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  1. Ricky_blobby

    Optimal peptide timing for maximizing hyperplastia

    Guys, I was just thinking; at what point could we take full advantage of the cell multiplying benefits of gh releasing peptides, in other words, would our muscles cells be more likely to split during a workout, post workout with a meal or during sleep? Since peptides pulse gh, there is a...
  2. Ricky_blobby

    Got bloods back

    Tuesday I went to the doc to see if I have recovered from my last cycle, and my doc FORGOT to test for testosterone OR estrogen. WTF! Anyway, after being off clomid 3 days, my FSH and LH were still very, very high. Sorry, that's beside the point. The reason I made this thread is to give my GH...
  3. Ricky_blobby

    Anyone see anything wrong with running low (trt dose) test and high deca?

    As some of you may know, I'm very prone to hair loss, which means I have to stay away from DHT based steroids as well as steroids that 5-alpha reduce to DHT. I would say fukk it and shave my dome, but I do NOT look right with a shaved head. As a matter of fact I'm flying to Turkey next Tuesday...
  4. Ricky_blobby

    What are the advantages of boom dosing ipam compared to 3x daily injects?

    Would the muscle building/ fat burning effects be roughly the same: 100mcg/100mcg of cjc/ghrp-2 Or Pre-bed 500mcg/200mcg ipam/cjc
  5. Ricky_blobby

    IGF-1 vs Peptides

    I've been reading some really interesting things about IGF-1. I guess my question is, in which ways are one better than the other? Comparing IGF-1 too say, GHRP + GHRH -Fat loss -Sleep quality -Maintaining youthfulness -Muscle growth (hypertrophy) -Muscle cell multiplication (hyperplasia)
  6. Ricky_blobby

    First pin, observations

    Okay. So yesterday, for the first time, I pinned 50mcg CJC-1295 no dac, 50mcg GHRP-2 and 500mcg Melanotan II. Pre-workout; around 6:45pm. I noticed several things 1. I had mild nausea during my workout. 2. I had pretty intense pumps, after the first set. I was impressed. 3. I fell asleep faster...
  7. Ricky_blobby

    Is it moe effective to pin pre or post workout?

    What's the general concensus. For muscle building. And also for fat burning. I have ghrp-2 and cjc-1295 no dac
  8. Ricky_blobby

    Trying to understand carb cycling

    Okay, after a lot of research, I have learned a good deal about carb cycling. I have a pretty good understanding of what I should be eating on high, low and zero carb days.....However...... There seems to be inconsistencies between articles as to how many high, low and zero carb days there...
  9. Ricky_blobby


  10. Ricky_blobby

    Blood work done 3 weeks into PCT, gulp

    Results: Testosterone 210 LH 31.9 range 1.2-7.8 FSH 16.8 range 1.3-11.4 All my other values were within range. Balls came back after 2 weeks PCT was (still is) clomid 100/50/50/50/25/25 Right now im at week 4.5 of PCT How bad are these numbers?
  11. Ricky_blobby

    Help me fine tune my diet

    Ok, just to expand on the paragraph about priming, in the AAS beginners guide... From what I've read, 6-8 weeks before cycle you start carb cycling as described... Where it gets confusing to me is where you begin to carb up the day you start your cycle.... Do you continue to eat like a horse...
  12. Ricky_blobby

    Tbol/ anavar stack

    Guys, I am going to be doing a lean bulk soon, low dose test and npp with an oral. My goal is to lose 2-3% bf, while putting on 10-15lb lbm. I really want to do an anavar run, but I just can't justify spending that kind of money when tbol is less than half the price. That said, I was...
  13. Ricky_blobby

    Holding on to muscle during a cut

    What would you guys recommend for holding on to muscle during a cut, without anabolics. I've read good things about ostarine; are there any other compounds that would prevent muscle wasting during a cut.
  14. Ricky_blobby

    How to incorporate clen in my cycle

    First post, a little background 34yo 6' 185 15% bf Since I am proneto hair loss, I'm forced to keep my test low. What I'm trying to do is lose 3-5% bf, in 8 weeks, as well as put on as much mass as possible. My plans are to go with: 300 test e 1-10 300 deca 1-10 .25 eod aromasin 1-10 60 tbol...