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  1. l3i0hazard

    Best injection frequency for EQ

    This is an 11 week cycle where I am running Test Prop @ 75mg EOD and 400mg/week of EQ once per week. I was wondering if it would be better to decrease the dosage to 200mg and shoot it every 3.5 days? Or does it really not matter that much because of the undecylenate ester being so active for...
  2. l3i0hazard

    Winstrol/Tren EOD vs ED...

    So I started my second cycle with Test, EQ, Winny, & Tren... It isn't until week 6 that I am going to start the Winny and Tren but I was wondering if my injection schedule was too infrequent and that I should switch from EOD to ED for both the Tren and the Winny. I won't be starting their use...
  3. l3i0hazard

    Yet another cycle to critique...

    Week 1-11: Testosterone Propionate @ 50mg EOD Week 1-11: Trenbolone Acetate @ 25mg EOD Week 7-11: Winstrol depot @ 50mg EOD Week 1-11: HCG @ 250 iu E4D Week 1-11: 0.25mg arimidex EOD Week 12-15: 0.25mg Arimidex + 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva ED Diet will be totally clean, no sugar, no alcohol...
  4. l3i0hazard

    Do Parabolan & Primobolan really exist?

    They did years ago but what about now? If you look around at all the sources that are out there most all of them have Primobolan available however does anyone really know if it really is the real thing? Parabolan doesn't seem to be as popular but as Primo in terms of availability but I'm...
  5. l3i0hazard

    Test & Primo cycle help

    This is my second cycle. Last cycle was Test prop only for 10.5 weeks at 50mg EOD. The next one I do I don't want to get so bloated so adding arimadex in ED Also is 12 weeks too long? maybe should just do it for 10 weeks? Oh and is 300mg for Primo a good dosage for my first time trying it...
  6. l3i0hazard

    Help with cutting cycle

    Hey so this is my first post...I've really benefitted a lot from the very informative posts that have been posted here - I wish I would have known about this place before I did my first cycle. Ok so, I'm 33 and have been lifting for about 1.5 years...I did a 10.5 week cycle of Test Prop a while...