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    anyone try androbol?

    my guy just told me he has androbol and I think it is a mix between anadrol and dbol, and I was just wondering if anyone has tried it and what was your experiences with it... very bad sides? good gains?
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    Which cycle for better gains

    I am stuck between 2 cycles and am wondering which will give me better gains 1000mg test e wk 1-16 30mg Dbol ed wk 1-4 50mg Winstrol ed wk 9-15 Or: 500mg test e wk 1-16 400mg tren e wk 1-14 30mg dbol wk 1-4 50mg Winstrol ed wk 9-15 I am stuck between 2 cycles , i am pretty set on the dbol and...
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    how to get best results from anadrol

    what is the best way to get the most out of a anadrol cycle, I usually do a low calorie diet and was wondering if I would get more results if I upped my calories, this is just kickstarting my cycle which will be a 16 week test prop, tren ace and mast ace cycle with the first 30 days on the...
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    winter cycle test/tren/npp/anadrol

    I am about to start my 12 week winter cycle which is: test prop-300mg week 1-12 tren ace-450mg week 1-12 npp-600mg week 1-10 anadrol-50mg ed 1-4 proviron-50mg ed 6-12 winstrol-50mg ed 6-12 cabergoline- .5mg e3d 1-12 aromasin- 12.5mg eod 1-12 liv52-whole cycle hawthorne berry-whole cycle I have...
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    Hgh in cutting cycle?

    I am about to start my 16 week cutting cycle of test prop 1-16, tren ace 1-16, winstrol 9-16.. And i was wondering if adding a low dose of hgh would help with lowering body fat.. I would only be using it for the last 10 weeks at 2-3 ius ed or should i just hold onto it for another cycle or...
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    My next cutting cycle

    I have put alot of work and studying into this cycle, i am 190lbs and 12-14% body fat and i am wanting to get to 205-215 at under 10%... This is the cycle i have come up with: 1-16 Test prop 450mg wk 1-16 tren ace 600mg wk 1-4 anadrol 50mg ed 9-16 winstrol 50mg ed 14-16 dnp 200-250mg ed( 1...
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    Tbol bulking cycle

    I just got about 500 tbol tabs and am thinking about doing a 8 week lean bulk cycle.. I was think: Wk 1-8 tbol 80mg ed Wk 1-8 riplend 1.5ml eod( test prop/tren ace/mast prop) I am wondering if a 20lb lean gain is possible with this combo I have used the ripblend a few times and i get my best...
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    Help with bulk setup

    I am about to start my bulking cycle for the winter and keep wanting to try insulin in my cycle... I have done nothing but cutting cycles and had no real need for it until now and was wondering how much of a difference with the insulin make with my cycle 1-20 Test e- 300mg wk 1-20 Deca- 600mg wk...
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    Next bulking cycle

    I was planning on just going straight into a cutting cycle but when im only at 200lbs i dont really need to so i decided to do a 16 week bulking cycle first: this will be about my 10th cycle and basicly all of my cycles have been cutting because i wanted to stay lean and my bf down.. This will...
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    Taking dbol and winstrol as a kickstart

    I am almost finished getting my cutting cycle on point.. It will be a 22 week cycle, and i will be doing it at 50mg ed for the first 6 weeks, my question is can i add dbol at a low dose maybe 20mg ed to help with muscle gain an liquifying joints which would help with the winstrol.. But was...
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    Test/tren/mast/dbol/halo cycle

    I am about to start another good power cycle.. It will last 12 weeks, test prop and tren ace at 1.5ml eod wk 1-12, mast at 1ml eod wk 1-12, dbol will be 50mg ed wk 1-4, halo at 40mgs wk 7-11... Now i will be using a bunch of liv-52 to help with liver toxicity... But my question is even with all...
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    Best juice for endurance

    I am about to start training for a speed skating marathon in a few months which will be 25 miles, which is all endurance and i was wondering if anything would Improve my endurance so that i could atleast last the whole race.. I have read that test alone would probably be the best but what about...
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    Melanotan 2 dosage

    I have been wanting to try some melanotan to give my skin that nice tan color that im wanting, everytime i try to tan or im out in the sun i burn.. I am just looking at what the dosage and loading phase would be.. How much will i be needing..1 bottle, 2, 3? ..
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    Melatonin 2

    Melanotan 2 I have been wanting to try some melanotan to give my skin that nice tan color that im wanting, everytime i try to tan or im out in the sun i burn.. I am just looking at what the dosage and loading phase would be.. How much will i be needing..1 bottle, 2, 3? ..
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    Stop after 1 cycle or cruise into the 2nd cycle

    I am about to order all my stuff for my next cycle and i was planning on doing a 14-16 week cycle on 5 compounds and at the end goin on a 10 week cruise of lowe dose of test and go straight into my 2nd cycle for another 12 weeks with 3 compounds and then do a pct for 5 weeks .... My question is...
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    Ive been debating on throwing some dnp in at the end of my test/tren/mast cycle, i have used it before and gotten good results.. As far as getting my temperature blown up, it never went above 98 , all protein no carb diet seems to be the trick for that but anyways i only used it for 2 weeks at 1...
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    injection spots make any difference

    I was wondering if different injection spots make any difference, i have always injected in my upper part of my butt, goin back and forth between sides for every injection, but i was wondering if i switched to a different injection spot would it make any difference at all ...
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    straight esters vs mixed esters

    I have heard from a few people that they will never use the tri blends(mixed esters) and that they would only use straight esters(bottle of test prop, bottle of tren ace.... instead of just getting a mixed ester where I believe you would be getting more... is there some difference between the 2...
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    Turanabol or anadrol

    Im about to start a 12-16 week cutting cycle and i was planning on using anadrol to kickstart the cycle for the first 4 weeks... I was wondering if turanabol would be better to kickstart the cycle for 4 weeks since it would be a more lean gain and since i am cutting it would seem like the better...