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  1. basskiller

    Rotating Routines

    The most common way to structure a routine is to select a fixed number of exercises, decide how many sets and reps are to be done, and use this routine week to week, always doing the same lifts until it is decided a change is needed and then either exercises are removed and new ones inserted...
  2. basskiller

    A long-term training plan

    This article will outline what I believe is an optimal plan for most trainees to take when starting their training career. It's no secret that most trainees start out doing too much, too frequently and end up stuck for the vast majority of the time they spend training. As most people know, there...
  3. basskiller

    Timed Carb Dieting

    Most of the people that come to me seeking personal training advice have their number one priority listed as dropping bodyfat. And when I say most, I am talking about 75-80%. The sad part is a big percentage of those people were NOT fat when they started bodybuilding. Yes, they got that way...
  4. basskiller


    I'm now going to talk about how to do a proper warm-up. While it is very difficult to prescribe a one-size-fits-all warm-up solution for all trainees under all circumstances I'll do my best to lay out some generalized guidelines for most trainees under most conditions. Most people take warm-ups...
  5. basskiller

    One of the BIGGEST lifting mistakes

    Want to know one of the top mistakes people make when lifting, and a prime factor of why people get “stuck” and don’t grow? It’s simply because they are “stuck” on doing the same things week in week out. Johnny average pours through the lifting magazines and online forums looking for the...
  6. basskiller

    The Most Important Factor for Growing

    The most important factor for growing is changing your routine up when, or before the body adapts. No, that’s not it, because if the volume and frequency isn’t right, it won’t work in the first place. OK, the most important factor for growth is having a routine with a volume and frequency level...
  7. basskiller

    A simple experiment regarding training volume

    I absolutely know from experience that many of the guys reading this are flat out stuck. Progress is marginal at best and oftentimes totally lacking. A step forward is often followed by two steps backwards, and frustration mounts. Many times diet is the issue. If you don't fuel the growth...
  8. basskiller

    My Four Westside Barbell Variations

    Here are my basic templates of modified Westside Barbell Routines. These are only the basic structure and they are each modified to meet the individual trainees goals, weaknesses, and recovery. This is accomplished by the specific lifts done and the volume and intensity levels of the lifts. What...
  9. basskiller

    The most important factor for growing

    The most important factor for growing is changing your routine up when, or before the body adapts. No, that’s not it, because if the volume and frequency isn’t right, it won’t work in the first place. OK, the most important factor for growth is having a routine with a volume and frequency level...
  10. basskiller


    Here is something I have found to be a common thread among hardgainers, many are horribly out of shape. They simply have no general fitness base to speak of. They then hit the gym in an attempt to turn their frail bodies into a mound of muscle, and fall flat on their faces. Many tolerate high...
  11. basskiller

    Levels of Intensity

    As most board members know I advocate low volume high intensity style training as being the best method to go about gaining strength and size, at least for the "foundation years" when a trainee is building a strength base. I get a lot of questions about just how hard one should train and what...
  12. basskiller

    Iron Addict’s Challenge to YOU!

    Are you one of those guys thinking about doing steroids or PH’s for the first time? Many of you reading this who are. How do I know? I read posts on a lot of different lifting forums on a day in, day out basis, and get emails and PM’s from people all over the world and many are wondering if they...
  13. basskiller

    Should you be beat up after training?

    Often a new training client will tell me something to the effect that “it felt like I could have done more”, or “I usually feel beat to hell after lifting, and I don’t now, should I be doing more?” In most cases, the simple answer is no, your gym sessions should not leave you feeling like a...
  14. basskiller

    Would you rather be huge or happy?

    I see a lot of people on a daily basis that spend a large percentage of their days TOTALLY involved and obsessed with Bodybuilding and Powerlifting. And while there is nothing wrong with this if it is your livelihood or you plan to make it your livelihood, many, if not most of these guys and...
  15. basskiller

    Band Work

    I am often hesitant to write about band work because I know the bands will be overused and thus abused. Do they work? Absolutely! Are they potentially hard on the joints and connective tissue? Absolutely! But…..they are fun and easy to use, and change the resistance curves dramatically and can...
  16. basskiller

    Why Get Sick?

    I have received quite a few requests on posting the methods I use to keep myself from getting sick, and at this point my method is totally automatic—I just DON’T get sick. But it wasn’t always that way. Here is a bit of my story. I USED to get sick—a lot. Come winter cold and flu season and I...
  17. basskiller

    Why DC’s (DoggCrapp) Training System Works So Well

    It is pretty much impossible to go to a bodybuilding forum these days and not see a lot of mention about DC’s training system. Does it work? Hell yes! If it didn’t it would have faded into oblivion long ago. Here are some of the reasons it works so well IMO. 1. It’s obviously very low volume...
  18. basskiller

    Routines I Like

    I structure routines for trainees a variety of ways, dependent on the trainee's goals, recovery ability, and to a lesser degree psychological makeup and lifestyle/work schedule. I am frequently asked what kind of routines I do, and what types of routines I put my trainees on, and as you will see...
  19. basskiller

    Making Westside Work for YOU

    I always have a few guys I train that are more into strength than bodybuilding. I train some powerlifters and a few guys doing strongmen events, and some guys that just want to get a s strong as possible. When that is the goal, they are USUALLY put on a modified Westside Barbell program. In case...
  20. basskiller

    Realistic expectations about muscle growth

    This topic is important enough to cover in depth because there is so much absolute confusion, myths, and outright lies made about how much muscle bodybuilders gain or are supposed to gain during a given period. A big part of the problem stems from the mainstream BB mags both focusing on the...