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  1. mojo

    Sensitive Nips

    Dont think its gyno but does anyones nips just get more sensitive when on a cycle? I have been running 20 mg/d of nolvadex every day since the cycle started and bumped it to 40mg/d when on Anadrol. I dont have any swelling, itchyness, puffyness or real soreness and they actually seem to stay...
  2. mojo

    british dragon gear???

    Looking for some input on BD gear. I have heard good and bad things. What do ya all think?
  3. mojo

    Any comments on this cycle???

    Alright guys, looking for some input here on my current cycle. A little back ground first though. I have been taking AAS off and on for several years but am now preparing for my first show which isint till June. I am also tying the knot in June and want to be in my best shape by then. Stats...
  4. mojo

    Tren acetate/depot/150

    Which is better to use in a cutting cycle along with test prop 100 mg/eod and winny 50 mg eod? I was originally thinking tren acetate 75 mg eod but now am wondering if either the depot at 300 mg/wk or the tren 150 at 300 mg/wk would be a better choice. Thanks.
  5. mojo

    Female cutting cycle

    Since I cant get a response from the female discussion board I thought I would ask here. My fiance wants to do a cutting cycle prior to the wedding in June. She has taken a couple of light cycles of Primo and Winny in the past with pretty good results. I was thinking of Primo for 12 weeks at...
  6. mojo

    Cutting cycle for fiance.

    Looking for some advive for my fiance. We are getting married in four months and she wants to cut up a little prior to the wedding. She has done a couple of light cycles (primo, winny) but I am looking for some advice on what is best. I was thinking 10-12 weeks of primo at 50-100 mg, wk along...
  7. mojo

    What to stack with Trenbolone Acetate?

    My next cutting cycle is gonna start with Tren; 75 mg eod but i'm not sure what is best to take along with it, I was thinking either 200 mg/wk of Primobolan or 50 mg Winstrol eod. Any thoughts? what are the benifits of either the primo or the winstrol? Thanks.
  8. mojo

    VPX Clenbutrx

    Anyone know where you can still purchase the VPX Clenbutrx? International source maybe??? I finally ran out and it seems there is nothing on the market now that even comes close to it's effectiveness. Thanks
  9. mojo

    Detection Times

    I'm looking for some info on detection times. I have a drug test coming up for a new job and am screwed if they test for AS. Is this common with employeers? What about testing for Nolvadex, Clen, HCG or Clomid. Would that fall in the same testing catagory as AS? Does anyone know detection times...