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  1. B

    Guys Tell Me What To Do

    I have been on sust 250 for 3 weeks....gained 12 lbs....very happy with what I hav accomplished so far.....I am doing one amp every five days for 8 weeks...Just did my third shot yesterday....I am getting the sensation that maybe going to 2 amps a week for the remaining 5 weeks would be...
  2. B

    Gentlemen help me out with my diet

    BROS , I need your help. Ok I have been lifting on and off for 5 years. I have been serious for about 6 months and just started a sust cycle....I am getting good gains from it and I love the energy. My problem is that I have this baby around my god damn belly button, you know that fat that...
  3. B

    What Is The Deal With No Soda While On Steriods?

    I want to know why you cant have soda or any carbinated drinks while on steriods....or is this just a farse....let me know bros :rockon:
  4. B

    First shot, sore and tint of redness Help

    Just started my first cycle and needed some info.....I shot sust 250 in my deltoid....the next day deltoid was very sore and had like a tint of redness(like a sunburn) around the injection spot...its been 3 days and I still have a tint of red and a little bite of soreness.. is this ok and does...
  5. B

    First shot went well

    My firts shot of sus 250 was painless.....until the next day....I could barely move my arm....Glad I didn't poke my ass...Anyway just wanted to let you all know... I couldn't believe how many reps I did that day.....time to get jacked!!!
  6. B

    stacking with nox2

    I am about to start my test cycle.....was going to do sus but decided to go with test e instead....I was wondering if stacking it with a creatine or this new product called nox2 would be ok....or would I just be waisting my money buying that stuff... Thanks
  7. B

    Need your advice

    I am about to start my cycle of sus 250. I wanted to take it over a 10 week period but I can't. I was going to use 250mg for 1-3 weeks, 500mg for 4-7 weeks and back to 250mg for 8-10 weeks....if I went to a 8 week period how should I break up the mg over the weeks? Need your advice. Thank you
  8. B

    Does anyone live in the U.S.

    Was wondering if anyone lived in the us and purchased some shit from overseas.....was it succsessful? Any problems......Don't want to be a dumb fuck and get busted b/c I wasn't careful.