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  1. TexasCreed

    Happy B-day to wolfy

    Have a good day bro. Get pumped and then go get some ass.
  2. TexasCreed

    What's your favorite Beer/liquor??

    I am going to have to say i have a tie for my favorite beer. There is a beer in texas called Lone star beer, and it is oh so good. Also this dark lager called Shiner bock. Good shit. Favorite liquor- Jack Daniels Black. And here' s to the....to the... TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Beer:
  3. TexasCreed

    Tracking your diet

    This website you can type in what you eat for breakfast,lunch and dinner and exactly what you eat and it tracks calories and all that good stuff. http://hin.nhlbi.nih.gov/menuplanner/menu.cgi
  4. TexasCreed

    Aspiration(checking for blood)

    I couldnt find that old thread, but how far are you suppose to pull back up on the syringe to check for blood or air bubbles???
  5. TexasCreed

    winny suggestions

    for whoever is used to using winny. how much do u take a week? usually i would go at it 3 times a week, and inject into each bicep on monday, each shoulder on wednesday and each tri on friday. how many cc's a week total can i go for? as in a max # of cc's and a minimum of cc's.
  6. TexasCreed

    Anybody use sex toys on wife or girlfriend?

    Dude, i do admit i have a bad ass wife who pretty much lets me do what i want when it comes to sex. and we decided to let her try a vibrator. and man did she go off on that shit. so if any of yall have ever considered using one on your chick, i'd recommnd it, they get off to it like no other...
  7. TexasCreed

    My old side project

    This is my old girl i worked with at the bar. she had recently gotten implants and knows im taken but damn, now she is hard to pass up. I'm such a bad man.
  8. TexasCreed

    Why not to get Drunk!!

    Enjoy boys!!!!
  9. TexasCreed

    Bush Vs Kerry

  10. TexasCreed

    Question about injecting

    I know we went over this a while back, but who injects where? Myself, i like to inject into the muscles that i may be concentrating on more. I like to do bi's, tri's and shoulders. I never had tried going into the gluts. i swear that i notice more of an increase in the muscle i injected to...
  11. TexasCreed

    New Champion

    Just wanted to let yall know that perserverance pays off. In bodybuilding but video games as well. I am the new miniclip snake champion. Sorry Dugie, but your reign of terror is over. Now, its my terror time. :whipping:
  12. TexasCreed

    What are you benching and squatting?

    I was trying to get a figure of what everyone benches and squats. I have not been doing squats for the longest time, but started again about a 2 weeks ago. and i only started with 200. and now im up to 305.
  13. TexasCreed

    Whey protein

    I noticed that i am picking up more mass using whey protein, but a little is also going to my gut, any way to prevent this??
  14. TexasCreed

    Halloween festivities

    Anybody doing anything this saturday for halloween? And i better get a big hell yeah. Were going to the bar i work at for this huge halloween dress up party. i have no idea what to go as, but yall know this is our time to shine and show off the guns. i guarantee i will upload pics of the...
  15. TexasCreed

    Where does everyone live?

    North Texas. Get ER' Done
  16. TexasCreed

    What makes a girl a slut?

    I was wondering this because my side girl and i were discuss about how many we slept with. like it matters to me, because she is just on the side. but she is 24 and said she slept with 15-25, im thinking nearer to 25. too me that is alot for a girl, i mean my wife and i hooked up sophomore...
  17. TexasCreed

    How Many Women have u slept with?

    Be honest.
  18. TexasCreed

    A Poll about Cheating

    Answer truthfully.
  19. TexasCreed

    poll experiment

    Trying this out
  20. TexasCreed

    Last night's incident

    I use to work at this biker bar in arlington texas. well every tuesday they have a bikini contest and these girls are friggin hot, let me tell ya. well the last 2 times i went, my side project(mistress) came along and fucked it up for me. this time i told her it was a no go and that the...