Search results

  1. thebull2012

    looking for meal examples

    I'm pretty set/satisfied with 4 of my 6 meals. Two shakes , 1 meal of oats and egg whites. Finally chicken, whole wheat wrap with avacado. Any ideas for my other 2 meals. Looking for 2 with all 3 macros. I've tried tuna w/ egg and a few whole wheat crackers but it's very low call and I always...
  2. thebull2012

    tired of my bosses

    You guys ever get sick of the people you work for? I love most parts of my job, but I'm sick of the people I work for. The company i work for pulls alot of mickey mouse stunts. I'm off on sick leave, every Friday they call and message me all day like kids wanting me to make a special trip into...
  3. thebull2012

    distal bicep torn and surgery

    Few weeks ago I tore my bicep (lower by the elbow). An ortho doctor, supposedly the best in my area fixed the tear. My issues post op are numbess in my thumb and pointer finger and almost no range of motion in middle, ring and pinky fingers. It's like they are paralyzed. He stated at my follow...
  4. thebull2012

    blood work options

    I've used privatemdlabs before just for my test levels. But I'm wanting to get a full panel to check liver, thyroid, estrogen, test etc (what ever else you guys think I need). The problem is I've seen countless threads on lab work naming specific test to get. But unable to find one that...
  5. thebull2012

    calorie deficit

    If a person is creating enough calorie deficit in his/her diet to equal 3500 cals per week then why is there a need for cardio (for fat loss not health). Wouldn't that person go into a catabolic state because of too many calories being burned.?
  6. thebull2012

    long shot but here goes

    Who sang this song, its a rock song that came out in 2000-2001. The main part in it was the male singer saying " wha ah ah ah" then the music picks up really fast. I dont remember much about the band but I believe they were similar to korn.
  7. thebull2012

    second week on letro/prami

    Was going to give you guys a heads up. Its my second week on 2.5 letro and im very slowly increasing my prami dosage. Im currently .20 mg per day. Gyno has shrunk drastically. No bad sides from letro other than depression but nothing I cant handle. Lately ive been more emotional. Also with one...
  8. thebull2012

    is my heart monitor broke?

    I bought a fairly expensive heart rate monitor. The chest strap , watch and cell phone dongle. Today I walked 2 miles, long sleeves, sweat pants, 90 degrees out (hot) amd the terrain was hilly. It says in 35 mins I burned 500 cals. I would expect this to be accurate considering its monitoring my...
  9. thebull2012

    need some girlfriend advice guys/girls

    I met my current girlfriend over a year ago and from day one shes lied to me about various things. Not cheating but small things. Small things that are a big deal to me. I grew up in a broken home where my parents lied to me daily. Lying is a bigger deal to me than others probably. I would go...
  10. thebull2012

    prami with tren sides

    Whats guys opinion on the use of prami to combat tren sides (depression, sleeplessness, paranoia etc)
  11. thebull2012

    experienced slin users.

    I am 31 years old. Been lifting weights since 16. I've did several cycles in my early 20s. Fixing to begin another cycle with Test E, Tren, Peptides (cjc and Ip). Had been doing a lot of reading on the use of insulin. Seems to be a very good way to put on muscle/size. I am interested in using it...
  12. thebull2012


    It seems that the more I read, the more I confuse myself. Everything I read contradicts the other, every person I talk to has a different answer. So at this point I'm lost as ever. Cardio: If it takes 3500 cals burned to lose one pound of fat and I am creating a deficit of 300 cals per day via...
  13. thebull2012


    I'm new to prami and would be interested in researching it so I started reading. Everything I've found is regarding its usage with letro and/or while on cycle. I'm curious about its usage alone and off cycle for, what I've read, the reversal of small gyno symptoms.
  14. thebull2012

    Good tasting/quality Protein

    For years I've been using BSN Syntha-6, I would like to switch to something with a lower carb. Any ideas? I've tried some but didn't find the taste too good.
  15. thebull2012

    Upping macros question

    I changed my diet around a bit. Now I'm around 315g protein for the day and 204 carbs for the day. I would really like 350-360 protein for the day but increasing that will put my total cals above maintenance level, at this time I have them below maintenance level because I'm trying to lose fat...
  16. thebull2012

    GHRP6 and Pramipexole

    After researching ghrp6, I have read on various occasions where the material states that it will increase prolactin. I was wanting some opinions from you guys about using Pramipexole while cycling ghrp6 (and cjc1295) to combat the elevated prolactin levels.