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  1. Arnie

    Low dose of Dbol

    hey .. well my mate gave me some dbol tabs he didnt want any more there 10mg each theres about 30 left from wat i rememeber.. would it be any gud to me if i took a tab everyday on training days in da morning or right before a workout.. would i expect much even just to help in some strength...
  2. Arnie

    Roughly Wat i Been Eating How is it??

    Hey .. just wanted a few opinions on my diet.. im bulking well just trying to put hardcore muscle on and keep lean ... so here it is Breakfast: 5eggs scambled with bits of tomato in it, PRotein shake Fruit Lunch: steak,Fish or chicken breast with green vegies. Fruit Baked beans 2 cans with...
  3. Arnie

    Baked Beans??

    Hey All.. Just wanted to ask if baked beans are gud for ya and with bulking. i been having a can with few pieces of bread lately .. they have protein 99% fat free heaps of carbs , fibre, iron. etc just wanted to knwo if there ok while bulking.. Cheers.. Arnie :D
  4. Arnie

    Eating before Workout info..?

    Hey All. Just wanted to ask a simple question .. well the deal is ive started my afternoon shifts again at work so i'll be starting my workouts early this time at around 11am . so is it ok to eat breakfast then go straight to the gym.. my breakfast is pretty much 4 eggs maybe crieal, protein...
  5. Arnie


    Hey fellas Just wanted to know with creatine .. for maxxx results should it only be taking before and after training.. wat about weekends when your not training .. can you still take it then at all .. not sure how this stuff works fully.. and when would u see the effects of its stuff coming in...
  6. Arnie

    My Training Program.. How is it..??

    Hey fellas Just wanted to ask yas if my training was fine and up to date.. i been following this one for about 2 weeks its going well so far.. just wanted opinions from others.. Cheers well here it is :confused: :D Mon: Chest/Tris Tues:Back/Bris Wednesday:shoulders/Legs Thursday:repeat it...
  7. Arnie

    Sup Im new..

    Hey all..!! I've been looking through the forums . . . and this looks like a great site lots of info.. Well my Stats are Im 19, 5.11" 160lbs 9% BF i have not bad of a build but.. its never enuf..i wanna go alot bigger and leaner.. With definition. so pretty much put mass on and keep the...