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  1. I

    Workout Question

    How many times should someone workout a muscle a week. Is once a week good. Is doing 5-6 excersizing for each body muscle bad during a cycle. I try to do: monday = biceps wednesday = chest thursday = shoulders friday = back sunday = triceps/legs 220lb 6'0 500mg sustanon250 /...
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    Curious Cycle Advice

    I just thought i would run this by you guys, some recommendations would be greatfully appricieated. Im already 2 weeks in... 6'0 220 THIRD CYCLE ALL ZENCALL Weeks 1-10 -Sustanan 250 :: 500mg a week in ass 1cc twice a week -Deca 300 :: 300mg a week in ass 1cc once a week Weeks 5-10...
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    Winstrol Injection Advice

    What is more effective for Winstrol Depot 100: 50mg everyday or 100mg every other day. I will be using 400mg Sustanan250 and 400mg Deca-Durabolin for weeks 1-5, then weeks 6-10 400mg Sustanan 250 and 400mg Deca-Duraboin and also using 20ml of winny during week 6-10. Then PCT week 13-15...
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    Cycle Concerns

    I am 6'0 210, workout 5 days a week pretty serious. This will only be my 2nd cycle. My cycle will be 8 to 10 weeks. I will go through 20ml Deca 300, 20ml Sustanon 250, 20ml Winstrol Depot 100, and Clomid for PT. I will shoot 1ml Deca, 1ml Sustanon every 4 days until i run out in my ass...
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    Honest Cycle Advice

    I am 6'0 210, workout 5 days a week pretty serious. This will only be my 2nd cycle. My cycle will be 8 to 10 weeks. I will go through 20ml Deca 300, 20ml Sustanon 250, 20ml Winstrol Depot 100, and Clomid for PT. I will shoot 1ml Deca, 1ml Sustanon every 4 days until i run out in my ass...
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    Important injection advice

    I have 10 ml sustanon250, 10ml deca, and 20ml winstrol, any advice of when and where to take them. What i am going to do is 1ml of sus and deca in differents ass cheecks every 4 days, and 1ml winstro in delt every other day. I already have the gear so i will be taken these three no matter what...
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    Zencall Lab Fakes

    What if you are comparing 4 different zencall labs bottles(sustanon250, winstrol,propriate,dcca) and all the colors on the labels are a little different and the lids are different color also the text size of the labels are a little different. should someone be concerned. Also the the expiration...