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  1. SandMan-WES

    I Should Know Better????

    Ya i ordered some stuff from europe on 1 occasion and it came through, and the pink pentagons were legit d-bol so i ordered direct from thailand well i checked my ems track and well it says sent to customs so i guess i got fucked on that deal??? My dealer responded he would send another do to it...
  2. SandMan-WES

    Best Test?????

    What is the best test??? Andropen looks good, suspension gives best gains and cyp is old relible????
  3. SandMan-WES

    Delt injection help?????

    Well im thinkin of delt sight injection, due 2 takin 4 shots in a week 2 test 2 eq and wanted to know the prep for delt. i know the glute u need to be relaxed and quick slap pullback and plunge, but what bout the arm.??? my right arm was severly crushed but im back and it looks fine but not as...
  4. SandMan-WES

    Adding test Cyp to cycle.

    Well now my cycle is boosted up again. EQ 200mg - 400 mg 2weeks, 600 mg 4 wks, 400 mg 2 weeks. A-bombs 75 mg - 150 mgs daily. Test cyp 250 - 500 mg weekly 8 weeks. Hope to get 20 lbs, can any one map me out a meal plan, on whey, tuna and what about drinking a glass of protein at night like 4...
  5. SandMan-WES

    Anadrol 75 mg and EQ.

    Well im 20 yrs old 5'9" and 170 . I am coming back from a arm broke in 5 places i have did sustanon 250 and pink thai d-bol 8 weeks on my last cycle. I gained 25 pounds and almost back at my old bench max of 280., but this cycle of a-bombs and eq should be better the only thing is this is week...