. They got hammered - from what I here- 9 us remailers also got busted https://m.calcalist.co.il/Article.aspx?guid=3737064 This is the only one I can find on it
  18. squatster

    Genetic testing???? say what??

    My mother and siblings did the ansestry testing. I am the only one that came up with deep African genetic ties???? Could it be from my peptides Hgh Steriods? I do get real dark skin Every thing else in my dna is the same as them
  19. squatster

    50 keto diets

    https://www.popsugar.com/fitness/Healthy-Keto-Recipes-44801047#photo-44801339 The egg one wrapped in bacon sounds great to me
  20. squatster

    KETO- Cool article
