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    Half-life of drugs

    An important consideration when planning a steroid cycle, in particular the timing of dosing to be administered, is the active half-life of the drug being employed. The half-life may be defined as the time (t) the level is half of the starting level of a given compound; at time 2t, the level is...
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    Law & Bodybuilding

    LAW AND BODYBUILDING: ASSAULT by Grendel Disclaimer: This article does not constitute valid legal advice, in all cases consult with an attorney in your state. This article draws upon the common law and the codified concepts contained in the Model Penal Code and the Restatements. Ok, why the...
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    Site Enhancement Part I

    Site Enhancement: The Final Word Part I of II by Jason Meuller and Trevor Smith Site enhancement oil is bodybuilding's dirty little secret. It's no longer unusual to see a pro bodybuilder admit to using steroids. Many national and professional level bodybuilders have come clean with their...
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    Site Enhancement Part II

    Site Enhancement: The Final Word Part II of II By Jason Meuller and Trevor Smith What follows is the second part of the interview I did with Trevor Smith from Nuclear Nutrition on site enhancement. To the best of my knowledge, this is the most comprehensive article ever done on this topic, and...
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    Free Supp samples from Stallone

    http://www.instonenutrition.com/index_small.htm Click the Instone challenge for your free samples.
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    My take on Ironman Pro

    Saw this posted by DC and I agree.. My take on Pro Ironman--I look at the pictures online and it always tells a much different story than what you see in person--I mean its a simple as standing in a relaxed front position and having a picture taken and then standing in a front relaxed position...
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    If you are REALLY bored...

    http://viral.lycos.co.uk/games/condomgame.html :smoker:
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    I need a new laptop!

    My laptop is about to die, and I am looking to find a new one. I saw some of the Sony Vaio's today and they look pretty nice. I really liked this smaller one called the Sony Vaio PCG-V505BX. Its compact and seemed to be pretty powerful for $1100. Anybody know if this sounds good, or have any...
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    Dr. John's PCT protocol

    My PCT Protocol (Posted with Dr. John's permission) Since I've been hanging out here a bit lately, I've been getting quite a few emails from guys wanting individualized advice on their cycles. In the first place, I cannot design cycles, nor do I prescribe steroids (just ancillary medications)...
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    Dr. John's PCT protocol

    My PCT Protocol (Posted with Dr. John's permission) Since I've been hanging out here a bit lately, I've been getting quite a few emails from guys wanting individualized advice on their cycles. In the first place, I cannot design cycles, nor do I prescribe steroids (just ancillary medications)...
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    Dr. John's PCT protocol

    My PCT Protocol (Posted with Dr. John's permission) Since I've been hanging out here a bit lately, I've been getting quite a few emails from guys wanting individualized advice on their cycles. In the first place, I cannot design cycles, nor do I prescribe steroids (just ancillary medications)...
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    Okay, its 2 am here and Im the only guy in this place. Geez, you'd think you all have jobs or something! :wackit: I guess I can go look at some dirty pics on the internet. :D
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    Arrest & search warrants part 2

    Arrests and Search Warrants II by Grendel DISCLAIMER This article does not constitute legal advice and it should not form the basis of any course of action. In all cases, consult with a duly accredited and licensed attorney in your state to determine the specifics of the law as applied...
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    Arrest & search warrants part 1

    Arrests and Search Warrants I by Grendel DISCLAIMER This article does not constitute legal advice and it should not form the basis of any course of action. In all cases, consult with a duly accredited and licensed attorney in your state to determine the specifics of the law as applied to...
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    If you need a place to learn about steroids and the law. Check out: http://www.steroidlaw.com.
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    "Badge of Dishonor" - Rick Collins

    "Badge of Dishonor" was in the March, 2003 issue of MD, which was on the stands in January. Here it is: Busted: Legal Q & A By Rick Collins, J.D. BADGE OF HONOR Q: Why do cops seem to have a hard-on for juicers? A: Don’t blame the police. They don’t get to pick which laws to enforce. Once...
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    "Badge of Dishonor" - Rick Collins

    "Badge of Dishonor" was in the March, 2003 issue of MD, which was on the stands in January. Here it is: Busted: Legal Q & A By Rick Collins, J.D. BADGE OF HONOR Q: Why do cops seem to have a hard-on for juicers? A: Don’t blame the police. They don’t get to pick which laws to enforce. Once...
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    Happy Birthday Chelle!!!

    Happy birthday to you :rockband: :party: :dance2: :dance2: :Happybirt :dance2: :dance2: :party: :rockband:
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    New Liquid Research info- post bust

    The below info was posted on Steroidology by Brooklynheight. It hasn't been verified but hopefully is true! ________________________________________________________________ The owner of LR posted this on several major boards last night QUOTE Originally posted by bayoumike I just think that...
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    Article: Roid Warrior- Bob Clapp

    Let your doctor read this article the next time he tells you steroids are bad for you! http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/issues/2002-08-15/nelson.html/1/index.html _________________________________________________________________ 'Roid Warrior Bob Clapp believes those who hate anabolic...