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    I Did My First Shot

    This is my first cycle, I took out the deca, so I have more time to research HCG. weeks 1-4 dbol 30mg ed weeks 1-12 test 500 mg/wk. PCt. novaldex 40mg first 2 weeks, then 20mg 2 weeks. WIll do 2 weeks after first last test shot. I did my first poke today in the glutes, i aspirated and all. A...
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    Just got hCG bros I just got my hands on some pregnyl hcg, 5000 iu per amp. Can someone explain to me how I mix it, and then where I store it. I will be using it through insulin syringes. Please tell me how to measeure it also, thanks Mark
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    Armex pharma.

    anyone heard of Amrex pharamacueticals? I just got 2 bottles of their propinate. Mark
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    injecting in the upper arms

    I read the injection section at the top of anasci. It said if u injected deca in the upper arms 2 times a week it would make a big difference. I am about to do a test and deca cycle. Should I switch up my shots, like one in the glute for test, and one in the upper arms for deca? I would be...
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    Orders With

    =u Wont Get Your Order If i were anyone looking in this section dont order from. You wont receive your order and u will get a lot of run arounds. Dont be convinced by how many mods pm u and how much they email u about customer service. They cant deliver products and thats the bottom line. THEY...
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    test or sus for a 1st cycle?

    what is best for a first cycle, since I want to take everyones advice and just do a test one. That seems to be the best recommendation. I know a good test 12 week cycle, but what would be a first time sustanon cycle and is it better than a test e cycle? Mark
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    this cycle mar15

    I am starting this cycle next week and wanted to hear all the reviews on it. weeks 1-12 test e 500mg/wk weeks 1-12 deca 400mg/week weeks 6-12 winny 50mg/ed pct: novaldex 2 days after last winny shot. what u guys think?
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    how do i know I am using enough clen?

    I am on clen right now and up to 100 mcg a day, and I dont when i should stop going up. Cause my hands are shaking and stuff but then it goes away. How are u sure when u stop at a certain dosage and then tapper down? I am on day 6 out of 14, so far i did 20,40,60,80,80, 100. Thanks any help...
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    which source have u used?

    out of all the sources plz list who u used and your experience, and the quality of the poduct. Thanks
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    anyone heard about syd labs from australia?

    has anyone heard about this, cause I was thinking of buying their line of products. If u have heard of it plz tell me the quality.
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    quality vet

    is this stuff good, and what is top quality gear? plz tell me cause i dont want to be taking not good quality stuff.
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    here it is

    I decided to go with everyone and do the test prop, tren, and winne cycle. It more cost effective and a lot of people reccommend it. How are the ip brands of the test and tren? Also what and how many syringes, pins, and what sizes would i need for this cycle. I want to do thigh shots, since I...
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    Is this a good cutter?

    wks 1-12 500mg/wk test enan or cyp wks 1-11 400 or 500mg/wk eq wks 8-14 50mg ed winny and then novaldex a day after the last winny tab, and 40mg ed for 2 weeks and then 20mg ed for 2 weeks. Do i need clomid? Plz help
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    cycle help

    is this good for a first cycle, test ent 500mg/wk weeks 1-12 dbol 30mg/ed weeks 1-5 winne 50mg/ed weeks 7-12 and then when do i take clomid and novaldex, and is this good for someone with a high bf% plz help
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    Cycle help

    Alright guys I need your help, I only have one cycle under my belt, but I wonder what i should do. I want to gain size and strength, but i have a high bf like 25%. Should I bulk first or cut first, and with what juice. PLz tell THanks
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    Need a Source

    I need a source that can get me winny, test enthate, and eq, and prolly some clomid, novaldex,. Please help me out I am in the US and a domestic source would be nice, but I am open to all options