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  1. M

    Plasma Vol

    Put this in the wrong forum first time sorry. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anybody ever try this stuff its a supplement for vascularity? Heard some good stuff from one dude just wanna know if anyone else got a take.
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    Plasma Vol

    Anybody ever try this stuff its a supplement for vascularity? Heard some good stuff from one dude just wanna know if anyone else got a take.
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    Strength and endurance

    I just started a new training regiment.I have been training a little heavier than normal and in between every set jumping rope for about 90 seconds rest for thirty next set and repeat. Was wondering if anyone could tell me wether this is gonna help or is it detremental.I am looking to get a...
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    Has anybody used this after gyno has established a tissue mass ,and had it shrink or disapear completley? If so what was the dose and for how long? And anything else I should know?
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    Female diet plan

    Posted this in diet section aswell not sure were it would be best to post it here or there. Im trying to help a friend with a simple diet plan. She is 5'4 155lbs.She is not currentlly working out but has great natural muscle tone (freakish).She is going to add like 30 minutes of cardio a day...
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    Female diet plan

    Im trying to help a friend with a simple diet plan. She is 5'4 155lbs.She is not currentlly working out but has great natural muscle tone (freakish).She is going to add like 30 minutes of cardio a day were she is doing nothing now. I have her at 120grams carbs 100grams protien and 30 grams fat...
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    No Test Cycle!

    Very interested in this because of probs with gyno. But if there is no test in this cycle why Nolvedex? And by taking Nolvadex does the body push to make more Estrogen or am I mistakin about that? And what is Proviron?If anyone can help me be greatful. I am very eager to do a cycle its been a...
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    Attention Alpa Male!

    Alpha I talked to you awhile back about some blood work I was having done was hoping you could make some sense of these numbers to say if there normal or not? I am a 35 year old male. Testosterone total serum/ results 659 / units ng/dl Range/241-827 HCG /results <2 /units miu/ml range...
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    Please Help!!!

    I have been an off and on steriod user for 10 years . Never done really big cycles and never stayed on for great lenghths of time. Two years ago I did a cycle of test and about three weeks in got a large hard mass under my left nipple( Gynomatia) I stopped the cycle and the lump went away.I...
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    New Whey

    Has anyone used the New Whey Liquid Protien. I bought a case and man is it convenient but wondering if its the real deal or just shit protien? Will my body absorb it or just shit it out?
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    what drugs?

    As I stated in my last thread I seem to have a tendincy for gyno . During my last cycle I used Novadex and still got this . What drugs can be used and not have to worrie so much about having this reaction.I have never had a problem doing Eco are there any others?
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    Wondering if anyone here has ever gone through surgical procedure to get rid of gyno? I got it on one side behind the nipple theres like a walnut size growth F-ing irratating.Just looking for any tips solutions or info? Thanks
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    Has anyone done the t3 I'e done the clembuteral but was told the t3 was much better.How did it work for you and what side effects? Im gonna do it with some eq.
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    Growth hormone

    I've been training for close to 16 years.In this time I have periodiclly done cycles.Im now considering doing a kit of growth.Wanted any feedback on the benifits and gains anyone has made on it.Such as wieght and strenght and how much was maintained afte the kit.Also any side effects and your...