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  1. max lift

    failed bench

    ouch dont know if any have seen this one yet, http://www.big-boys.com/articles/600lbs.html
  2. max lift


    So when you are on let say a 10 week cycle did you see your weight go up gradualy through the entire 10 weeks or was their a point where you found you put more on, I ask because week 1-3 I put on a lot and things have slowd a bit in week # 4 I am not concerned and probibly have not been eating...
  3. max lift

    check out this lift ,

    In the gym the other day we where debating what the most weight on the bench has been, so I looked it up http://bodytechusa.com/videos.html Just click on Genes picture to se the lift ,
  4. max lift

    Max Lift , Test only

    The plan, 10 weeks of sus 250 , run at 500mg/wk shots on mondays and thursdays The objective, 30lb at the end of 10 weaks and to keep 20 after pct , The training , 4 days per/wk resting on sat sunday and Thursday The diet, 3000 cals from real food trying to keep it cleen but...
  5. max lift

    Hemp Hearts,

    I just thought I would put this up thay are the shelled hemp seads, http://www.greathealth.org/hemphearts.pdf I have been eating theise for around a month the nutritional value is awsome 15 grams of protien per 4 tbs , plus omega 3 and 6 , anyone else giving them a try??
  6. max lift

    one more new guy

    Hi all , It looks like you have a good group here, so here I am, Well a bit about me age 31 , 190lbs and around 15%bf I have been training for about 3 years and focusing on bodybuilding for almost 2 . I have a cycle sitting on my shelf which has been their for about 6 months ,and have...